King of Swords 8-75
Chapter: 8
“I have one wish – make of my body a hammer that will fall with great fury and purpose. Make of my skin blades that will repel the impure world. I tire of it.”
– Unknown, widely attributed to the first Thorn Knight
“I have one wish – make of my body a hammer that will fall with great fury and purpose. Make of my skin blades that will repel the impure world. I tire of it.”
– Unknown, widely attributed to the first Thorn Knight
Juggernaut tempting White Chain only demonstrates the weakness of Juggernaut’s position. If he had better cards to play he would slap them down.
There is a truth the least acolytes of Mammon deny, which to the utmost Priests of the Count is air, water, and food.
Fear does not “shake” one’s bargaining position. Fear -becomes- one’s position.
And in this moment, angelic flame knows fear.
Divest in long-term investments, my lovelies. A time of great liquidity is soon to be upon us.
But what about the BREAD. Where in the aftermath void of unlife does one BAKE THE BREAD?
Haha, I like that. ‘A time of great liquidity’.
Ah, Juggernaut Star. When will you learn that rash, impulsive, and emotional are necessary pieces in the puzzle box that is Royalty?
Unless one is a god one could always have done more, could have done better, should have tried something else. The would-haves, the could-haves, and the should-haves can make your own memories a lash for your back, your singular destiny your doom, and your fate a cage. Remember that you are not a god.
“disgustingly human”
Bold words from a monster truck rally announcer that was cut in half by one
Preem Pios, if I could upvote your comment six thousand million times, I would do so.
I don’t think Juggalo is denying humans can be powerful, just feels that humans tend to use that power unwisely. That same bladeless cutter seems to have lost the supreme power to Dickweed Incubus, after all.
Fishing for an iron chest
react to arc, complete the quest
Stand above the steam and rest.
Juggernaut Star… surprising to see one such as them refer to themselves as a “slave”
They don’t strike me as one who would suffer that epithet, much less the actual condition.
Chains are not only fashioned of iron and bone. The strongest of all are those that lie upon the soul.
Surprisingly chill for a person with that many spikes growing out of their face.
“He agreed, for he knew his holy duty, and he was taken before the priests, anointed, and ordained, and broken for seven times seven days. Such screaming has ne’er been heard since that time.
But at the end of that time, they took him off, and they cast his limbs in steaming metal, and even though he never healed, he could lift that wheel, though no man could have hoped to. And inside the wheel was the awful thing called Truth, and he broke a thousand times a thousand sinners on its rim.”
– Song of Maybe
all these poor trans girls getting punished and forced to hide themselves 😢
This is best.
Many honks to you.
ur so right tho
Juggy identifies as more masculine than feminine, in spite of his feminine form.
Is he actually a trans boy?
Let White Flame Have Titties
perhaps there transgressions are the same
Wasn’t just me seeing that analogue, then. Yyyyyyeap. Get the snot whipped out of us and get forced to go back to lookin’ and actin’ how others want us to. Sounds about right.
Sounds about fuckin’ right.
“Now your statues are standing and pouring sweat. They shiver with dread.
The black blood drips from the highest rooftops. They have seen the necessity of evil. Get out, get out of my sanctum and drown your spirits in woe.”
~ The Oracle of Delphi to the Athenians on the approach of Xerxes, King of the Persian Empire – 480 B.C.
Kinky punishment is the best punishment.
Ohh. You think the thorn knights may be just into heavy BDSM ?
And piercing. Lots of piercing.
Now that a good theory ..
Nice to know prejudice is always the same, even here, even with someone as free from the taboos and prejudices as Mr Juggernat Star Scours the Universe. She’s not good enough to make it, on account of being born human, so you’re going to have to stab her in the back to make sure she doesn’t make it.
Correction: “free from the taboos and prejudices of society”. Mr Henry Louis Mencken.
You’d expect angels, being aligned with order, to eventually come to the understanding that balance requires everything to align with its opposite, even order itself.
You’d be wrong. That’d require angels to learn things.
Well I mean, I always see angels as the personification of Order and thus are not the type of beings who’d regularly understand that balance is needed due to their entire nature of existence being set around this concept.
The Old Law =/= Order
Honestly, we fucked up real bad when we wrote that.
“The weakness of flesh shall be reforged upon the anvil of suffering”
I think I know that guy.
Still waiting for Lady Gog-Agoga to reappear. Ah , she’s such joy , i so miss her !
omg saaaaame!!
Every panel I see of 6 Juggernaut makes me disgustingly jealous of how badass his design is.
Woah are the Prime Angels waking up? I distinctly recall them being less colourful last time we saw them.
Heh. Cuz she’s a tire.
Oh snap, I didn’t pick that up at first.
Nice pun, Abbadon.
It’s curious that Angel’s appear to have mutable forms (Juggie’s Tsundere and Death Metal Cover Modes, for example) but that there seems to be a limit on how far they can shift?
Are there any rules around that?
The ash armor shells can be whatever shape their makers forge them in. It doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the shape of the angel that goes inside.
So “Tsundere Form” is the shape of the actual angel, and everything else is just clothes that they wear.
The angel’s true form does seem to slowly change shape as it condenses and solidifies inside the armor, over thousands of years. The shape of the armor seems to have some influence here, but environmental factors also come into play.
Spending too much time defending the people of the Red City may cause the subject to become infected with sympathy, humanity, or even femininity. Fearful and contagious illnesses that twist the body and mind alike, there’s little wonder that the concordance fears them.
But consider the first appearance of “Tsundere Form” Juggie. They had a skull for a head, then suddenly and unknowingly (seemingly in a moment of exhaustion) did not. Then did again once it was brought to their attention (before the retcon anyway).
In this particular example, Juggie was projecting outside of their armor. To your metaphor, Juggie had shaped her self to that of her clothes, then reverted, then done so again. But the shaping of one’s self in the first place implies that, to a certain extent, Angel’s can choose their soul’s form.
Rule of drama.
It’s affected by how they’re feeling at the time, I suspect, with influence from their superiors / the Law.
I wonder how this battle will begin… And who the enemy is that the angelic horde wish to face.
Their war is with Hope, and so they are doomed.
That is the one lie that YISUN will not permit them to extinguish.
Through this shared struggle, I hope that White Chain and Juggernaut Star can find common goals between their tension.
Or in other words, I think I ‘ship them?
And on the third day… I’ve finished reading it all.
I’m so sorry for 6 Juggernaut Star Scours the Universe, she’s not only oppressed by her order, but also her own sense of righteousness
The secret to oppressing people, is to get them to do it for you.
That’s why we had Un-Koss carve servitude and slavery into the very souls, of white sons of Un. Before they could keep the Servant races in line, they had to keep themselves in line.
Rash, Impulsive, Emotional?
Fighting the old Watchers to a pulp, stalking them to the void to put them to sleep forever?
Torturing the power of God out of the eldest Angel?
Searching six billion worlds for an Heir to put things right?
Juggernaut Star isn’t wrong about Allison. She IS reckless and impulsive, and sometimes it’s like she doesn’t see danger when it’s staring her in the face. Remember her first meeting with Mottom? Face to face with one of the seven most powerful beings in the universe, and she was barely civil to her, talking to her as if Mottom was someone she met in LA, not the absolute ruler of one seventh of the multiverse who was known to be cruel and capricious and very, very powerful. Alison reminds me of the kind of people who, when confronted with dangerous animals, will get out of the car to take a selfie next to a lion or a grizzly bear. Like many people from our civilized world, personal danger seems to be an alien concept to her. It’s like she simply doen’t realize things could go bad for her. (Almost like she knows she’s the protagonist of a story and protected by plot armor.)
The last king was very human as well, juggy. In fact, I haven’t exactly seen any angelic kings in this story.
We hammered the very concept of Royalty out of them.
We couldn’t have our enforcers rising up against us and starting a coup, could we?
Woah. Did Metatron whip Juggernaut Star with his own armor? That’s. Kinda badass. Cruel, but badass.
He ordered Juggy to whip herself, and it was so.
Juggernaut Star must be great fun at parties.
They really had a blast, when she crashed Mottom’s shindig.
Cousin Juggernaut! How you changed, from the one I once grew up and stronger with. It i apparent that the traits you left behind are the ones you now despise in both White Chain and Al-Yis-Un, or am I wrong?
What two reincarnations and a few centuries do to an Aeon.
In chasing strength, the thorns have left it behind.
The roots and the petals know true strength. If they become weak, they are destroyed by the weight they choose to bear, but by bearing the weight, their greatest are made strong.
The Roots uphold the Law, the City, and the Concordance.
The Petals stand for themselves, and so they stand alone.
Glory to the new flesh!