King of Swords 5-47
Chapter: 5
The Concordance of the Demiurges was the greatest speaking house of any age, with many chambers, a small city on to itself, located in the very innermost circle of Throne, Sacred Spoke. Today it is a blasted, cursed ruin, untouched even by treasure hunters for its reputation. The corpses of the two demiurges who began the Universal War are, according to legend, still here, impaling each other on their weapons.
God king David bowie isn’t as good looking in person
Its a matter of perspective really…
It’s because he’s still alive in our dreams.
Maybe this is another huge leap forward in time? Can’t really tell…
He’s also the only one who washes his feet, apparently, goddamn.
In purple sludge, apparently!
I believe he has a predilection for bathing in the circulatory fluid of lesser beings.
Fucking Gog-Agog just gets more terrifying by the page. Massive boneyards and lakes of blood? Nah. But a weird court-fool theme? That’s a bad sign.
Indeed. Fortunately given Gog-Agog’s ever-changing nature, this fearsome clown theme is unlikely to last long. The sooner it goes put of style the better.
Yeah, but they have CALLIOPE music!
What was it last time? Tiny four-eyed Sumo wrestlers?
honk HONK
There was a man called Hisoka, who made realise how scary and twisted can a clown be.
But still – it could be worse. It always can and it always eventually is.
Holy shit. Number 1 is still alive after going toe to toe with Mottom.
I know, evidently Mammon saved her butt from Nadia’s wrath or 1’s a lot more powerful than we all thought O_O
To be fair, you probably don’t get a title like Number 1 to a God of the Seven-Part World without seriously having to earn it.
She also appears to have a dollar sign on one sleeve
Guess someone came over and offered currency *from a world not conquered in all this time*. After the sudden devaluation o the Guilder, people craved stability, and got suckered into this. On the plus side, the Dollar might actually be backed by gold, now.
She does seem worse for the wear, though.
She may just be miffed that Mottom is alive and well and not scattered in chunks about the Vault.
Either that or someone else inherited job after the dust settled.
And her replacement just happened to be another Ebon Devil, Heavy Metal, Bondage Nun?
The dragon must have a type.
That or Heavy Metal Bondage Nun is the aesthetic of the office. Or both!
Aww fuck me, not fucking clowns!
Shit I’m gonna have nightmares for WEEKS
Not Clowns.
Clown *costumes*, filled with maggots and red ichor.
Sweet dreams.
Not actual clowns, then? *sigh of relief*.
Look who brought her Insane Clown Posse.
the agog never
could percolate
how magnets
would operate
Huh, Incubus’ flame is white, not pink-tinged.
Yeah, that has some seriously Nasty ramifications for every one present.
Note that his and Maya’s seal is a symbol of division
Incubus’ Seal is the crocus mars, the sign of fools gold.
Solomon David’s seal is the power symbol. Often mistaken for a symbol of Division, it actually represents Duality (On/off, good/evil, true/false), the result of division.
Maya’s symbol is a broken circle, the true sign of division.
No, I must both disagree and point out your fallacy: Solomon David’s throne may be placed before the pillar with the Symbol of Division, but that is not His Symbol. Properly, the Symbol of Division is inscribed on the pillar upon which rests the Throne of the King of Kings.
These last few pages have been pure gold. He’s done such a good job with Incubus, I think I can smell his rank odor…
That’s just the blood tang, like any Vampire.
Glad to see 0001 is still kicking.
Glad am I that Mammon’s Number One lives to fight another day !
From Dragon’s Redoubt, the Dragon’s Devout
Battled Mottom’s hordes of Consumption.
Mammon’s Paragon thought lost to Incineration
Combating the bearer of Glory, who strikes like an asp.
Freed from the Blood Flower’s grasp
by A Collapsing Tower’s River of Gold.
A wave of guilders cast her far, knocked out cold.
Awakened she cried out: “IA ! The Peaceful Land is Lost !
Never shall we count the Cost !
Though now we bear the Shame,
We’ll forget Not that Imperiatrix Om is to Blame.”
Chainsaw spears don’t seem like they would be very effective weapons compared to blender spears or drill spears.
While it is true that the mighty Drill Spear is widely considered the Pinnacle of spearkind, what Mammon’s followers wield appear to be more akin to chainsaw glaives. There a weapon designed more to slash with than Pierce. In this the chainsaw is most effective.
As anyone can tell you who ever tried to murder as many people as possible in short time, a chainsaw is both a very fearsome and totally ineffective weapon. It is designed to cut through immobile, hard objects, by applying a steady excavation push. When attacking moving targets, the mechanism is prone to jamming, not to mention the unwieldiness any lack of precision.
After the chainsaw-wielder missed me with his wobbly mutilation weapon, i elegantly stabbed him into the elbow with my halberd and he fell into his own rotating blade.
Give me a sharp, bladed polearm, and some room to outmaneuver the banking clerk maniacs, and I volunteer to fight five of them.
The humble lumbersoul’s chainsaw bears the same relation to the military pole-saw that a roofer’s shingle hatchet bears to the knightly pole-axe. Yes, each has a blade of linked cutting teeth, but on the proper military pole-saw these teeth are much finer and of a dimension to rapidly carve away at soft material. The saw handles very differently than the glaive or halberd; Where those weapons benefit greatly from inertia and are as often used to stab as not, the pole-saw serves best when firmly pressed against the enemy and kept in contact to do it’s grisly work. Some have observed that there is little different in the end result, but all agree that the work of the flaying chain is a grisly spectacle to behold.
If you want to slash things then a rotating saw blade would be far superior.
Solid sawblades have a tendency to bounce off of things they hit. Toothed chains bite in and dig deeper.
Spoken like someone who has never had a chain saw “kick back” at them.
There’s a reason most of them have a brake that pops on, if it happens to lunge at it’s user’s face.
i.e.toothed chains do bounce. They just bounce harder.
Getting stuck is a bad thing. Both sawblades and chainsaws have the problem that if the blades experience resistance or get stuck then the torque gets applied to the handle.
They’re also a bit difficult to stand in awkward silence with.
One practiced in the Ancient Martial Art of the Kalpavriksha Lumberjacks learns to overcome the limitations of their tools as they learn to overcome the limitations of the body.
lmao we found twinkle’s family
Jadis’ priests look like that Lancer pilot.
The Servant race of Eidolons, I think they are called.
I like how Mottoms Cleric-Tributes are just kinda scared and may not even be armed.
I think Incubus in the physical world is my favorite version of him. Really shows off his title- ‘god of the pit’.
In dreams, he is perfection.
In presence… well.
“rejoice in imperfect things, for their rareness is not lacking!”
I must say they chose a lovely spot for their meetings.
Emperor Palpatine’s looking good these days.
Brilliant at every single panel! Gog-Agog’s court is friggin’ ridiculous. And I really _love_ that touch with Incubus’s footprints.
Shall we wait for our Lord and Destroyer this session, or Prim Jagganoth doesn’t give a hang?
Incubus, wipe your damn feet.
Alas, the doormats were the first to succumb when the Demiurge war was joined. One could argue their callous destruction was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
Aw come on dude! Not the marble floor!
Ah, violence. The supreme authority.
How did that hobo sneak past the guards…
Oh wait nevermind, its incubus.
Yes. THIS hobo is supposed to be there.
Ah, so Gog-Agog is a god of fools.
But at least she keeps interesting company.
Ah, the Reverend Mother lives. Fortuitous. The world is still quite metal.
You said butchers twice
*Duane Adelier voice* YOUR GODS ARE BREAD!!!
SHHH! You don’t want to call Derrick the Bread Defiler do you?!
I’m sorry, but I can’t come to the phone right now. Please leave your information about bread (holy or otherwise) in need of defiling and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.