Wielder of Names 6-107
Chapter: 6
“I wasted five hours of hard fighting and a hundred and fifty of my best men bringing it down. Then it exploded.”
– General Yross of the Yellow Moon Brood, on fighting angels
“I wasted five hours of hard fighting and a hundred and fifty of my best men bringing it down. Then it exploded.”
– General Yross of the Yellow Moon Brood, on fighting angels
Ingsvld, I really can’t believe you were surprised by how that turned out, buddy. You really gotta stop losing your head over these things.
Time to book a new body?
Alas poor INGSVLD. I knew him, Redeye.
Literally, figuratively and both at the same time!
YISUN DAMNIT, INGSVALD! Your head is a FIRST EDITION! The master-archivists will NOT be pleased if you get it damaged, and they won’t take “but I was accidentally near an angry angel” as an excuse! Now pull yourself together and take PROPER CARE of LIBRARY PROPERTY! Yes, your loan period is . . . extended, but it still belongs to us!
Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead!
Don’t be so sure. There are four principal actors, all “female”, unaccounted for.
No time for singing yet! She must be suitably positioned -before- the house comes down.
A year’s service in bodyguard work to the first one who retrieves INGSVLD’s head — I’ve scraps to book!
Who you gonna call? Palacebusters!
It looks like 82 White Chain took out both of the people flanking INGSVLD, but I’m not seeing him in today’s offering.
I spotted his detached head after posting this. Poor INGSVLD.
Look left and up from 82 White Chain’s right hand, in the first frame.
Also contemplate the cloaked figure just to the left of center bottom.
His body is on the lower left and his head is on the upper right. Otherwise he seems fine, tho’
His head-book is fluttering in White Chain’s wake,
I don’t think we’ll see INGSVD or harp-head again. Harp-head had his skull crushed by 6 Juggernaut Star and was tossed around by his head like a ragdoll by 6 Juggernaut Star while 6 Juggernaut Star was charging through the brigade of 108 idiots. It all comes down to AL-YIS-UN. Can she stop two pissed off Angels?
His face is without its body, just behind 82 White Chain.
The inevitable.
I call dibs on INGSVLD’s head! Many a wedding photos will find a place to call home today.
I need to find some way to profit over all this fighting over the Geas Knight’s head-…
How much would you be willing to bid for it?
Now taking bets on:
-The identity of the old man
-Our good friend White Chain’s state after this sudden… release
-The present thoughts of dear AL-YIS-UN
AL-YIS-UN does not bow to anyone.
Definitely not I. Beyond that, I got nothin’.
Irate at self. Also, unsettled at how pleasurable that was.
The fourth name of the Grand Enemy called I, which is rendered in the Ahtmili daemonscript as the remarkably difficult to pronounce “FUCK”
Rather difficult to say anything succinctly in Ahtmili.
“Fuck you in particular, and fuck everyone and everything else in the way!” This is a fun fighting style. Though perhaps a Thornier one than White Chain is comfortable with?
And speaking of discomfort, this doesn’t imply good things about wherever Juggernaut ended his own “fuck everything in the way” charge.
Who you gonna call? Angelbusters!
Whoops, looks like a certain Geas Knight lost his head there.
While Mottom has evidently decided to bring the whole damn house down over Alison’s liberation of her from the undead husband tree.
And thus, all thrones topple.
Poor Ingsvld.
Heyyy, what’s going down?
Waaaait, it’s not tilting from the force of White Chain pounding that corpse, but due to Mottom losing focus, right?
…..Wait you mean it’s not because whoever’s piloting smacked into one of the moons?
So, the Demiurge Mottom has passed; and with that, her flying palace is going to meet the world at terminal velocity.
All this sad, but not unexpected.
But what happens to her Key? Does one of the Fools steal it from the passed queen’s forehead? Does a dedicated scavenger find it in the ruins sometime later? Do the angels take it to create a new ally for their cause, or…
Is this why Mathangi is absent from fighting? Can Mathangi indeed not just kill the goddess, but topple her throne, destroy the key?
And the
shoepalace starts to drop….I assume bug-face was the one with the Ultimate Spear. Pity that INGSVLD was still in the way…. But poor White Chain doesn’t even get a victory dance.
“Those who are first, are still last until someone follows them.”
Ah, sister-sister has found her most primal emotion. I wondered as to where that went.
Apparently it had been stowed inside a fine teacup.
You are referring to sorrow I presume?
Before you disagree, cast your mind upon the tears that fell from the face of YISUN undivided as endless circular existence was contemplated and rejected.
Sorrow and Rage are closely linked. Both involve a desire for different outcome, and one easily becomes the other.
It is a glorious day for 82.
The boss of the area has been defeated; the timed escape sequence follows. Such is the way of the world.
“We know how to take ’em out General!”
“Get on the wire to every squadron in the world. Tell them how to take those sons of b****es down.”
I’m sorry, the last panel reminded of that scene.
Now we find out whether the Rising King can pick up what the Blood Flower has put down.
Broadly – and especially with the stench of blood in the nostrils – my preference is for natural meat. The rawer the better. But it has long been a dream to cook with the tears of angels.
Oh dear, it looks like our good friend INGSVLD lost his head again…
How does it feel to be the second person to post that pun?
Yeah, he really needs to pull himself together.
how does it feel to know that you are the second person to… post that… oh.
I call dibs on INGSVLD’s head. Many a wedding photo shall find a place to call home today!
If you’ll investigate the most recent logs previous to this one, you’ll see that I myself have already asked INGSVLD for scrapbook permission; to usurp me would be uncouth, and would violate the charter of the Scrapbooker’s Guild, besides.
Ho brother! In truth my claim was merely a ruse. I care not for the fools head! My intention was merely to provoke a deviant such as yourself – for you see – I am a great student of the art of dismemberment and I wish to hone my skill.