Seeker of Thrones 10-122
Chapter: 9
“There was one who came with the broken sun in her brow, and her blood was like molten gold. Once she stole the secret fire of Those Who Came Before from the Red Gods and coveted it, but it ruined her and made her ugly. She was a dirty god and she had a powerful enemy. She could not avail to touch him, so she crouched in his shadow while he became increasingly swollen with his own power and bloodthirst. Instead of growing, she diminished, and grew disheveled and her fire dimmed. But inside, her spark grew more powerful and fierce. She waited for the day her enemy became so tottering under his own monstrous power she could hack at it his ankles and fell him with a single blow.”
-Chronicle of the Fourth Conquest
There’s a city with a power level
about a tenth of this
Roland knows it (he goes big).
to clarify, the director
of Independence who came forth since
and (I heard) set the west ablaze.
A tragedy indeed.
Neither could achieve their dreams, I hear
and all suffered for it
Odd. Normally a run on a bank features about twenty percent fewer swords.
Friend Ulurhad, as a mercenary I can confidently say you’re a bit off on this one.
The number of swords scales to the size of the bank, and this is Yre. If anything, they don’t have nearly enough swords. Nor axes, nor bombs, nor lock picks, nor knives, nor mirrors, nor chains, nor bags, nor rations. Nor a lot of things now that I think about it, but my trade is mercenary, not bank-robber.
But I digress, if Auntie Maya is willing to use the Art of Cutting for more plain utility purposes, they should be more than able to make due.
In life, we seldom get to tackle problems with all the resources we would like (which, for the record, is ALL the resources). When needs must, we make do with what is on hand.
On another note, it helps that this band has a giant baby, able to crash through walls Kool-Aid Man style. As Mottom demonstrates, this can counter a bit of the advantage of infinite recursion, just as a blade cuts the advantage of a hedge maze.
The sanctioned action is to Cut. Surprisingly this is not very helpful in a variety of situations, for instance if one wanted to build a house or cook noodles.
cook noodles
through violence
in fact that’s the only way to do it
And how do most of them end up!? Uh-huh, that’s right. The conclusion is self-evident.
Whew! THAT escalated quickly!
With sunglasses (and an open Gi)
Who are the Warriors? Bring them to me!
The word flies like a knife at Coney.
Nowhere to run to, baby. Nowhere to hiiide.
It wasn’t us… It was them! It was the Warriors! >.>
And so comes the woman who will look at the gods’ battle and slice the heels from under the victor.
The *Fourth* Conquest? The Third Conquest hasn’t even started yet; what would a Fourth Conquest be aiming to conquer? Itself?
perhaps there are some that consider the pact of the seven Demiurges to be the third conquest. To the average person, the worlds in the universe are still being pillaged and raped by the Seven, so why not call this the third conquest?
Wrong, check the first book, Ksbd-4-77. Prophecy is: The new king (actually queen) shall ignite the third conquest.
According to White Chain in the same book, the second conquest wasn’t over yet.
There was a note from some historian, too, complaining about the author of the main source about the 3rd conquest (Cio!), in some commentary as well.
Ah, right, the megassiah, walks on lava and turns water into vodka
I guess Allison has kickstarted the 3rd conquest by now, and those on this page are also contributing.
Hm. Talk about a 4th conquest is reminding me about the famous quote on World War IV.
I admire the persistence of this trail of stars, but is there really still 108 standing?
They don’t call him the shepherd of the dead for nothing.
The parade of fools does look like it has seen better days. I spy several bandages and the celestial infant’s skull seems to be sporting a large lump.
It’s probably a lot more by now. If there were only 108 power-seekers in the world, it’d be a pretty friendly place. Wouldn’t be much of a story.
I see that Auntie Maya has the prime spot in the team shot. Guess that’s fair.
Even if those from the original 108 stars did fall, it may only mean they fell behind. The issue with some of the strongest bounty hunters in the land being after you, is that some of them can be quite hard to kill, or even require being killed many times over. Even then, if you did manage to permanently push one off, there is always another waiting to take its place.
I see nine left….
Like moths to the flame they are drawn by the scent of chaos. Therein lies all possibility of reward and success. All will burn. Most will die. Some will transform and rise anew.
Threats converge. Events are advancing quickly and I fear the heroes are not prepared. If young Alice is lost now… then there may be none left to stop the destroyer Jagganoth and his madness.
Murder the gods and topple their thrones.
Murder The Gods And Topple Their Thrones!
Murder the gods and there will be triple the thrones.
Maya: *Smiles* “It’s SHOW TIME!”
So, I’ve totally lost it. There seems to be multiple looping back to the demise of Mottom’s city and its associated events. But what in the worlds is going on here?
Hrmm… Seems to me we are seeing the same City demise, just from a different perspective – that of the folks on the outside of Yre.
So same point in time, different location in space.
Mottom is angery at Al-YISUN, and heard she was going to Yre to go screw stuff up.
So she tried to go into Yre, but forgot how parallel parking worked and was attacked by mimics, hence why she is so angery at Grandpa Dragon
Why do I get the feeling that she’s now the leader of the 108…
The Second Middle Army
If there are two middle armies, wouldn’t they push each other apart and become one east army and one west army?
The Burning Stars arrive
Fueled by wanton drive
Atop a hill of gold
With blades sharp and heart’s cold
Brimstone Lives!
Also Eris-Lo Kai, my fave curmudgeon
Here comes the neighborhood.
Comment of the day. Have a cigar.
Noodles would be more apt
Oh boy, do I sure love a parade!
Fourth Conquest? I thought we were still in the second?
I bet you thought time was a constant too. Rookie mistake, but don’t you fret. We’ve all made it, and I’m about to make it again.
And so the tranquility of the vault is disturbed once again.
Or perhaps for the last time.
This is the longest intro to a porn comic I’ve ever seen.
Anybody else remember when she had her tits out in the first scene, before it got retconned?
Wouldn’t be much of a party without the gang now would it.
I don’t see orange goggles fish lady anywhere. I DON’T SEE ORANGE GOGGLES FISH LADY ANYWHERE!
A lot of people are in a hurry to die today.
The dead arranged in the same pose foreshadow the fate of the impatient.
Yes, the Gunwitch!
I’m so happy that she survived.
It is joyous to see that many of the Fools have survived. It wouldn’t be a parade without Giant Baby, Gun Witch, Sword Warlock, et al.
It’s our old friends the pursuers. What fun.
Mammon is going to have to get a lot of snacks for all those guests.
Or maybe Mammon will be the one having the guests as a snack.