Seeker of Thrones 5-39
“Ipreski was Prince Kassardis’ last and oldest wife, though barely by a few years. Despite her relative youth, however, her hair had already become white as snow. Some gossiped about how it was a curse from a vengeful sorcerer, for the offenses of the princess Ipreski’s family were broad, and no less horrible for their breadth.
Ipreski kept her white hair long, and bound up in coils that wrapped around her waist five times. She was exceedingly lazy, and would rather order one of her numerous and weary servants to fetch something than walk a mere five paces. She was pampered and fond of food and wine, and complained loudly if there was no place for her to lounge about.
This laziness of hers was a clever mask, for Ipreski kept all her energy coiled up inside of her like a spring. She was a master swordswoman, in the old tradition of her family, and her muscles were like steel cables. Such was her skill that she could kill a man and sheathe her sword before the first drop of his blood hit the ground. She had no need to pursue her opponents, for they could not touch her, and was instead content to wait until they came to their slaughter. This was the source and secret of her arrogance. She loudly mocked Kassardis’ other wives, especially the large and slow Littari, for she believed there was no chance they could beat her in open combat – and it was true.
It was only fitting, therefore, that the languid Ipreski was the last to set out in pursuit of the young prince in her palanquin, with her full retinue trailing after her.”
– Tales of the Silver Prince
EVIL? I wonder what these demons do with their days.
They spend their days being smooth criminals.
It’s just a popular brand on Throne. Like how wearing OBEY doesn’t make you fascist.
Ah yes, the discerning devil’s designer brand: EVIL.
I hear they’ve got quite a racket going, what with the devils’ fluent form requiring repeated purchases…
They sell lemonade.
Their brand is
I can always appreciate people who clearly label things
There is a danger in letting labels define you.
Ah, but the rush one feels when you define labels! It almost makes it worth the risk!
White Chain about to Shun Goku Satsu a bitch.
I don’t recall our angel losing their head. Have any of you seen it?
… Do you suppose those sweaters are available for purchase somewhere?
waitingly on the EVIL pants close on 6 kalpas !! The prayers’ answer bewanders closer
This is just like one of my Japanese animes…
I need those pants.
They are wonderfully tacky.
…and I only now noticed how sinister his feet are, too. They look… disconcertingly dexterous.
for real, these guys are dripped out of their minds
oh my GOD the Evil Eye gang
Something tells me these individuals are of the evil alignment.
But I can’t quite put my finger on it.
Clearly you have gained some deeply mystical insight into their soul auras.
Honestly? I’ll be mildly disappointed with this comic if these guys don’t turn out to be a bunch of big softies.
Those Lads, they look Mad.
EVIL huh? Well, at least their honest about being evil, and I can at least respect that.
The more we see him the more I love this rapscallion 😀
I get it, they’re evil. What ever happened to subtle storytelling? 😉
And this is the part, my lovelies, where deciding to take down the expensive stuff earlier pays off.
If you have waited until now to do so, you will only draw the attention of the gathered krewe, or coven, or whatever your local criminal assemblies call themselves, and the quick-small among them will have marked you as a target of value in the smash-up that will follow. Maybe swiftly, maybe in a night’s time, but they will be back, and even if your locks confound them they will make an utter mess of your stall trying to defeat them.
Better to be but a humble merchant, one glad the ensuing melee does not fall around him. It gives you a good spectator’s-eye view of the show that is to come. Watch the quick-small carefully during it; the slow-large will make for a more entertaining spectacle, as they fight to the death, but when wounded or temporarily outmatched the quick-small tend to fall back to a nearby obscure corner to consider their options.
And the customer unsure of what is desired is ~most~ receptive to a reasonable offer.
Judging by Oscar’s gangster bling that says EVIL, I’m going to say that Oscar is, at best, a chaotic neutral who thinks highly of themself.
i think the evil gang of demons might be my new favorite characters
Our favorite characters*
Down with the hipocrisy, y’all! Praise EVIL.
I imagine oscar with a nice rough and tumble British accent
“Booy, I do love me some EVIL. Are you guys feeling up to some EVIL today? Because I sure as heck am.
I’m just so freakin’ EVIL, man.”
It may not surprise you to learn that angels and devils get on rather poorly.
“Stay on the other side o’ the road
‘Cause you can never tell.
We’ve a thirst like a gang of devils,
We’re the boys from County Hell.”
I’m loving the vibe Oscar’s gang is putting out, their robes are on the nose in the best, most demony way.
Look like our sweet angel know this guy.
Well hello there Oscar! don’t you have such a commanding name to go along with that presence.
Would Dhuutholmel be better?
The horned hoodies are disturbingly adorable. And the gang markings have all the subtlety we’ve come to associate with our dear Oscar…