King of Swords 9-111
Chapter: 9
“Listen, O son/daughter of mine. Strike without understanding, and the blow will bite your hand. Strike with anger, and the blow will mangle your arm. But strike with fear, and you might as well hack off your own head.”
– Song of Maybe
The o ______ Mine.
Lol destiny is a huge inspiration I see
On the next page, we will find out that the angelic stranger is 10 Vigilant Gaze Purges the Horizon. He has thus far been the most sympathetic angel to White Chain, and one of the just generally chillest. He’s also old enough to potentially have issues with his corporeal form like this stranger has displayed, and long-winded enough that he wouldn’t get out a basic sentence that could prevent all this horseplay.
Their speech bubble back then was orange though, this angels speech bubble color is more like Juggernaught Star’s, or the other angel that was there in the gathering along with 10 Vigilant Gaze. Plus, White Chain said that they don’t recognize the voice and they’d likely have recognized the voice if it was 10 vigilant gaze.
Besides, they don’t appear to be all that sympathetic to White Chain, so far.
Oh, interesting, I didn’t check the colours. It certainly doesn’t seem like a thorn angel; I’d be surprised if it was one of the others at that meeting. 10 Vigilant Gaze seemed the most open to listening and reflecting on what Chain said, even if he was still ultimately a patronising bigot. Hopefully we see soon.
Though I recall no names, eyes recall this new armor in question coming alight but saying nothing upon hearing the name White Chain described as an auspicious one. Ears recall no voice save for the orange one spoken only now. He seems to carry some deep wisdom, else at the very least, White Chain did not listen closely enough to take his true meaning.
I’m wondering if the mystery angel is he who gave Jagganoth the iron feathers (and is now bitterly regretting that gift).
I’m fairly sure the angel that gave Jagganoth the feathers was Metatron himself or (less likely) Michal on Metatron’s behalf.
I don’t think it was ever said who gave the feathers, but it’s not likely to have been an ordinary rank and file angel (ie, the second generation angels).
It’s very strongly implied to have been 1 Metatron. 2 Michael thinks Metatron has come back to the fold, but with the context of Jagganoth it’s clear Metatron is just playing his brother.
What could be better than the two strong, proud, thoughtful women? ONE MONSTER DELICIOUS BABE!
This comic is pure gold.
Baubles shining, from the tree
Like Albert taught the dour Queen
Consort race at the Derby
hah, slapping some truth in its face
To strike down an agent of absolute tyranny such as an angel is what devils such as we were crafted to do.
Yes! Use your words, friends!
Not that I want to undermine my own excellent comment on the last page, but this is an important aspect of democracy that White Chain’s rhetoric made me forget: Talking with each other as an alternative to killing or beating each other into submission because you disagree about how stuff should work.
As a daughter of infinite mother Yis I cannot tell tha how much I loves the fact that White Chain – an Angel, a Peacekeeper, a Knight of the Concordant Harmonies – struck not only first, but twice!
But I hold a (necessarily secret (don’t tha tell anyone!)) admiration for my beautiful sister who not only upholds the human’s honour (no coincidence it is a Yabalchoath-arm’d fist), but that a devil and human combination then shows up that crack’d angel, with restraint, and dialogue.
As for democracy we doesn’t hold with it usselves – but it has produced so much death and chaos that we cannot but applaud the humans.
You must be reading some funny papers if you got the impression democracy causes death and chaos. You only have to look at the murders per 100,000 people per century to see the opposite.
Tha’s elected leaders continually have, ergo tha democracy has. Not funny for thee, but devils do laugh uncontrolsomely on it.
It be disingenuous and laudably sneakisome to misuse statistics, and given that tha population growth has been both exponential and that most comes from but 3 of tha countries, ‘murders’ ‘per 100,000’ is mightisome misleading.
Aye, and tha needs to think about war and orchestrated famine, amongst others, not just ‘murder’ (most of which were unrecorded in previous centuries around tha world anyways); wars, be they ‘legal’, ‘illegal’ or just blubberheadedly ill-considered and too easysome to enact without fear of consequence on the elected warmonger.
Or that tha democratic countries has supported and enabled multitudinous dictators and thums atrocities for decades and longer also. It is all most impressive; very smart thum, very smart.
Straightsome, should us even mention tha systematic annihilation of every other species on tha planet, and thums ecosystems?, never mind tha’s own.
We watches every day, in awe. And us encourage all, and we gets stronger and reclaims us own being from us name as we feeds on tha.
Hijinks aside, no one claims Democracy has lead to no deaths. Or even few deaths. Only far less deaths than it’s alternatives.
The ghosts of Hiroshima and Nagasaki might like a word with you. Also the ghosts of all of those murdered in bondage who were voted by democracy to ‘not be people.’
There’s no successful nation of any sort that hasn’t been built on the blood and bones of others, and that’s as true of democracies as it is socialist states and recently passed communist empires.
As for the rest, Mark Twain said it best: “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.”
The statistics that say people have killed each other less and less for the last 1000 years include all the deaths in WW2. It’s best to learn your history if you’re going to lecture about it.
A simple reading reveals what was actually claimed.
That democracy causes the opposite of death and chaos.
I disagree. I have read your post and found fault. Not every other species. Cows. Cows are not being systematically annihilated. Well, they are, but they’re being replaced even faster. There are more cows on our planet now than ever. Because they’re tasty.
An excellent development. 🙂
I absolutely love the pairs of eyes looking differently during the conversation – seeing Cio’s spite and anger, and Alison’s reluctance and sadness. It’s a great detail I’ve never seen before in this sort of thing, and it’s remarkable.
None here address that severity of White Chain’s armor breaking. As her eyes there reflect, that is an event of incredible dismay and gravity to A Brother. Imagine your own skin being peeled off with a giant fruit peeler – that is how it’s been for us, if the skin was that of a cantaloupe. It is, too, like your outer self being torn away, your solidity in this world being disintegrated, your podium of balance removed.
I do not imagine this was Allison’s intention, she is not yet aware of her power (though Ciocie surely is), but that is a very grave aftermath in our eyes.
In no coincidence is White Chain’s right hand in the image of a face
Not seeing a face in her right hand. Anyhow, they can take some integrity loss before going kablooey, otherwise White Chain wouldn’t be able to take off their helmet
I don’t see that White Chain’s armor has been broken – maybe chipped a little.
Her right forearm – the one that took the force of the blow – has definitely been cracked, and you can see her favoring it in the next-to-last panel.
Who is in the right? Time will tell
Definitely seems like White Chain is in the left where I see it.
I don’t know, despite all the hype and uproarious applause…Allicio feels *incredibly* sinister.
But that’s probably just my angel bias showing.
You ARE AFRAID basalt britches!
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
Will you permit it to pass over and through you?
When it has gone past, will you turn the inner eye to see its path?
Where the fear has gone, there will be nothing.
White Chain: ‘I have not even BEGUN to fight!’
(Seriously, if Angels were that easy to defeat, how did they ever get the reputation of being nigh-on unbeateable?)
Fear and desire are dangerous things.
Destiny? O ___ mine is a destiny thing. That’s pretty cool to see here.
I admire what you have done here. I like the part where you say you are doing this to give back but I would assume by all the comments that this is working for you as well.
This article is an appealing wealth of informative data that is interesting and well-written. I commend your hard work on this and thank you for this information. You’ve got what it takes to get attention.