Chapter: 2
“The only measure of a true bond – the test of the blade. You dance nave to nave, with your hearts exposed, a dagger pressed and pointed at each one. Every movement must be gentle and precise, in time with your partner. Otherwise, you both will be impaled.”
-Yemeen, Disciple of Pravi
Well, that didn’t go the way I expected.
Me too! Alison has really grown. She must’ve realized that if she let herself be in this thing’s life in any form, her own emotional baggage for Cio would’ve made things very toxic very fast.
I certainly can’t say I would’ve had the willpower or wisdom to act as decisively as she did in such a situation. I suppose that’s why she’s Royalty.
The Flame Remembers.
In the First chapters, when Princess is bound to Alisson, I think, there was a talk ok “you’ll reincarnate and won’t remember at First, but you Will remember in time” (not checking, but from memory it’s something like that). So Cio *Will* remember!
Also, Abbadon, Good Job recreating White Chain’s original apartment, as seen on KSBD-2-18 (link in My name)
Good catch, that was so long ago
Driving away loved ones so they don’t get entangled in your deadly quest. Have seen this tactic before. Doesn’t always work.
Ah, that’s why. I didn’t get it. (Just finished binge reading the whole thing)
I am reminded of an old saying, though it’s application to the situation is perhaps tenuous… “If you love someone, set them free…”
True love is letting go forever.
That saying stings in my mind.
Sometimes the best thing you can do is hand someone s gift of your absence. Completely remove yourself from their life.
I won’t say I’m a great person or anything, but I was worse in the past, before I did the whole “vanishing” thing. Or rather “vanishing” allowed me to get better.
And the “completely” part meant losing a couple of great friends, because they were her friends as well.
Probably one of the best decisions in my life, but ten-ish years down the road and I still sometimes dream of her. But I hope it doesn’t go the other way.
If you love someone, lie to them to drive them away so you won’t feel bad looking at them and remembering what you lost?
When you know you are the blade, it can feel easier to warn others away from the point than to see them cut again and again on the edge.
In this case, I think the issue is more that Alison knows that can’t really be Cio anymore, bit she will always think of them as, and expect them to act like, her. Those kinds of expectations cam be incredibly painful and toxic, for everyone involved, as demonstrated by the situation we found Cio in at the start of the story. So this is more about Alison protecting herself and the demon from ghosts of her old relationship, rather than anything to do with her being a demiurge or the Wheel Smashing Lord.
With that said, I do hope the real Cio finds a way back.
As we all do when speaking of the bright lives who have passed on.
I like the ghost leg, some real Phantom Pain shit, she ghosty as fuck, she be royalty up in here
You’ve heard of astral projection, but get ready for astral prosthetics!
Does make me wonder if her entire body is destroyed if she’ll persist in soul form. Doesn’t seem to be the case for the other demiurges, but maybe it is possible to forgo the flesh entirely by choice?
I mean, though not 100% sure if this applies, it seems a bit like Zoss has done basically that – though it might also be because of the… other stuff.
Zoss basically transcended the entire ‘key’ thing to the point where he was able to tear his out and shove it into Alison’s skull, and *still* possess its full power, so yah.
I can’t stop thinking of the phrase “astral prosthetics” and now that’s going in my fictional lexicon. Thanks, inquisitor!
god how did i go from super happy to super sad about there being a new chapter
It’s really not the same rereading KSB6 and seeing Cio again 🙁 I don’t have a good feeling about the rest of this chapter
Yeah, didn’t think it was Cio. And I was correct.
No, I’m pretty sure it’s Cio. It’s just that she wants to scare her away because that’s where it’s safer.
Its Cio in the same way Cio was Jabalchoth. And Cio spent most of her life trying to be someone new.
Poor interpretation. It is Cio, Allison is trying to save her by forcing her away.
It’s the remnants of Cio. But as has been established before a reformed demon isn’t really the same person they were before. The remnants of Cio might live on but the personality that Alison knew and connected with is as gone as Jabalchoth. This demon will be growing into an entirely new personality and identity and if they stick around Alison there would undoubtedly be mounting resentment developing between both parties over this newly formed individual’s inability to truly be the Cio that Alison once knew.
Yes, it’s whatever is left of Cio. Her personality may not be intact. But there must be something left of Cio there. Cio still kind of had memories of being Yabalchoath, but she no longer wanted to be that person. Cio and Allison had a really deep bond, evidenced by Cio finding her way to Allison even without her mask and barely any personality.
Allison is pushing her away out of kindness, and guild, because Cio got involved in a whole mess she wanted no part of, and got killed, because of her love for Allison. But at the same time, Allison is rejecting that deep connection with Cio, a betrayal in a way, and Allison feels that too.
I disagree. Its been established that the demons over time regain the memories of their past selves, and its often part of how they regain their lost power. A key thing about Cio however was that she did not want to be Yabalchoath again. Cio hated what she was an rejected it… New Cio however, might remember Old Cio and have a very different reaction. A desire to embrace her past memories rather than push against it. She very much COULD become very much like the old cio
But that is why Allison is pushing her away, and instilling in her the idea to stay away from her. She is hoping that no matter how much of the new cio remembers, she will NOT come back to her. Allison is just doing what she thinks is best for Cio
That, and making sure that she taints the re-developing personality as little as possible.
A Pale Devil has little personality, but each stage allows their mind more space… And Allison met Cio as a Blue Imp, when their personality has settled.
How a Pale Devil is treated will twist the Blue Devil it can become.
I thought it was Juggernaut Star because of the forearms, and I haven’t seen anything I consider contrary yet.
Alison carries a piece of Juggernaut Star, that she removed from under her own skin, around her neck huh?
The body is shaped like Juggernaut Star, and Juggernaut Star and Allison were enemies, therefore it is Juggernaut Star.
Notice how the body did not come from the shard of Cio’s mask, but it was already sitting there before it absorbed the shard. He took the remaining piece of Cio from Allison and she let it happen.
This is obviously not a raw Angel, but instead a Pale Devil. Devils don’t form from their masks, they form from the Black Flame and receive names that take the form of a mask.
Even if it somehow made sense for 7 Juggernaut Star Scours the Universe to track down Allison (somehow) and have Cio’s mask drawn onto his face (for some reason), Allison’s reaction would be totally nonsensical. She’s emotionally devastated by this entire undertaking, which is obviously because she met Cio again and had to chase her off for her own safety. Why would she be so emotionally vulnerable about chasing off a random enemy she’s only met twice and has barely any relationship with at all?
Why would Juggernaut Star come to Allison? And then leave? Plus what Sicarii said.
I think it’s that horny thorny dude that used to ride the burning bone motorcycle…
Yeah, Juggernaut Star the bastard
I don’t think it’s a devil at all. Probably some creature made by Cio’s husband to find the fragments.
No, I’m pretty sure it’s Cio. It’s just that she wants to scare her away because that’s where it’s safer.
Except Jagganoth and the other demons and the less pleasant angels are out there. It is NOT safer away from her.
What’re you talking about? Yeah, there’s danger out in the world. Allison’s warning her away cuz she is, and forever will be, at the *center* of that danger. Most folks never even see a demiurge, but Cio was cut to ribbons by one because she chose to involve herself in Allison’s life.
Saying the rest of the world isn’t safer is like saying “you can still get skin cancer from going outside, so there’s no reason *not* to travel to the core of the sun.”
But recall that Cio was only involved with Allison because White Chain brought them together because Yabalchoath stole part of Mammon’s key. The story of Cio’s fate began a looooong time before Allison got involved.
Yes, but Allison is not putting much thought to it all. She just wants to protect Cio. She’s just impulsive and reacts to the moment, like when they went through the Dragon’s maze.
Royalty is often impulsive.
Violently impulsive.
Ya, there’s also this little thing where Jagg and his dead dudes are about to destroy the whole universe, so it’s kinda dangerous all over the place.
Curious how long it takes to destroy a universe. Weeks, months, years??
I assume it works on some sort of mystical logic. Something like what Imperiex was doing in DC.
Of course, the other part of this is “I am already the cause of Cio’s death, I don’t want to kill her next life too”
Yes, but saying that to a white devil is like putting your head on the block for the executioner. Barely any sense of self, but the HUNGER is there.
Bit of a risk.
Risk? What could a weak pale devil ever do to the Wheel Smashing Lord?
I don’t know.
What risk is a spider or wasp to you? Yet there is an instinct that says NOPE and makes you swat at them.
Besides- Alison is not an idiot. She is a bit of a ditz (in the best tradition of Shonen protagonists everywhere), but she is not stupid.
She KNOWS this may have been Cio once, but not quite anymore. Moreover, a pale devil (used the wrong name in previous post), is not necessarily able to prevent themselves from temptation… And a key, in the brow of a sleeping king, is a temptation that a knife may help liberate.
As she is now, Alison cannot afford to let anyone take her key, no matter how she used to have relations with the one who tries.
that’s not very welcoming
right? Like, nice to see you girlfriend, thanks for stopping in after you got killed on my behalf by the most monstrous being in the multiverse, after you warned me off and I didn’t listen.
Alison is both wise and a bit of an asshat.
Still- if she want’s Cio to live, it’s better for Cio’s memories to reconstruct around the fragments of her personality that survived dispersal rather than have Alison accidentally shape the resulting being with preconceived notions.
Doesn’t mean that was a nice way to do it though.
It’s Cio. And this won’t be the last we see of her.
So I guess she’s just gonna be a floating eyeball by the end of this fight isn’t she
that’s not very Flanked by a Black Flame and a White Flame of you, allison
There is another black flame
an ally, perhaps. but a lesbian? this remains to be seen
Grade A line!
;_; I understand but it’s still heart breaking.
Yeah… I feel it too mate…
lesbians are doomed for the eternal yearning
Poor carbon dioxide.
How fucking disappointing…
She’s white fangin’ her what a shame
Underrated comment or what
Lovers to enemies (and maybe back).
“I gave you my whole life and you didn’t even want it”
“Don’t spend it for me again. Please!”
Fantastic work, as per every update!! Maybe I am speaking too fast, but I really want to see Allison cry. Their bond must have meant for something. Or want newCio soon again 🙂
Damn, Alison learned to speak dramatically from White Chain.
That felt more like an acknowledged walk of shame rather than a you’re-back-but-you-can’t-stay kick out.
… is that Juggernaut Star’s body?
Maybe, but it seemed to absorb the shard of Cio’s mask which is suggestive.
I really thought Cio had a plan and embedded a backup of herself into Allison, when they were fused. But there was no plan, the shard got there accidentally, and this new thing will not be Cio, even though it may have a grasp of some faint memories. The easiest and most logical explanation is almost always true…
Oh, Allison. This isn’t the way to help her.
She’s not just taking away Not-Cio’s agency, she’s lying to White Chain about it. I don’t think Allison is playing rationally here. Not at all.
how unprecedented.
Daydreamer is observant.
Daydreamer is observant! Cio’s been asking Allison to stop taking her into danger for ages now. This, though, isn’t what Cio meant. I am really excited for this to come back to bite Allison, but also my heart hurts.
Allison would be a less interesting character if she was more rational. She got pulled into this wacky misadventure out of nowhere, or I guess you could say she was getting fucked, and she has been REALLY fucked ever since. But she fights back, and tries to be good and do the right thing and all, and that’s why we love her.
I think this decision virtually guarantees that they will be together again, which I totally approve of. There will be tears and apologies, but family will triumph in the end. And if anyone thinks that Allison/Cio/White Chain aren’t a familiy, then they ain’t been paying attention.
Maby, but honestly that’s only because of the nature of the story, if Allison did NOT have the key(and a prophecy backing her presence) I would say cio is,and narrativley speaking should, remain permanently dead.
I think she knows exactly what she is doing, we know the rules of devils, and the fact is that no matter what readers hope, under current logic, the old personality is dead. Even with a reformed mask, the new personality is unlikely to “align” with the one we know as cio.
Time will tell if Allison can find a way to defy these rules(specifically to defy them in the way we know she wants to, just because you can lie to reality, dosnt mean you can just make a wish and it turns out right.)
I’m also going to point out, that if this isn’t cio, even if she can restore her, it would likely require killing whatever this thing is, and treating its own life as worthless. I don’t think Alison wants to become that kind of person, hence why she chased it off, because she knows she would do it in a heartbeat.
Is it possible that this thing is simply an incubator and just as the state of her sending it off, she’s scared? Scared of getting Cio hurt?
I would note, that at least part of that is a choice on the demon’s part. We say Cio almost revert to Yal, so it’s clearly possible for a devil to go back to how they used to be. The key thing is what the reborn devil wants. If this new Devil wants to be Cio, or heck, if it wants to be Yal, it probably can be.
let’s see how long this decision lasts. . .
I give it till the middle of this season, she is gonna regret pushing not Cio away