Seeker of Thrones 9-111
Chapter: 9
IA! The Reverend Mother! The Watchful Mother! She that sleeps not, and holds the key and the gate. Through a lake of blood she has ascended above the filth. Through a lake of blood she shall yet wade, and yet she shall not be stained. Praise her, and venerate the Count!
Lo! from the humblest seed awakens the slightest steel vine, borne again to strangulate falling timber.
Oh… oh fuck
Didn’t old Yab have 4 arms?
Aye she did. I’d be willing to put good money on this being an extension of the minor growths and changes that have been a thing ever since Cio stopped seeing herself and Yabalcolath has two distinct and separate entities.
She had hooves too, not feet. Cio might be reverting but not entirely.
this is not even my final form
For a true warrior, nothing ever is.
Everyone is confronting themselves today, yes? A busy day for the god named “I”.
every day is
Looks like even kings reap what they sow.
Never trust a weeping clown
Seeds can fail to spring where sown
Gravity will let you down
Just so we’re clear; you know sown rhymes with clone, not clown, right?
Even kings reap what they sow eventually.
Oh good. I was getting worried about Cio. She seems to be fine, if a little upset.
The line from the first panel is just as much a lie as it was in the Painted World.
I’d be surprised if Abbadon was unaware of it.
Lmao, same.
Ah, AL-YIS-UN, now you must be reminded of the first lesson. For every light, there is a darkness. And let the mighty beware; The more one turns toward that terrible light, the greater the shadow one leaves in their wake.
Yabalchoath returneth!
Ah yes, this reminds me of the time they called me Orlandu the Very Likely Dead, after I acted most abominably towards my beau at the time, a blue imp who had previously been gold and was not kind to my leaving him in the lurch with a very, very large tab to pay after perusing the wares at the Silkworks of 9 Stitch In Time Flowing Fist. You know, the one in in the Shallows? Not the one by Ogam’s Mistake, that one is several aeons behind the current fashions.
Swiggity swooty?
I’d upvote you if this place had upvotes. Got a totally unexpected laugh from me.
O fuck.
I beg of thee, plunge down from the plank, and hurry home.
Nope. Don’t think so….
Yeah, I’d be in a hissy stabby mood too
“This is a peaceful land it’s inhabitants are kind” ABBADON IM ON TO YOU YOU BEAUTIFUL SOULS-JACKING MFER
This is what I came to the comments for ♥
cio’s looking better than last was seen.
i wonder whether she can go back.
Quick Alison, start making out with her! It will probably save your life and I’m sure the folks here wouldn’t mind a good show.
I could stand to hear a bit more.
But now…
There is
Oh, Priscilla, how far you’ve come….
The most excitement the vault has seen in Ages I’m sure
Abbadon quoting Dark Souls there, noice.
I can’t believe it. Mammon is just a drampa.
Passive Aggression level: GOD
Well fuck me Crosswise.
Our favorite Author of Fanfiction remembers what she hated about herself, and in doing taps a well of ebon tinted strength.
As much as I thirst for blood, I really hope that these two talk things out before Cio falls headfirst into old and blade-sharp habits…