“I once heard a fellow refer to the Trigram Mantra as little better than an ideal set of rules for drinking hard liquor. In many circumstances I’m actually inclined to agree with him.” -Musko Reeve
Archive for 10-king-of-swords
“Make of your fate an arrow, and shoot with your heart.” – Poetic saying, attr. Hamud V (2nd conquest)
“The moment the first prince of the world tore apart an angel, we must have known we were proper fucked.” – Mars Pallatrix, Belligerent Knight
Your hand, wrought in killing fire, its fell weight must be felt by the arm, the strong shoulder, then in turn the heart, turned inwards quickly in reflection. Think on its awful weight, oh beautiful soldier, and tremble rightly. – […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
“Chief among the concerns of any code of punishment is that it is important for the executed to have dignity. A man’s death must be treated with reverence and not treated at some soiled thing. It therefore transforms from a […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
“Enyis reached the city of Golden Flowing Water, which was at the time the most brutal domain in the world. For spitting in public there, one could lose a finger. It was a thirsty, conquering city that took many slaves, […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
You are already a dead man. From the moment you started to exist, death has bored into your ribcage and settled in your chest. It has its fingers into your very bones. When you are born, death is very small […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
“Total victory is not found in the final sword blow. To perfect victory you cannot continue to spill the blood of a fallen foe, which only shows your insecurities to your many enemies. Instead, you must nurse your foe back […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…