KSBD 4-69
Only once was there a question which YISUN hesitated to answer. Strangely enough, it was asked by Aesma, the least wise of their companions. They trode a stony road together, and Aesma’s feet grew hot and sore. She swore and spat, and clutched her feet, and asked YISUN a stupid question.
“Lord!” said she, in roiling frustration, “Before you said there is no such thing as Universal Truth!”
“It was so,” said YISUN.
“Then what is all this! This foolery!” said Aesma, with an exaggerated sweep of her ashen arms, “Isn’t creation itself, the entirety of your own grand work, a self-evident truth? The only self evident truth, in fact!”
“It is not so,” said YISUN, stopping their pace.
“Then what is it?” wailed Aesma, starting to tantrum. This was the question that caused YISUN to hesitate. They meditated on it for a short time only, but Aesma was aghast with wonderment at the power of the question.
“My opinion,” said YISUN, finally.
“Is it a correct opinion?” said Aesma, awestruck.
“Aesma is observant,” said YISUN.
– The Song of Maybe.
The calling of wealth
Ephemeral, withersome
As anything else
It’s kind of fun for me. lol
In a multiverse sprung of infinite possibilities, hence if YISUN had created all things, shaped all outcomes, therefore there must exist an actuality in which YISUN and Everything never was and therefore could not shape all outcomes. To do so, YISUN would have needed to uncreate himself.
The Shurjima Techno-Priesthood have theorized that to have YISUN be and to have YISUN not be is the perpetual motion engine that serves as the driving force behind cyclical Creation. As reality attempts to write and rewrite a gaping hole placed in Itself, Form and Sapience flow into the resulting absence of THINGS as water might flow into the gap of a breached dam. Hence whoever resolves the paradox, whoever collapses YISUN back into a singular state of BE and BE NOT shall undo the multiverse like the tattered rug that it is. Their logistic enginariums still spark in rainbow hues from trying to resolve the central question at the heart of all things: Can a god create a world that had never been created by a god?
This is all theory of course. YISUN is all and YISUN is not all. Who is to say if they have transcended something so threadbare as a singular state of existence?
Wait, what were we bidding on again? Something about Cio, right?
I can get you that, maybe. But it will cost a little bit more than that-… one-hundred and fifty, plus one tenth of your soul. Good deal, yes?
One hundred forty one to clean up this mess. Normally I’d charge more for cleaning blood and viscera, but I’m sure I’ll break even after rummaging through what left of these folks and their pockets.
“It involves much less… failure.” I’m not really sure how exactly 82 failed? It wasn’t 82’s employer who failed to acquire alison, after all.
Eighty-two was trying to handle Allison’s ordeal as quickly and quietly as possible. They seemed to have hoped that the key in her head would be back in it’s rightful place before things got too far out of hand.
We see how well that plan worked…
Interesting how the bidders have chosen to offer the human’s weight in black glass as a reward, ‘weight’ being the key word, rather than mass. All it would take is bad manners and a lawyer of moderate skill to exploit that particular loophole.
The ones offering her skull only seemed to have missed the whole issue of their payment being at all related to her weight.
Lower pay maybe, but maybe also easier to get hold of.
Anyway the clever bounty hunter will sell the skull to the skull guy, and the rest to one of those making an alive-or-dead bid.
Disagree with YISUN.
Make love thy greatest enemy, I.
Stride through heaven, without violence.
Thy own Truth will set thee free.
‘Tis the seventh syllable.
Which makes a Maker out of a mere Soul.
I suppose once the auction has begun, it is considered rude to breathe annihilation on one’s fellow bidders. That, or a sign of weakness. If the weapon of choice is wealth, then it is with wealth that one must fight. Again, so I suppose.
And now it is seen that the universal truth is not violence but commerce- for is not all violence perpetrated towards the conclusion of acquisition, whether it be for land, women, wine or lies? The first act of violence was a brother killing a brother for a larger share of praise.
The truest form of violence is not perpetrated for its own end,for violence itself is merely the act of trading energy for the randomization of the affected area of your enemies.
Surely, commerce is a form of violence! The coin is far more blood-stained than the sword, after all.
Besides, I’ll give these soldiers about a minute before they go back to killing each other.
It would appear that Preem Nand’s intervention was quite timely as far as Amoto Soreen is concerned. He deserves far better than this petty squabble for his end, anyways. Perhaps I shall pass news of the bidding on to him once he has wakened from his unconsciousness.
We should all be so lucky as Amoto Soreen to have friends such as you, Geas Knight. Then we might always be certain of the events which transpire during our indisposition. Who else would record the deeds of others if such as you did not stand by at safe distance to observe?
Where are you, in this affray? I stand. Come taste the edge of my blade.
I would ask yourself the same dear Kierinsaval, for I did give haste to the blue woman. But a number of creatures stood between us. I do believe there are others that have gone after them and met a gruesome end by her paper soldiers, awful things. Would that I never have the misfortune of encountering those devilish enchantments again. But mayhap I shall for she has taken the girl with her.
I fear the girl is lost to us, Speaker, and now I wish only to remove myself from this place in possession of my life, and travel the roads once more. You are welcome to join me.
It sees many faces, but not the one who was still eating during the fighting. It wonders were she has gone
Dikeme Mutombo?
Thats Just My Onion
And now it seen, the greatest liar is the Onion.
I was rather hoping the gun witch would survive.
We’ve yet to see Eris-Lo Kai, assuming that he survived too.
And among the Witches were artificers of some skill, and they saw the potency of guncraft, but the weapons they Viewed were crude, and were as liable to destroy the face and mind of the wielder with the hot spark flash. So the Artifice Witches convened, and from the roiling minds there grew great and terrible designs. But these designs demanded much – more than the Witches could bring to bear. So they Viewed again, discerning a simpler system less reliant on the Brasscutters and Firegrinders guilds. And when they had the design, they presented unto the lead of the Artificer Witches a weapon. When it was fired, the report made the Firegrinders sore worried, for the tongue of flame was visible for two lefthanded dimensions and three righthanded.
No flesh-seller of a black king should get to that girl if any justice lingers in the cosmos
Aesma is the goddess who wound up creating Allison’s world, isn’t she?
We have theorised this to be the case. Other likely candidates include Un-Sivran, Un-Hansa.
My lead candidate is, of course, the esteemed Ys-Voya.
As the battle of blood and blade ends, so the battle of greed and coin begins. As a warrior-templar of the One-Eyed King, I cannot truly understand this form of battle, but that does not mean I do not respect it.
Ah, wealth, both the greatest unifier and horrible divider at once. Indeed an interesting contradiction. But the Dialectic does not concern itself with wealth, for it is an insular world, despite its external influence. The True force is within that girl, and Preem Nand is aware of this. But will this unite them to his aid, or will the power break in influence of wealth.
When I read 23 saying ”darling” I immediately imagined him having a Dublin Accent lol.
‘The streets glow red on the heaven tonight
not a live god to be seen.
A kingdom of ash and exile,
and it looks like I’m the Queen.
The angels crying in the hollow dead of night,
couldn’t keep the peace, heavens know they tried
Don’t try to see
Don’t try to flee
Be the slave you always meant to be
Despair, so flair
is sweet and cold.
Well, now you know!
Let it howl!
Let it howl!
Cant hold it back anymore
Let it howl
Let it howl
to violence we all prowl!
Never care
what they’re going to say,
let their blood fall down
the abyss never scared me anyway…
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If the universe and it’s infinite posibilities is just Yisun’s opinion, that would mean that quite literally the fabric of reality & reality itself is just Yisun’s whims but for every single aspect of said reality & creation.
I guess to keep that as it is, he would have had to commit that great sacrificial suicide so that those opinions & thus reality itself wouldn’t change on a whim.