King of Swords 8-85
Chapter: 8
“What if my enemy should harm me?” asked Metia of Ogam.
“Harm him first,” said Ogam, “Or else, have a very thick skull.”
– Psalms
“What if my enemy should harm me?” asked Metia of Ogam.
“Harm him first,” said Ogam, “Or else, have a very thick skull.”
– Psalms
Oh god is she gonna teleport Cio right into the arena?
Possibly, but I believe she’s just noticing that Dave has noticed how SHE IS THE ONE KEY WIELDER OH MY GOD ALLIE I TOLD YOU I CALLED IT LIKE THREE PAGES AGO AAAARG
Also, wouldn’t it be F U N if Cio just turned up in the contest under an alias?
If you speak in the vernacular of the Fortress of Dwarves, then yes. Yes it would be.
Losing is !!FUN!!
As a certain Russian-accented Veetan may have once said, “Whoopsie-piddles…”
The Paternus looks on with his patented blend of “stern fatherly disapproval”
The man’s had decades and hundreds of offspring to perfect that very look.
And absolutely no need or inclination to pursue other looks.
His is truly a disappointing line.
This is false and blatant slander. The Celestial Emperor has spent centuries maximizing the smugness in his smug smile.
Nah. He was always a natural at “Smug Super Snake Stepford Smile” and “Six Billion Yard Stare.”
I agree with the Prost-Phet. Solomon David has had to spend centuries honing his look of disapproval – not that he’s lacked occasion to practice, mind – but his look of Absolute Smugness comes as naturally as breathing.
In the words of my old master, the wise gold devil Ozgun
“Aw fuck… that can’t be good”
She’s in the contest now, that may entitle her to certain immunities, at least until she’s defeated in the ring. It wouldn’t look good for him to interfere with a contestant, even or especially if she carried the key of kings…
It profits him so much more to let her wear herself out fighting through the ranks, and then kill her in the exhibition match.
Unless Gog-Agog has planned a series of matches to teach her the lessons she needs to defeat him, but what are the odds of that?
Considering gog’s penchant for batshit insanity.
I’d say quite high.
Also, we’re talking about the guy who’s the embodiment of Pride. I’m prepared to bet that he doesn’t feel threatened at all by her being there.
What’s up with the dude with the B head
Check out the heavy armored ring on his neck. He has no fear of being Beheaded.
It’s clearly Bernard B. Bigfists, barechested battling bruiser who belligerently boasts of his bravery in blocking blistering beams barehanded.
Bravo, BRA-VO, ye beautiful bastard. Besting the bulk of us busters, barely or bigly, at always alluring alliteration, as I adore to affirm, is an amusing and absolutely amazing achievement! Beats blaring about, too.
Sometimes, you gotta B yourself.
I’m betting on floating forehead laser guy! He’s hard to reach…
This asskicking was brought to you by the letter B.
And White Chain clearly did not even break a sweat. That is, if angels can sweat. If they did, it would probably taste like victory.
As with weeping: never ever make an angel sweating unless you have a fire extinguisher.
A rare bit of self reflection. She recognizes her own rationalization and the truth behind it.
Pain has always been a good motivator of personal growth. It has a way of pushing through the lies we tell ourselves and requiring us to face reality.
Would a reality without pain be noticed?
Gasping with the back on deck
Blue shirt stands in front to check
Two of me are strong as heck
White Chain meanwhile casually moping the floor with her opponent, one hand behind her back. Class.
There must always be room for luck, but one should never rely on it. On other topics, I think its time you fix your problem with Cio, Aly Shun
What, like tap out in round two to run home and make up with her blue otaku waifu?
On the one hand, she already did all that paperwork and traveled across the disc, so it’d be a shame to waste it. On the other hand, that attitude is part of the reason my marriage is such a garbage fire.
Rather stop being sulky about Cio not wanting to go with her to see how she gets the hell beat out of her. Im pretty sure that shiny key in her head can do some telepathy
Festering Jester
Quartet of Questers,
Grab thine favored Snacks
Sit down ! Let’s See who gets the Axe !
Within the Ring – “DING !”
Hear the Sound of the bell.
Vatra Versus Suped Up Valley Girl.
Eris’s Face Scrunches,
but he Pulls NO punches.
Thinking “That GIRL ! – What a LOON !
I’ll Just Drain her Atum,
like Outta a Balloon !”
Allison took it on the chin,
yet pulled out a win.
Though lacking in sense,
She’s Not TOTALLY Dense !
Hey Kohai !
You owe the Sensei
some recompense.
ayyyy Sun Wukong
Alright, everyone can wrap it up now. Sunny is gonna take it home. Or one of his weird friends.
Apologies are necessary.
To your master White Chain, for being an unserious student.
To your lover Cio, for being self-centered.
To your self, for the pain of this growth-cycle.
To your fellow contestants, for the violence you are about to commit.
Senpai has noticed me
That dawning moment of realization when you notice your helmet fell off and Solomon noticed your key of kings.
It’s what I live for.
Are ring outs not an instant loss? might be reading too much into this but the way the ref is standing over the old guy it seemed like there was a moment or two of contemplation before calling the match !
Need to make sure it wasn’t an illusion and the wizard was still secretly in the ring about to strike.
Humility meets Pride.
nay it be a toughie all right butt prolly be requirement for it of some kind
geezerswordsterfoolster is alive, so he not kill
methinks FUN > ref on this really
cos Gog Agog’s the best
also there’s daddy with magical I AM daddy and built the place powers, he probably has veto the ref powers
“The goal of self defense is to destroy your enemy’s ability to hurt you.
As a beginner, that will usually mean destroying your enemy.”
Yeah, she’s right. That *was* reeeeally weirdly even-matched.
Suspiciously so…
Now the real question: how much of a break before round two of the tourney? In the real world, it takes boxers weeks to recover from a serious bout…Even if they won.
If she has to go into her next match with spaghetti-arms she’s in trouble.
Allison has shown amazing recovery skills. I’m guessing she will be at least 80% once she removes the needles
The needles are out, I thought? She pulled at least one or two before she lost her other arm.
And I was thinking spaghetti arms and read your comment as ‘once she removes the noodles.’
This is not how Italian cooking is _done._
I’m personally rooting for Wukong and the B-Headed Monk
Solomon David doesn’t seem at all surprised to see the bearer of the Key in his tournament. Either that, or he just never wants to show surprise.
Dude had a heck of a poker face, even back when he one-punched his master.
So the journey to the west is part of the KSBD canon now?
Makes sense that there would be a couple of immortal monkey kings to enter this competition
Every universe of the wheel is a story, one of the Multiplicity was fond of that one.
What a precious piece of history! These last few pages were a sharp turn of events which will have to be included in my biography of Alice! Oh I can see this chapter already, it will be magnificent!
Available at stores next cycle for only 15 imp-lox or any form of devil made alcohol!
I will save my imp-lox for Cio’s version, but I’ll see if I can scrounge up some Ichor Pale Ale.