KSBD 4-65
Chapter: 4
“From the cracked shell of the angelic concordance sprang a hot and putrid rose, and a thousand thousand wild burning seeds poured into the smoke of the corpse of the universe, and there spread with a terrible incandescence. But along with these wild embers came a greater power – the sleek and awful perfection of the Thorns.”
– Preem Payapop Pritrum, 5th Treatise on Aeons – what to expect of the Pact
There is power to be found in tradition, in clinging to the past as the Blue Flame does. Enough power? We will see.
Run girl! Run!
Glad to see our friend isn’t totally outmatched here. Also, I gotta say how refreshing it is to see a bunch of different races that don’t just look like humans with makeup in all the panels here. Very much reminds me of the Cantina Bar from Star Wars. I look forward to the updates, keep up the good work.
most intresting. If I rember correctly, 82 is a liquid angel while delicious is a vapor angel. Dose this add amything to the fight?
Liquid? Vapor? What difference does that make? But more importantly, where did you hear that?
It was mentioned in their captions on the map at the start of the chapter.
I assume one can be wet and the other gassy.
I would expect some one like you to say that
This is indeed an impressive display of two powerful entities directing as much kinetic energy at one another as possible. I do wonder, however, if they possess a more efficient means of applying it than punching and kicking one another. If I understand the nature of angels correctly, then this is essentially a nuclear powered fistfight.
In an utterly unrelated matter, I find myself of the theory that, since Angels are of artificial composition, then Delicious’ body hair must be made of something not unlike asbestos. Lung cancer trials of everyone who has been in his proximity for an extended period will commence as soon as I can locate enough survivors.
I understand fleshy creatures sometimes suffer illness from exposure to high quantities of radiation. Is it possible that Angels can cause such sickness?
I have heard rumours of such things, maybe you should check for that too.
Even should neither of these be true, I must put forth the opinion that the related wisdom–that is, do not spend overmuch time in the company of angels–holds true regardless. Both those who uphold the law (such as 82), and those who abandon it (as 23 has done) tend to seek conflict. This would be less concering if it weren’t for the fact that conflicts involving angels generally have remarkably high fatality rates for everyone in the immediate vicinity.
I was personally misfortunate enough to be haggling over a particularly rare treatise in the Market of Honeyed Moss when 103 Scintillant Bell Preserves the Faithful from the Machinations of Agony confronted Preem Ark’Sheis and the Succulent Pig Guild. I consider myself lucky indeed to have escaped with only a few scorched pages (both my own and the treatise’s).
It is good you kept your head through that trying time.
While Angels are surely beings of great power, such power is destructive, and this is not simply a battle for dominance, but one for a solid, and physical goal: That is, ownership of the Key and the being currently possessing it. Thus, the fight must be neutered, rendered down to a level that will not burn down this stinking ruin, nor blast it into the firmament.
I wonder if such beings have ways to vent off such power, for fear of excess building of energies. I’m sure both will be ‘worked up’ by this scuffle, more so if it remains purely physical.
Oh 23 you manipulative shit! You know how to get what you want especially when you’re 95% correct about your statements!
Never enter into the affairs of the divine or their servants, as everyone is a sinner in someone’s eyes.
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So interesting!
this chapter is so great!