Wielder of Names 3-51
Chapter: 3
“Never trust a man who claims to know the path ahead. You will find his boots conspicuously clean of mud.”
– Pilgrim’s Guide to Throne
“Never trust a man who claims to know the path ahead. You will find his boots conspicuously clean of mud.”
– Pilgrim’s Guide to Throne
It is the fate of many to be devoured or destroyed by the excesses of Our Lady of Endless Hunger. But perhaps, in Allison, she shall find one meal she cannot finish.
I wonder if she could hang a chain around her forehead to make the key look like part of a forehead necklace. or just cover it wholesale with a forehead necklace.
The plan is clear, and it is a terrible one.
Which is, of course, why it will work.
terrible and terrific have the same origin they have merely been misunderstood by the unenlightened to mean different things.
The primordial prickle on the back of my neck. The death of reasoning and rational thought. The sweaty palms and a quivering gut. The fading scream that might have come from my own lips. The blood to my brain. The strength to my muscles. The edge to my senses. The power to persist, a defiant candle a midst the whirlwind of the wheel uncaring.
Tribute does tend to proceed more swiftly when the tributees are under the impression their sacrifice is an honor.
Let none accuse Mother Om of inefficiency in fulfilling her hungers.
How do the masters in heaven call this again? ah yes! “the old switcheroo”
Ah, truly, the most sublime of Arts: Shenanigans.
To see the stupidity approaching and yet charge ahead regardless; this is truly the height of wisdom.
Agreed, oh ancient, for is not the safest place to stand the eye of the storm? Bull on through Alice, and break the false mirror – the shards will be the daggers to cut a thirsting throat.
Allison is about to do a thing which is very stupid.
Which happens to be her superpower.
To quote, “If it’s stupid, but it works, it ain’t stupid”
The smart pree may wait for an auspicious time, but a wise pree understands that such patience will only grant so much, and that opportunity rarely places itself conveniently on the road.
Alice may be moving in the fashion of a fool, but her decision is the resolute step of wisdom, seeking opportunity.
But stupidity is Allison’s THING
The Ascendant shall look upon the insurmountable peak, cast their sight to the ground, and charge forward with reckless abandon.
Allison just had a great idea. What better way to enter the palace of the queen than by invitation?
it helps if you were the one invited.
Given that Mother Om has employed a series of spies and assassins as court fools, this makes for a rather interesting transversal arrangement.
Queen Mottom. More like Queen Mog Chothra. Mott…om Chathra. Queen Mottom Chothra. Something.
Mottom is a human eater?
As the story goes, “To Serve Man”
Man is a traditional dish, served with lemon, oregano, and a side of ketchup.
Though the hauteur cuisine for such dishes is the marinate with the lemon and pepper, reserve the oregano beneath the skin, and then flash fry the skin to a crunchy texture minutes before serving. Ketchup is applied at the table, as the guest requests.
This is universally held to be much too much work, and is thus held in very high esteem.
When in doubt, Alice relies on her old fallback.. Accessorize.
Is Nyave’s (Nee-Ave) a play on Naive? Seems so.
Me thinks that the “Honor” of the calling is rather the same of the “Honor” of being present at a Donner Party. After all, did Avsa Galman not say “They ate up all the Ardenwood, and stripped it bare, and then they slurped all the rivers up, and the hills were scorched with acrid smoke. The valley dells where the beasts of the wood gathered were ripped asunder, and the beasts were ripped into a million parts and sold piecemeal to make women’s trinkets.
As for our kings, they were gelded and flayed. They were treated no better than the beasts in the end.”
I am VERY exited to see how she will end up accidentally killing Mottom.
It will be in a manner that will leave witnesses believing it all skill on her part. That or no witnesses at all. Either or.
The flows of time are disturbed around King Allison. It is very hard to know how she will kill Mottom, or if she’ll kill her at all.
But if one cannot see Allison in the flows of time, one can surely notice the tempest she leaves behind her.
Do you mean rhymes with cave?
By the untold ruins of humanity, I bet Mother Om eats them up….
Oh my dear Nyave, do not be ashamed for being afraid of Mottom.
After all, You Should Be.
This is stupidly smart. Oh, True King Allison ! Once again, you show us your talent, making the stupidest decisions become the wisest choices.
Who else but you could enter the palace of the ten thousand times cursed Mottom with such a simple trick ?
Beware, Mottom ! Here comes the True King, Allison, daughter of Zoss and heir of the Throne !
She is absolutely determined to go see Mottom, and no amount of foreboding, death-strewn worlds and enslaved inhabitants will sway her. I wonder if any other god-king would give her pause for thought.
Yesssssss, dress up party.
Ah so the gluttonous queen eats her servants as well as after they serve her food. Well it only to be expected of royalty so decadent but this fool feels disappointed because it is such hard work finding such capable servants of any kind who perform such excellent work even if you have 1/7 of creation available to you.
The wise know what has been done, and are thus doomed to repeat the past endlessly. The fool, ignorant of history, will often fail as others have before, but may, through madness, chance, or brilliance, find a new path in YISUN’s infinite tale.
Well, looks like Mottom’s only going to be getting 99 slave girls from this particular trip, then. 😉