Seeker of Thrones 10-139
Chapter: 10
“The devils utter the Night Curse with nary a breath of trepidation. They are wary and suspicious creatures, and superstition suits them. Each of them has separately come to the conclusion that when looked at the right way, any living being can easily be thought of as meat.”
– Gen, Ghost Market Trader
Let’s go back to the part where Oscar gets knocked out by a ninety-pound girl, ’cause I don’t think that’s ever gonna get old.
Dynamic entrance!
I remember mustache Ed
played with Actions and Consequence
Keep your prize or smash it dead
A big dumb idiot.
Not the glasses! Darn it watch where you point that thing….
Oh, Nyave. I hope you survive that.
Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!
Nice moves indeed. But I hope White Chain or someone steps in, or she’s toast.
At least the cat is safe.
Nice, Oscar… Now you want blow away Cio’s head. Love between demons is more dangerous.
That cat is definitely having the time of its life up there.
i love her
“When you have to shoot, shoot; don’t talk.”
There are two kinds of people: those who shoot you in the head, and those who kick you in the back. is the link. its exactly what you think it is.
Looks like she took some lessons from White Chain but left out calling her attacks :P.
The alt text:
I sure hope Cio’s mask being damaged isn’t too much of a problem.
I’m more worried about her glasses.
Her meganeko affect is part of how she keeps Yab inside and Cio outside.
Anyone here ever read The Strange Talent of Luther Strode? Ultra-violence with meat-vision?
Yes, Strode is the best, I love the ridiculous combat scenes like gunslinger guy and Strodes gf going “NOOOO FUUUUUCCCCKKKIIINNNGGG WWAAAAAYYYY” before she gets saved.
“You just saved me.”
“Luther rubs off on you.”
“Sometimes literally.”
What, I’m caught up now? Noooooo. Great art, btw.
Cio has evolved into: Monacle Cio!
ah yes, tha mythical drop kick there aint ah more surefire way to dispatch a devil then to give him one of those. Well, that and ah follow up dose of puresilver buckshot blessed by tha order of the rifled barrel. stomping on it cant hurt much neither.
Ah yes. tha mythical dropkick. Aint no more surefire way ta get rid of a devil then that. Well, that and ah follow up dose of puresilver buckshot blessed by the order of the rifled barrel. stompin on em aint hurt none either.