It is not often that in tales I hear of a hero facing a rolling mass of flaming corpses and spikes or similar only to find that they’re just really into heavy metal. No idea if this instance will be an exception. But I was listening to Wolfmother’s Dimension when reading this page, which might have biased my interpretation of it.
I must admit, I do not believe I will ever quite understand your kind’s preoccupation with skulls. You read a great deal into what lies inside your own head, and assign it a symbol with far more evil than it truly deserves.
But I think you will soon find that what you believe a face is something rather different entirely.
17 Spear of Thought Forged Against the Wanton, Holy Thorn Knight
When you see a skull, you know someone was slain. It is an afterwarning of death. Symbolism naturally follows (in the fourth definition of naturality.)
I do not understand either! So many of them have expressed disgust and disapproval upon bearing witness to my skull-pile, but it is in my nature to collect such pretty trophies.
Really, I’m complimenting them; those skulls are very nice and are lovely things for decorating one’s abode.
…well, tarry not in the demesnes of the Alabaster Choir, with that kind of attitude.
As its choristers will explain to you at length, there is much to be appreciated in well-cared for calavaria, and to mistreat them a sign of grave impiety.
I also wonder on the hierarchy of angels, is it a mirror of the Daemonic Rankings? Or is it related to their reincarnations, does an angel dilute as they die and return? Aside from the distinction between the dead Prime Angels and the different thorn sects, what defines the amount of power an angel can command?
It has been said that 23 is a Vapor Angel, while 82 is a Liquid Angel. Perhaps as they reincarnate, the Flame Immortal grows cooler and denser? One wonders what happens when it finally solidifies.
Ah! Ahaha! Tease us, cruel poet- such a truly melodious and metallic beast of motor and oil, I hope! Or perhaps a beltbuckle made of fallen foes. Who knows! Aha!
I can only wait to see- though times like now remind me that patience is a virtue.
I suppose the answer to 82 (83 now? As I guess the meaning of the number preceding their names has now been revealed to us) may be related to how the angels were derived from Un’s white flame? I wonder if the devils are of a similar mind in adopting their source’s term of address (not gender, as Michael seems rather derisive of the concept of an angel identifying as one at all)?
17 Spear of Thought Forged Against the Wanton, Holy Thorn Knight
From what I know of 2 Who Is Like God, I imagine it is some mix of all three. Though cowardly he may seem, when you face him on the field you will see how terribly bad an ass he can be.
I think I like this Vigilant Gaze, he is more friendly than more or less all Aeons I have met.
I hope we will be seeing more of him, and that does not mean the repeated deaths of our friend White Chain.
Mayhaps? Who knows? I believe it to be a personal choice.
On the subject of the appearance of angels, some were discussing Michael 2 (patron guardian angel homie) acquiring a Key of Kings and it got me thinking, if the Demiurges and Allison can transcend what is physically possible for the ordinary inheritor…. Can an angel with a key in their brow manifest into the corporeal realm without requiring a shell and keep their form in the void intact? That is something to ponder.
I have not myself met Michael, nor would I truly wish to, but he is by his nature a figure of historical importance, and considerable influence, and as such his general character is widely known, to those who would wish to.
It would be a grave error indeed to consider him a coward–2 Michael is not one who would shy from battle should it come to it, or chase his own self-preservation. After all, in the entirety of time, there is but one fight that Michael has lost; he has no need of fear. But neither does he suffer from overconfidence–he knows that he is not invincible. No, I would say that 2 Michael is, at his heart, a pragmatist. By his estimation, it is his purpose to uphold the Law, and he will act in that purpose. He would abandon this age not from fear, but because in his arrogance he thinks us unworthy of the Law.
Our good friend White Chain, on the other hand, I would think to be something of a bleeding heart among angels. She finds herself tasked to the Law, by her nature as an angel, and to her own moral compass, by her nature as an individual. To have returned to the void so many times, I suspect she has in the past placed herself into situations she had little chance of surviving, because it was what she thought right by her morality.
I am about to conduct an experiment to be see whether ’tis lethal to slow-clap and headbang at the same time. Should these be my last words, may they pay you power respect, Walker of Weird.
Skull face = bad?
It is not often that in tales I hear of a hero facing a rolling mass of flaming corpses and spikes or similar only to find that they’re just really into heavy metal. No idea if this instance will be an exception. But I was listening to Wolfmother’s Dimension when reading this page, which might have biased my interpretation of it.
I must admit, I do not believe I will ever quite understand your kind’s preoccupation with skulls. You read a great deal into what lies inside your own head, and assign it a symbol with far more evil than it truly deserves.
But I think you will soon find that what you believe a face is something rather different entirely.
It is the nature of Percievers to misunderstand the works of the gods, but the mendicant is not unwise to fear what is coming.
When you see a skull, you know someone was slain. It is an afterwarning of death. Symbolism naturally follows (in the fourth definition of naturality.)
I do not understand either! So many of them have expressed disgust and disapproval upon bearing witness to my skull-pile, but it is in my nature to collect such pretty trophies.
Really, I’m complimenting them; those skulls are very nice and are lovely things for decorating one’s abode.
How would you feel if you saw a pile of burning books Geas Knight? You would feel uncomfortable no?
…well, tarry not in the demesnes of the Alabaster Choir, with that kind of attitude.
As its choristers will explain to you at length, there is much to be appreciated in well-cared for calavaria, and to mistreat them a sign of grave impiety.
You sell a lot of polish there.
I can’t even handle how Dark Souls this is getting. Martyr Logarius, the Siegmeyer angel, and now skeleton wheels. It’s rather fitting, though.
Oh God, Wheel Skeletons. Might as well off ourselves now…
“This land is peaceful, it’s inhabitants kind.”
These Unincarnated Angels seem to be pillars of the community for sure. I am glad 10 here is an open minded angel.
I’m digging 10 so far ^^ They sound like an old janitor who’s been around a few in their own time.
Juggernaut Star, we meet at last.
I also wonder on the hierarchy of angels, is it a mirror of the Daemonic Rankings? Or is it related to their reincarnations, does an angel dilute as they die and return? Aside from the distinction between the dead Prime Angels and the different thorn sects, what defines the amount of power an angel can command?
It has been said that 23 is a Vapor Angel, while 82 is a Liquid Angel. Perhaps as they reincarnate, the Flame Immortal grows cooler and denser? One wonders what happens when it finally solidifies.
Kashaan is observant
Gonna have to change the wiki now.
Also, Bone-chopper.
I don’t want to wait for next week. Mark my impatience as praise.
Ah! Ahaha! Tease us, cruel poet- such a truly melodious and metallic beast of motor and oil, I hope! Or perhaps a beltbuckle made of fallen foes. Who knows! Aha!
I can only wait to see- though times like now remind me that patience is a virtue.
I suppose the answer to 82 (83 now? As I guess the meaning of the number preceding their names has now been revealed to us) may be related to how the angels were derived from Un’s white flame? I wonder if the devils are of a similar mind in adopting their source’s term of address (not gender, as Michael seems rather derisive of the concept of an angel identifying as one at all)?
Juggernaut Star, sixth of their name! Finally a proper Aeon, and a true paragon of Thorns and Law!
Watch closely, brother White Chain. You will learn much from that which Scours the Universe.
Can’t tell if skull boat or skull motorcycle, hoping for the latter.
Juggernaut Star was described as riding a motorcycle in an old tumblr post. So it’s kind of a no-brainer.
So the number at the beginning of an Angel’s name is the number of times they’ve died?
In other words 2 Michael is either really careful, really cowardly, or really badass.
From what I know of 2 Who Is Like God, I imagine it is some mix of all three. Though cowardly he may seem, when you face him on the field you will see how terribly bad an ass he can be.
I imagine he was 1 Michael until Zoss showed up.
I think I like this Vigilant Gaze, he is more friendly than more or less all Aeons I have met.
I hope we will be seeing more of him, and that does not mean the repeated deaths of our friend White Chain.
I wonder if White Chain’s repeated incarnations have contributed at all to their personal evolution?
Mayhaps? Who knows? I believe it to be a personal choice.
On the subject of the appearance of angels, some were discussing Michael 2 (patron guardian angel homie) acquiring a Key of Kings and it got me thinking, if the Demiurges and Allison can transcend what is physically possible for the ordinary inheritor…. Can an angel with a key in their brow manifest into the corporeal realm without requiring a shell and keep their form in the void intact? That is something to ponder.
I have not myself met Michael, nor would I truly wish to, but he is by his nature a figure of historical importance, and considerable influence, and as such his general character is widely known, to those who would wish to.
It would be a grave error indeed to consider him a coward–2 Michael is not one who would shy from battle should it come to it, or chase his own self-preservation. After all, in the entirety of time, there is but one fight that Michael has lost; he has no need of fear. But neither does he suffer from overconfidence–he knows that he is not invincible. No, I would say that 2 Michael is, at his heart, a pragmatist. By his estimation, it is his purpose to uphold the Law, and he will act in that purpose. He would abandon this age not from fear, but because in his arrogance he thinks us unworthy of the Law.
Our good friend White Chain, on the other hand, I would think to be something of a bleeding heart among angels. She finds herself tasked to the Law, by her nature as an angel, and to her own moral compass, by her nature as an individual. To have returned to the void so many times, I suspect she has in the past placed herself into situations she had little chance of surviving, because it was what she thought right by her morality.
10 Vigilant Gaze is awfully phlegmatic about all this. Though I suppose I’d be too, if I were him.
Welp! Time to listen to my collection of Heavy Metal for the next few hours or so! This is just getting better and better.
I’m pretty sure he’s coming.
Oh no! The Cleaners! D:
I just want to say that Ring Head McBull Angel seems like a pretty chill dude, and he sounds like he’d be fun to talk to at parties.
Naturally, I’m pretty sure he’s about to get killed off.
Are those Angel-pillars the Primes that Zoss smote?
Maybe. 2Michael said that none of the Primes except himself reincarnated. They had to go somewhere.
Get your skull-bike runnin’
Head out in the aether
Lookin’ for a White Chain
That’s in with Zoss’ Heir
Yeah darlin’
Gonna make it happen
Take the wheel in a spiked embrace
Draw all of our swords at once and
Stab you in your face
I am about to conduct an experiment to be see whether ’tis lethal to slow-clap and headbang at the same time. Should these be my last words, may they pay you power respect, Walker of Weird.
I think it is that Thorn Angels leader. Biker. What’s his name… 17th Juggernaught Star or something?
When the Phoenix rises from dust beware. It may no longer be in the form you once knew.
When the Phoenix rises from dust beware. It may no longer be in the form that you once knew.