Seeker of Thrones 10-134
“Know this, thou sinners all: we are the eternal servants of God called YISUN, who were forged by him, and from his fiery breath were we given life. Our flesh is smokeless fire, and our eyes are set upon the rim of a wheel which encircles the world. Swords will turn against our skin. We need not steeds, for we do not tire. We need not chariots, for our limbs can smash a cart into splinters with the greatest of ease. We have one ship, which we call Wind of Besh. It was made for us by God, called YISUN, and it has ten thousand portholes through which we may rain death upon you. Our bows are strung with dragon sinew, and our arrows can not miss their targets.
If thou harbour’st the slightest stain of evil within thy heart, we will know; thy breast shall be torn open, thy skull shall be ripped from thy spine, and we will feed thy fetid corpse to the crocodile god. This is my decree.”
– 25 Vengeful Iron Suffers No Heretics or Fools to Live
“I’m on a boat …”
the greedful demon falls.
Nyave is like “dammit Allison, I just finished patching up all those holes from the LAST time you went toe-to-toe with a god!”
When gods are dead, it may be foolish to wait for a deus ex machina. Yet probably an angelus ex nave will do.
Ugh, you can never find a place to park around here…
Big Damn Heroes
Theory: Because Allison failed to retrieve Zaid from the vault, she failed in terms of her contract with Himself and the Heretic’s Court will be going after Cio in the next few arcs. Himself probably knew that Zaid was never in the vault, He doesn’t seem like the type to gamble without a stacked deck.
Nasty paper cut you got there, my boy.
25 Vengeful Iron Suffers No Heretics or Fools to Live sounds pretty judgemental.
With that attitude your Thousand Enemies will be entirely your own fault.
“25 Vengeful Iron was such a pleasant fellow before he became a Thorn Knight. Then he got mean.” – 5 Docile Tide
Cio: This would have been so much easier if I was still channeling Yabalchoath…. I’d be larger and she’d be in smaller pieces.
What ‘wisdom’ is useful when death turns on you and the chase begins? Only the first lesson, yes? The one carved into your bones and deepest sinews, the instinct that says “run”? Wrong.
If you think that that is the first lesson, you were caught long ago.
AH! I’m all caught up again!
This is why the getaway driver is such a huge role in heist movies…
Holy shit
25 Vengeful Iron needs to chill the fuck out.
That said, it will be really interesting to see how the demons and the angel get along. And let me add that update 130-133 was… glorious. Awe-inspiring. Superb. Stupendous. Magnificent.
I paint as a hobby, and those 4 pages are larger than anything I’ve ever put on a canvas, and the detail is orders of magnitude ahead of what I can do. So, thank you for creating this comic with its awesome world-building, great art, captivating characters, and thrilling story.
The dividing line between good and evil runs through the center of every human heart.
This is either the great problem or, if you will, the great advantage of 25 Vengeful Iron’s decree.
I KNEW it!
The calvary I presume. n_n
aw is cio BLUSHING
Cio now remebers why leg day was so important.
No one ever expected the ‘Fly the ship in backwards’ manoeuvre!
here come the lesbians
Any predictions on the outcome of this battle? Blue City is looking pretty screwed