Seeker of Thrones 10-122
Chapter: 9
“There was one who came with the broken sun in her brow, and her blood was like molten gold. Once she stole the secret fire of Those Who Came Before from the Red Gods and coveted it, but it ruined her and made her ugly. She was a dirty god and she had a powerful enemy. She could not avail to touch him, so she crouched in his shadow while he became increasingly swollen with his own power and bloodthirst. Instead of growing, she diminished, and grew disheveled and her fire dimmed. But inside, her spark grew more powerful and fierce. She waited for the day her enemy became so tottering under his own monstrous power she could hack at it his ankles and fell him with a single blow.”
-Chronicle of the Fourth Conquest
Also, that text about “secret fire of Those Who Came Before” is making me think of the Vril from the Hellboy universe. I read a Magnoliaverse storytime recently.
Fewer of them, this time.
I sense a trend.
Here comes Trouble
make it Nonuple
Nine companions. They shall be known as the Fellowship of the…King?
More like Fellowship of the Get This Done So We Can Get Back To Killing Each Other.
She’s… Healed???
Don’t act so surprised. My kind are all about. Someone’s got to keep the world from flying apart from all the senseless cutting. (The excellent qualities of certain liqueurs don’t hurt either.)
It is worth noting, perhaps, that the previous page thinks itself the most recent page. It stubbornly refuses to acknowledge the “Next Page” button.
Wait, the scale here seems…. weird. Is all of this still INSIDE Mammon’s vault, or is this outside? I got the impression from the last pages that all of the flying city was *already* inside the infinite vault crashing around.
I’m confuzzled.
The infinite vault is bigger on the inside than on the outside, of course. So a whole flying City can indeed crash into a window and vanish inside a house, if only there is enough infinity behind the window.
The vault is an infinite space inside a bounded finite space. Don’t think about it too hard, you’ll go cross eyed.
This is outside. The previous page showed part of Mottom’s palace poking into the vault from the perspective of those inside. On this page we cut to a view from outside as the rest of the palace vanishes into the breach.
Those mounds of coins on this page are Charon’s treasure hoard overlooking the vault from a distance
I want to think that at some point -preferably towards the end- these guys are going to say “You know what, fuck this shit” and just go for pizza and beers together or something.
Noodles it is, then.
It’s a long journey from Mykos to Yre on foot.
I think it’s safe to assume the Count will not be continuing.
Oh no, it will. It’s just that after this, the survivors will busy themselves counting the CORPSES.
Auntie Maya …
Here comes trouble
A parade of fools,
A parade of dead,
Äiv äov äum somutreh.
Her old Middle Army? or perhaps its successor.
Before things clear up, they must become messier.
Giant baby bounty hunter has had about enough of this, Mottom.
The True Middle Army
I spy a new angel.
One of 4 suits of stone armor made and maintained by a rodentlike Knight Peregrine hiding in Throne’s sewers
I spy a new angel!
It would seem the hunters have reached an accord.
Murder Baby returns, praise Murder Baby!
inb4 the comment section is overrun with excitement about INGSVLD being alive and reconstituted
3 minutes too slow.