KSBD 2-24
Chapter: 2
Good lord, that was quite a wait.
Kill Six Billion Demons will be updating in COLOR from hereon out. Also expect a proper blog at some point in the next week, and expect a lot of suggestions from the last page to be taken into account! It might be a bit jarring coming from the last few pages and I can’t guarantee they will all be of this quality, but color jams a lot more with what I want to get accomplished with this comic, so here you are.
Reminder to follow my tumblr for updates http://killsixbilliondemons.tumblr.com OR http://orbitaldropkick.tumblr.com
Updates will probably come on a Sunday or Monday!
sit next to the strangest and most bizarre passenger on the bus!
I am already follwing that blogs.
I praise your return to the realm of INTERNETS!
Oh wow, this is back.
The transportation safety board would have a field day with that bus… If the lack of railings doesn’t kill you then the passengers might.
I like the guy with the flaming skull for a head.
flaming skull? but – wasn’t that “bus” underwater?
Undervapor is only underwater when the vapor is water vapor, yet neither vapor nor water damps the spectral flame. Let’s pray it’s not flammable.
I thought a blue devil liquor is a liquor from a yellow devil! What a twist!
hey, isn’t that savvy jack sitting by the conductor?
The amount of character detail in this comic… Aye aye aye
So Blue Devil Liquor isn’t the Black Blood of the Earth?
Hasn’t Dan Cassidy been through enough? ;_;
So blue devil liquor isn’t made from cocomania, habanero peppers and blue berries?
Many worlds that I have traveled to have some form of Bus, but only in Throne are they Angel Corpses
“Then I heard another voice from heaven say: “ ‘Come out of her, my people,’ so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues; for her sins are piled up to heaven, and God has remembered her crimes.”
Revelation 18:4-5
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Is that big, lumpy grey fellow was the bus driver or is it that loose collection of tiny birds?
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Hey, such a fantastic post! Trust me, I’ve been looking for anything similar for the past week and have scarcely found anything like this. I appreciate your help and will be watching for more of your posts.
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i enjoy the white blob creature in the front. it is wearing a hat. it is the main character, no?
also, why are there bots in this webcomics comments? that is unusual.
Choo choo!
All aboard the DEMON BUS!
Wow. I love this cartoon style.
This page from Kill Six Billion Demons is a mesmerizing blend of chaotic artistry and profound storytelling. The visual intensity captivates, while the narrative complexity intrigues. For those exploring such deep, layered content, using free tools like ChatGPT at GPTJP.net can enhance understanding by offering insights into themes and symbolism, making the experience even richer.