King of Swords 8-83
Chapter: 8
“Ogam was the first to teach Metia the ways of violence.
‘Make a fist,’ he said, showing her how, ‘And marry it with your enemy’s jaw.’
“Ogam was the first to teach Metia the ways of violence.
‘Make a fist,’ he said, showing her how, ‘And marry it with your enemy’s jaw.’
mikiri counter incoming!
Allison just needs to git gud
Reach heaven through GIT GUD!
Although Alison left her home Earth years before Sekiro was developed, it’s not impossible that game hadn’t already existed in the Throne… and since she was a big nerd…
Step on swords, style on nerds, get the deathblows, win.
Bigger issue here:
Allison’s key is exposed
Yes, I’m sure she wanted to keep it hidden longer from the other opponents, but this one already knew about her key. He’s been chasing her for years because of it, after all.
He’s actually been chasing her because she escaped from Praman Nand with his wife, Cio. I don’t recall anything (directly) to do with her Key.
The very first thing he did was declare that he would take her key, soooo – it’s about the key.
The fight in that Hell broke out because the devil that White Chain busted on the bus overheard the exposition and told everyone in that Hell about the weak idiot with a key in her head. Eris declared intent to get that key first, then Layla responded with a warning shot, and the fight over the key broke out.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Solomon already knows that she’s there, and most non-contestants may not recognize that it’s not some random key that one of the Seven hand out.. It’s not like hiding her Key really would have made much of a difference.
Two things.
First, it might be just me, but Mr. Big’n’Hard does not seem to employ (and barely recognize the existence of) women. There is a case for his imhotep-ness there, how virile he is she will not register as a threat to him. Salami is not stupid, but smart people are often idiots in really stupid ways.
Second, I’ve been wanting to see Allie to just blip herself through the ring for the Horseceror to pierce himself out of it. That’s a losing condition, and I’d love to see it. True, it would not be as Aesma-like, but twice as fun.
Imhotep-ness: Typo, or a reference to the pharaoh vizier from the 27th century Bc?
If so, what do you mean by that?
Sounds like a job for the Skull of Ys Myra, no?
That’s using your head! Pound that key into his third eye!
Band name coming on!
The Door in The Eye
Is not merciful.
Well, Eris DID say he wanted the key. Maybe it’s time to give it to him.
Right in his stupid horse-face.
Parry with your eye, Alysun!
They never see it coming. [Pun not intended, but nonetheless appreciated]
UN-OGAM was a good bloke.
With that said; welcome back to the knife’s edge, Allison. We’re all looking forward to seeing how you dance out of it.
Ogam was always trying to be everyone’s big brother.
The Rising King must save herself without the use of arms. I pray we do not witness what I believe is about to take place! A forbidden martial technique, developed by a child of unimaginable power. Al-YISUN, I beg you, don’t unleash that terrible Art!
For the love of Creation, none may know of…
All For One, Shoot Style!
*One For All.
Time for that California smash.
Gog-Agog, it’s not nice to sass Gog-Agog.
She’s obviously distressed that her new favorite isn’t doing well.
How does Gog-Agog put up with Gog-Agog? If I was me, I’d have driven me crazy by now.
The trick is let the sanity go gracefully. Once it is gone you won’t miss it.
I am also beggin for the Stinking Goddess
She’s got the power of every member of the Multiplicity, there’s no reason she’d ever have to reuse one.
Heck, you could make a madlib style random generator to match attack types to known gods of The Wheel.
Just a sampling of her options:
Hammer of Un-Koss
Rod of Ys-Het
Staff of Un-Medam
Drunken Rage of Akaroth
Breath of Ovis
Spear of Un-Sivran
Manhood of Ogam-Am
Iron Nail of Ys-Prim
Foul Smoke of Hansa’s Pipe
Sickle of Un-Fel
Hunger of Un-Kaon
Agony of Un-Selat
Dining Room of Un-Goran
Six-Wheeled Chariot of Boratus of the Silver Scales
Golden Claw of Namon
Ys-Voya of BIRDS (or is it the other way around?)
Beard of Pragma
Golden Claw of Namon
Plenty of options
I hope she uses the mighty power of the garden god she was doing one handed pull ups on earlier.
She’s finally learning.
If she drops, the old fool might just ring himself out with that leaping charge.
Quite right. Learn to outthink the enemy instead of going on trying to overwhelm his technique with power. Or the eyeball shield technique, which is just shuddersome to watch.
Jesus kek
Allison’s an uber noobtard
nah, she’s mid-tier that has grown so used to dealing with scrubs that she doesn’t know what to do when faced with competent opposition.
I’m starting to see why nobody studies palm styles anymore.
Sweep the leg, Daniel-san! #80sReference
She’s about to use the ancient technique of Kneetocrotch, first deployed against Preem Testi-Kal, the famous soprano.
Behold the Reddest Art: Transmute Plums into Plums
How Erogenous!
Forging Diamond / Champion
Forging Diamond
til crystalline matrix complete.
Forging Allison into Badass
Take Darling Lunkhead
Add INTENSE Pressure
God Eris Lo-Kai needs to be nerfed. Who on the design team had the bright idea give him that vacus needle instant overhead, a 2f sword low jab animation cancel, AND a parry?
Not to mention that op counter special. Combined with his broken frame data, he can just whiff attacks all day and never get punished.
I think you about to see how completely he gets punished when he fails to keep his opponent off balance.
She’s going to step slightly to the side, and his leap attack will send him off the ring.
Description is Metal AF
Say does this mean we need to…?
Piccolo intensifies.
I predict a sidestep-fall down combo
gonna catch it with her teeth lol
Come on, Allison!!!
Use your teeth if you have to, haha
“We will fight, if we have to crawl from the wreaks of our ships and chew through their hulls.”
A banner with a crossed-out heart
The observer attempts to chart
How quickly you forget your art.
Allison’s thick skull is about to prove it’s worth!
Not the jewels… it’s going to be the jewels, right?