Chapter: 9
“The old bugger always tried to dissuade his own worship. Hated the whole idea of divinity, matter of fact. But it didn’t matter. The common people worshiped him. The city guard worshiped him, and so did the priest class. Bleeding hells, the demiurges, princes of the world, held him as their king. I’m sure a few o’ them had a little beardy shrine set up somewhere.
I mean, just look at what the bastard could do.”
– Mars Pallatrix, Belligerent knight
I’m sure it’ll buff right out.
It’s just a flesh wound.
’tis but a scratch
Hrmm… Reckon so 😉
“Not killed; banished.”
surprise last minute contender. “Um.” say the Gog-Agogs “Gee, this is a awful funny name…Ell…You, Ung? What kind of name is…”
“hi!” says adorable little lung, floating down from the skies above. “lung is here to fix everything! lung is nice. Everyone should be nice!”
The eternal reign of lungocracy commences. for Throne. It’s all right. lung is nice.
There is wisdom in these words.
Thunder, thunder, thunder, thunder
I was caught
In the middle of a railroad track
I looked round
And I knew there was no turning back
My mind raced
And I thought what could I do
And I knew
There was no help, no help from you
Sound of the drums
Beating in my heart
The thunder of guns
Tore me apart
You’ve been
… oh, wait.
__ White Chain.
Henceforth she shall be called 27 Ash Tray.
Surely you mean 83 Ash Tray
Number of reincarnations only goes up.
An ode for poor White Chain
Stuck ‘tween experience and skill
Their masters are weary
Their student wants to kill
Oh poor White Chain!
A statue pushed to far
In the void we’ll be waiting
For one who fought a star.
The first order of business is making sure White Chain *survived*. I have read speculation previously that with sufficient force one could snuff out an angel’s flame, and on the last page voiced my hope that Allicio contained herself enough to not prove the speculations I read.
At this point, however, I think we can unanimously agree that the stone body White Chain left behind is no longer habitable for an angel’s flame, regardless of what happened to White Chain herself.
Thirty Cubit Spear is a hell of a drug.
Snuff out, past the point of merely forcing said angel to reincarnate?
Not even Zoss did that; it’s been shown that the Angels he killed reincarnated, e.g. 2 Michael.
After he shattered thums bodies the Conquering King chased them prime angels’ fiery souls to the Void…
No, only humans are truly mortal. Servants and angels can die and reincarnate in a different body, and devils’ black flame returns to the void and under some circumstances a specific devil can even be resummoned, to some extent. No beings except humans have permadeath.
That’s gotta be at least, like, 40 cubits
Imperial or Metric?
African Swallow.
Cubits are logarithmic, right? Cause, uh, that seems like it’s gonna be traveling out past the atmosphere of Rayuba.
*slaps roof of Allicio*
This bad girl can fit so many cubits
I’m not sure if that is how it was supposed to sounds but it turned out perverted in many ways, sir.
“Two-fisted Monkey Style!”
That’s such a guy thing to say
Brother 9711614 Closes Mule’s Gate, this one’s curiosity is piqued as to how and why you have achieved such a dauntingly high number? This one is in awe at your tenacity.
Mules… kick. A lot.
And possibly I am a bit slow to learn.
This one tips ones proverbial hat to thus for the inextirpable tenacity and unshakable mulishness inherent in thus being. Cheers. Bravicimo. Never change, beloved brother.
It is a long way to go however you measure it.
The cubit is an ancient unit of length that had several definitions according to each of the various different cultures that used the unit. These definitions typically ranged between 444 and 529.2 mm (17.48 and 20.83 in), with an ancient Roman cubit being as long as 120 cm (47 in)
So doing a little back of the brickwork calculations 30 cubits would range anywhere from 13.32 to 36 meters in length. Mind that is the length of the spear itself, the range of flight is all dependent upon the wielder.
Solomon was about to shed a single bead of sweat but quickly commanded his pore to cease that nonsense at once
His expression is… inscrutable. If one didn’t know better they might think him worried.
He and Gog Agog may be realizing that Zaid is not, in fact, the Heir.
Four Gogs, no waiting!
… Quadagog.
Unmanned Quadragogter
I thought he looked like he was going to nut out of anticipation and excitement.
This one believes that is an inaccurate observation. This one has been privileged to be privy to many such epic battles in many such world’s, and thus look on thus Solomon David is not one of fear, but of great anticipation. This one believes wholeheartedly that thus god-king has secretly sought true challenge in undertone to his conquest of peace. This one recalls thus origin of thus, whence forth he had such diamond hard resolve as to master his rage and revenge for such a long time as to lull his peaceful masters into such complacency as to teach a being of wrath. This one sees that he is greatly anticipating the battle to come against Al-Yis-Un; The Devil Skinned Warrior. God-King Solomon David has just had his expectations met to a degree.
“Note to Paternum- don’t get hit by that thing.”
If you want to see his actual expression instead of his expressionless mask, look at his halo. Right now it’s flickering a lot more than usual…
With all the Allicio-static in the background and foreground, it seems like his halo is flickering from the electrical storm.
A lesser key as his cannot ignore its better.
Worms and Giants, gaze in awe!
Now they must pray that this display of power will be enough to dissuade solomon. For all the strength the pair has gained in such a short time, it is as of yet unlikely that Solomon will give up. He is, afterall, the demiurge of pride. It will take more than killing an angel to shatter his resolve.
They just need to draw a drop of blood, but the on the other hand, expecting people to stick to the rules in this context is naive.
I suspect if one can draw a drop of blood from Solomon, one can kill Solomon. At the level of the Demiurges, if something hits flesh it did so because it could not be stopped or they didn’t bother to stop it. If Solomon didn’t bother to stop it it wouldn’t draw blood anyway, and if Solomon couldn’t stop it then it’ll do far more than simply draw blood.
Is that the legendary Yeet Lock technique, one of the most basic forms of Ka Rata that clench every clenchable strand of muscle in your body in order to withstand divine face smacks, maintaining full smug to the bitter end?
That guy in panel 3 with that big smile on his face while everyone else is freaking out. Priceless.
“Oh yeeaah, it’s starting to kick in.”
“Hell yeah, now this is what I came to see!”
Heh, maybe he made a good bet.
Varying degrees of want
I hope there’s something left of White Chain
White Chain’s soul is fine, they’ll just voop back to the big angel meat locker where everyone else is asleep for another round of philosophical bickering over the nature and purpose of angels.
No rest for the wicked, huh?
I suspect White Chain has done something very un-angelic. The empty shell focuses AliCio’s attention. The smoke conceals anything else.
Conclusion: Surprise backstab in 3…2…1…
Angels can’t exist in the material world without being anchored to the suit of armor. Not dissimilar from the devil masks. So, unless WC has somehow found a way to manifest and not explode without being rooted to the suit, I seriously doubt that is the case here.
I remember another very human angel, clad in red. Had their armor destroyed and yet they seemed fine to persist and pursue.
Juggernaut Star didn´t have her (hehehe) vessel destroyed. It was shown that the vesssel for her (:D) wasn´t the anthropomorphic armor, but the wheel of the motorcycle the armor rode on.
Very clever girl (I am so ded)
Ah, but Juggernaut did not have his wheel with him when his body was destroyed. He seemed to have persisted without his armor and then simply attached to a new one, later.
The “real body” line probably referred to his real body being incorporeal.
Think you can make that a twofer on the other angel?
no ;_;
No reaction shown from White Chain’s brother… (Vengeful Iron?)
You give divinity a bad name…
This seems…unwise.
Ah yes, getting what you wanted. There is nothing quite like it.
Soon to be followed by the eternal pit of guilt lament. A classic.
I swear to Aesma that if I have to wait seven thousand years for my beautiful trans icon to reincarnate, I’m going to flip the fucking Wheel like it’s a table.
Amen! I believe we’ll get an arc with Allison searching for a way to wake her up in the Angel realm and bring her back
That’ll be an interesting conversation…
She will have to practice on all the prime angles first naturally.
Is White Chain trans? I thought Tom said they were canonically agender/genderqueer.
The definition of transgender is when someones gender identity or expression differs from the sex assigned at birth. So agender and genderqueer people are, by definition, also trans.
… If Tom said that, however, I would love to read that. You wouldn’t happen to have a link?
You could have an argument saying that cis/trans does imply the sort of binary that agender tries to break out of. But I still agree with you: In opposition to the assumed norm of cis, agender is more like trans than it isn’t.
One need not be X to be an “X icon”. Icon-ness is in the eye of the beholder.
White Chain is fine, the only thing that’s been hurt is her armor and her pride. Recall that Mighty Zoss shattered the Prime Angel’s armor in throne then pursued them to the Void to slay them.
Not to get into a discussion on what transgender is or who qualifies for it, but I was under the impression White Chain and every other angel were genderless creations of fire wearing a husk of stone.
That’s the in-universe intention, but the angels have taken on (and expect everyone in their order to identify and accept) he/him/his pronouns and denigrate the feminine. White Chain is something of a rebel as she uses she/her/hers pronouns. I forget the episode name, but having a member of a group that’s supposed to be agender who identifies as female and gets pushback from her group for it reminds me of a Star Trek:TNG episode.
When did they denigrate the feminine?
Also,White Chain doesn´t use she pronouns, and in fact gets royally pissed off when others use them on her (Like just now)
Friend Andrea 52, this one is filled with a flavor of flame that could be called warm joy in the stream of this one’s soulfire that could be called ones heart at the love and admiration thus has for this one’s brother 82 White Chain Born in Emptiness Returns to Subdue Evil. Fear not, this one believes this ones brother is far to important to the purposes of Al-Yis-Un Alicio The Devil Skinned Warrior to be gone for good. This one believes he is far too tenacious for thus, and will likely shatter what is believed to be possible and either seize a replacement body of some form, or to simply force a new reincarnation by his sheer force of will.
Where’s the kaboom? There’s supposed to be an Arena shattering kaboom!
A 30 Cubit spear is not an Illudium Q-36 explosive space modulator.
Yet Angels are supposed to explode when their shell is destroyed:
“I wasted 5 hours of hard fighting and a hundred and fifty of my best men bringing it down. Then it exploded.” – General Yross of the Yellow Moon Brood, on fighting angels (Wielder of Names 6-107)
Good point, Preem Aresius. The lack of explosion suggests that this is all a show put on by our band of intrepid thieves and explorers for the benefit of Salami Dave. The proud are well known for being gullible on account of refusing to believe they can be fooled. The smoothness of this narrative stinks of setup. Also we didn’t actually see White Chain ‘die’. She vanished, leaving *a* standard issue shell of stone.
Shedding that old shell for good would be glorious. Is there legend of angels walking this world in the flame unclad by stone? If so, White Chains use of Krayu Mat seems the first step towards that.
The stone cracks, the flame shoots out.
The dust has yet to settle.
Brother White Chain was already half out of their vessel. That containment was already breached, and in a slower, more controlled, and voluntary manner – for Krayu Mat – than would be required for an explosion, such usually coming from a much more sudden release of energy from containment, with a commensurate sudden increase in volume.
White Chain could well have fully vacated their shell before the spear hit – but would then have had nothing to tie and facilitate their existence on this plane. One expects they *should* be back in the Void now, whether the spear hit their essence or no. Though one does not know if there may be a short ‘grace period’ before returning or if it is instantaneous, one cannot remember that bit of one’s own deaths.
Oh no, one is out of lemon. This really is shaping up to not be a good day at all.
I think the dust is from White Chain doing that good good explosion. We just get the horrifying aftermath.
There can be, but there need not be. Recall that White Chain did not explode the last time she was banished, and when 6 Juggernaut exploded it was only a portion of his armor that was destroyed, not his entire suit.
She also doesn’t explode when she takes off her helmet or the upper part of the head, so they can handle some integrity loss. The core is probably critical to structural integrity since it’s harder to stay inside the suit if the central mass has nothing to hold onto.
Also, if I recall, Juggernaught Star’s proxy suit got split in half by Maya which probably resulted in a more instantaneous (and violent) explosion.
The sound effect is written as DOOOOOOOOOM. I don’t know what else you could ask for.
They are a vapor angel if I recall correctly. Thus no explosion but a loot of fog.
Whelp, guess it’s time to make White Chain a new body then, because that and the many cracks in it aren’t going to buff out this time. Luckily they have an ancient angel who can possibly help with that and talk some sense into White Chain as well.
Also Solomon’s probably got the more rational part of his brain presently telling him Alison is the true heir, while his pride still thinks she’s not. As for Gog-Agog, I think they’re realising finally just how powerful Allison actually is, though part of them is totes fangirling it up right now.
It’s possible he is considering a bigger prize, an adversary for Jaggernoth. If she can wield the spear that kills demiurges, it may not matter if she is the ‘true heir’. Certainly zaid does not have that fire. He may even offer to train her…
Also one Hope’s AliCio can rebuild/repair/ create a new form for White Chain more in keeping with her inner nature…
Gangsta shit.
Tubsy should’ve been the true heir.
Warriors do not fight to win,
We fight to die.
It is the secret,
Kept from the hearts of children, fools, and lovers;
The games of war, are of assisted suicide.
No one likes a quitter, yet we honor those who walk each other home.
Keep the civilians out of it, they are not ready.
Yet, there are no men, women, or children on the battlefield;
Only warriors.
No one is more disappointed in their fate than the aged warrior who dies in their bed, weak and febrile, their breath wheezing in their lungs, while they fill the room with the stink of decay, loss, and fear.
Death is the Enemy, Life is the Prize.
But what warrior does not love their enemy, for without them they would be men of peace.
Farewell for now. Stone Faced Hypocrite.
This one is rather deeply fond of thus musicians from that world. If thus has not graced ones aural organs with the melody, “suggestions” as performed by those of the system of the down, then this one cannot recommend it highly enough! This one admits it is not relevant to events we behold, but as thus say on the world of the system of the down, “it has the sickest guitar solo and drop that you will ever have the pleasure to put in your ear holes.” Or…at least this one believes that is the phrase. Dusty chroniclers and lecturers such as this one tend to fail at such phrases.
Good job you team killing fucktard
Username checks out.
Also, the team-killing fucktardedness started in Yre and just never stopped.
You know, technically, they just killed a cop.
I mean, uh. A peacekeeper.
Technically I think (hope!) she’s been voided rather than killed. (Angels can suffer both.)
However, I don’t think the citizens will make that distinction. Imagine: the rising Queen goes from liberating hero to murdering monster in one misstep. Imagine also: the peoples of the worlds blame Cio for this (rule one of KSBD civics: always blame the devil) and Alison has to choose between popular support and protecting her lover.
This one believes these one’s brother 82 White Chain Born in Emptiness Returns to Subdue Evil has just had, as the races say, “her ass handed to her.” Thus being said, this one believes that we have likely only witnessed the destruction of these ones brother’s ash armor. This one can only hope, as this one greatly admires the tenacity of these ones brother.
The citizens will hardly make any distinction between this one angel and the other hundreds of combatants.
White Chain was a competitor in the tournament, just like Allison. There can’t be any legal penalty for one destroying the other.