Indeed it does. One more bit of proof to my suspicion that monkeys are a fifth order of inheritor, the greatest and most secret work of Koss. For example, this monkey has shown superior intellect to even the great Preem Allison, by way of choosing to eat fruit instead of throwing itself headlong into a metaphorical meat grinder.
Ever since humans figured out how to Think Thoughts, we’ve all desperately wanted to go back.
That which we call “enlightenment” -living entirely in each moment- is something the monkey is born knowing how to do. Perhaps that is why those seeking to re-learn the monkey’s wisdom are called monks; they’re closest a human can get to the hallowed monkey.
AmeliaNyoom, farmer, Adherant of Pattram Sword Hands, Follower of Meti’s Sword Manual
The monkey is Gog Agog!
Bearer of the word Beast.
See the little worm on the plum.
You didn’t think she would stay out of limelight did you.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Gog Agog is in every crowd shot from here on out.
Gog-Agog is already within our party. I wonder, who is dressed in Gog-Agog green? Who demanded they go after Solomon, against her character? Who talked about the Demiurges so passionately, also against her character, as a green crown of flame almost sputtered into life over her head?
Yeah, defined abs are not what power looks like. Defined abs are what strict dieting, appearance-tailored exercise, and then a day or so of dehydration for the photo-shoot look like.
Look up some pictures of bodybuilders and then google “world record lift”. You’ll notice basically all the people who specialize in powerlifting have a bunch of fat around their abdomens. That’s cus that’s what the human body looks like when you optimize for power over meeting a very narrow standard of appearance.
That’s not to say that some people don’t naturally get defined abs from the exercise they do. Like I’d say most dedicated parkourists I’ve met have abs ‘cus that’s just what their particular form of exercise does to the body. But most serious fighters (who aren’t also bodybuilders) have a good bit of squish around their core.
And all that said, well, fat’s just not a problem for fighters. Being chubby doesn’t reduce one’s ability to drive muscle-driven bone into an opponent’s squishy bits. Heck if anything the extra weight can be an advantage if you end up grappling. It takes a *lot* of excess fat before an otherwise fit person starts to have combat problems because of it and even then it’s not nearly as much of a problem as you’d think (it mostly just requires an adjustment of combat style rather than being a strict weakness).
All of which to say is … yeah, Allison might be a bit flabby. She could have more fat than she needs even considering how strong fighters tend to have some squish on their core. And that’d probably be a good thing. She’s recovering from an eating disorder, body image issues, and overdieting malnourishment. If she’s gained and maintained some extra (nonfluctuating) fat that’s excellent.
You also missed out that having fat over your muscles is actually very useful in regards of protecting said muscles from damage. Whilst certainly not inherently lethal getting slashed across the abdomen can cause a lot of damage if one were to have a low fat physique like the mentioned body builders or parkour enthusiasts. Even if Allison is a badass it’ll certainly take longer for her body to heal any damage to the structure of her muscles compared to just having the protective layer of fat sliced.
Gladiators used to eat a whole lot of oat porridge, not just because of energy requirements for fighting in the arena, but also because having a bit of fat meant that you could get dramatic, spectacular, blood-splattering, crowd-pleasing cuts and slashes without them being necessarily harmful.
Clean the wound, stitch it up, and it’ll scar, without loss of function. And the crowds love wounds and scars. And if the crowd loves you, you’ll survive a lot longer.
A) Rando is completely correct about fat protecting muscle and I shouldn’t have left that out.
B) Why yes, I do watch anime on occasion. But you know where I got this information from? Practicing MMA (mixed martial arts). I know that Allison’s body is what a healthy fighter’s body looks like, because it’s what *my* body looks like. (What half the men and women I practice with look like actually).
Fun fact though: I used to have defined abs back when I did parkour. Bit of a tapered waist too. When I transitioned to MMA though, my core thickened, got some extra fat, and my abs became more slab-like and vanished. But guess what? My core is *way* stronger now than it ever was when I did parkour. Because this is what power looks like.
So maybe *you* should stop getting your concept of power and beauty from anime, and listen to those who actually have some experience with this stuff.
If you look at the physique of martial arts who value speed over power, they often have the abs like swimmers. For males, the narrow waist, wide shoulders, and strong rooted legs and thighs seems to be a hallmark of a bare hand fighter. Gives those guys heavy swords and you will see more bulk, for power lies in strength. To be quick AND powerful, a little bit of energy reserves stored as fat over lean muscle is desirable. Hence, Allison is PERFECT!
That was also my first thought when I saw this, but then I realized it was carefully placed to hide her Key so that nobody asks any awkward questions.
Although, one would think a plain old hat would do a much better job of hiding it (less chance of slipping down on her forehead). So maybe some vanity is involved here after all.
Given the thin eyeslits, I assume it’s a stand-in for sunglasses, when tinted glass isn’t available. The Inuit used such goggles, to cut down on the glare from the snow.
You know, Allison ate the peach. Allison invited Incubus into her head. I wouldn’t be surprised if she somehow ends up eating the worm, eventually. Become one with the gods and absorb their thrones.
Looks like an anime – the protagonist and retinue off to fight the big, bad. When things go bad later, I expect Cio to swoop in at the last moment and save the day.
I wonder if she is trying to ‘blend in’ as an university student or something? Does look a little out of place with the drabber clothes the others are wearing.
She wasn’t going to be wearing green until the last comment section made toying with the idea of infestation too delicious for the great liar to resist.
Thus the perceivers co-create reality.
I note that the crew is sporting the additive primary colors: Princess is Big Red, White Chain’s armor and accents are blue, Nyeve in her green… while Al-YS-UN combines them all into white.
Why , but the only really legitimate excitement , joy and fulfillment comes from Gog-Agog(tm) ! Don’t settle for second grade nature provided endorphins , choose best , choose Gog-Agog ! Eat the worm , become happiest you can be ! Join the fun , join Gog-Agog ! It’s so fun you won’t be able to regret ! Anything. Ever.
I’m wondering if the mouse over texts are stored somewhere after the image changes to be a link to the next page? At least I can’t read them on my tablet.
They’re the title/alt text of the image, they’re still there in the HTML. They show up fine on desktop, so it’s probably just mobile browsers being bad at mouseover.
I don’t see a problem here, Cio just needs to come here to try to save Allison at some point on a white dragonlike or demonlike creature (I suppose horses are out of question) and just ask Ally for her hand in marriage while her ex would be watching, or make Ally do the asking when Cio would be coming to save her.
Many pages from now but well I can dream right?
Worse scenario Cio never shows up even when Allison gets in very death like situation, that would be sad, I hope love is bigger than that even for a blue devil person, maybe she will enter the fight as a mysterious stranger wearing some armor etc.?
Also damn this page looks cool as hell. Or heaven.
Oh , shush! I was also told “you can’t just lube floors near security and report to secofficers there illegal ice-skating club on station” , “you can’t just run around throwing cream pie in people’s faces screaming ‘taste the fun!’ ” , “you can’t just steal NO2 canister and drag it around releasing laughing gas in corridors!”
But yet here I am ! Set on fire and thrown out of airlock. Well. Maybe its not that inspiring example..
(Its important to obtain fire extinguisher beforehand , for putting out fires _and_ steering in space.Oxygen supply won’t hurt either. Or just be a ling .)
Releasing NO₂ in an enclosed environment does result in hilarity, but mostly for those a substantial distance away given that it isn’t the same thing as NO at all, and it is only the latter that is commonly described as laughing gas.
Ah , it sits in the armory and makes people laugh ,but evil security holds on to it like dragon on treasures and denies people fun, that all I know. As for chemistry formulas – clown is clown and not a chemist. Excquise my lack of chemistry education.
Also I heard that clowns that do have chemistry education not even allowed to arrive on station , for some unfathomable and unexplainable mysterious reason.
NO is nitric oxide, and is created in the body for use as a vasodilator.
NO2 is nitrogen dioxide, and is a reddish-brownish gas which is a major air pollutant, as well as being used in the manufacture of nitric acid and fertilizers.
Hehe, monkey eat fruit.
Indeed it does. One more bit of proof to my suspicion that monkeys are a fifth order of inheritor, the greatest and most secret work of Koss. For example, this monkey has shown superior intellect to even the great Preem Allison, by way of choosing to eat fruit instead of throwing itself headlong into a metaphorical meat grinder.
Abbadon really waited this long to introduce the most important character in the series, fruit monkey.
Ever since humans figured out how to Think Thoughts, we’ve all desperately wanted to go back.
That which we call “enlightenment” -living entirely in each moment- is something the monkey is born knowing how to do. Perhaps that is why those seeking to re-learn the monkey’s wisdom are called monks; they’re closest a human can get to the hallowed monkey.
This monkey has clearly studied meti’s sword manual and decided to eat fruit instead of training the sword.
i’m monkey
let us learn and be enlightened monkey
for you are wise
Monkey see! Monkey do!
as am i brother
We are monkey
I am inside all Monkeys.
Interesting when you remember the specific symbolism plums hold within the K6BD mythology
Ooh, what’s that? Didn’t know there was any symbolism there!
Plums do not exist, yet they’re YISUN’s favorite fruit, and they’re considered erotic
I tried to link the wiki page on The Lie of The Iron Plum, but the spam filter ate it.
“There is no plum, just as you have no heart, for you do not exist.”
The monkey is Gog Agog!
Bearer of the word Beast.
See the little worm on the plum.
You didn’t think she would stay out of limelight did you.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Gog Agog is in every crowd shot from here on out.
Oh joy ! The lady Gog-Agoga , the most amazing performance artist of them all is back ! Hurrkh hurrkh hurray !
*jubilous honking*
I think it’s just dripping juice.
Gog-Agog is already within our party. I wonder, who is dressed in Gog-Agog green? Who demanded they go after Solomon, against her character? Who talked about the Demiurges so passionately, also against her character, as a green crown of flame almost sputtered into life over her head?
Do not think that Nyave lacked passion, just because she knew she was not a warrior or a thief.
It was not without resistance that she got White Chain into that kimono.
Rest in peace, gentle firebrand.
Just dial “M” for MONKEY
I laughed too hard at this.
Goddamn I love new buff-bitch Allison.
I don’t know, she looks a little flabby in this picture.
She has power fat. She is buff below that. Look at pro weight lifters. They have fat on them as well
You gotta eat to be STRONG
I’d like a better view of Dem Abs, but if it means more of dat swole ass, I shall endure.
One can’t hope to gain a powerful musculature without getting a bit flabby.
Plus, that is more on the side of healthy than outright flabby, the stick-bug physique she sported before would not serve her well in a fight
Yeah, defined abs are not what power looks like. Defined abs are what strict dieting, appearance-tailored exercise, and then a day or so of dehydration for the photo-shoot look like.
Look up some pictures of bodybuilders and then google “world record lift”. You’ll notice basically all the people who specialize in powerlifting have a bunch of fat around their abdomens. That’s cus that’s what the human body looks like when you optimize for power over meeting a very narrow standard of appearance.
That’s not to say that some people don’t naturally get defined abs from the exercise they do. Like I’d say most dedicated parkourists I’ve met have abs ‘cus that’s just what their particular form of exercise does to the body. But most serious fighters (who aren’t also bodybuilders) have a good bit of squish around their core.
And all that said, well, fat’s just not a problem for fighters. Being chubby doesn’t reduce one’s ability to drive muscle-driven bone into an opponent’s squishy bits. Heck if anything the extra weight can be an advantage if you end up grappling. It takes a *lot* of excess fat before an otherwise fit person starts to have combat problems because of it and even then it’s not nearly as much of a problem as you’d think (it mostly just requires an adjustment of combat style rather than being a strict weakness).
All of which to say is … yeah, Allison might be a bit flabby. She could have more fat than she needs even considering how strong fighters tend to have some squish on their core. And that’d probably be a good thing. She’s recovering from an eating disorder, body image issues, and overdieting malnourishment. If she’s gained and maintained some extra (nonfluctuating) fat that’s excellent.
You also missed out that having fat over your muscles is actually very useful in regards of protecting said muscles from damage. Whilst certainly not inherently lethal getting slashed across the abdomen can cause a lot of damage if one were to have a low fat physique like the mentioned body builders or parkour enthusiasts. Even if Allison is a badass it’ll certainly take longer for her body to heal any damage to the structure of her muscles compared to just having the protective layer of fat sliced.
Gladiators used to eat a whole lot of oat porridge, not just because of energy requirements for fighting in the arena, but also because having a bit of fat meant that you could get dramatic, spectacular, blood-splattering, crowd-pleasing cuts and slashes without them being necessarily harmful.
Clean the wound, stitch it up, and it’ll scar, without loss of function. And the crowds love wounds and scars. And if the crowd loves you, you’ll survive a lot longer.
Also, look at photos of boxers from the Bare Knuckle era.
They all have a spare tire, and keep their guard close to their torso, to protect against shots to the liver, colon and kidneys.
“fat protects muslce” lmao you retards need to stop watching anime. She’s a fatty fat fat and got ugly
Fat doesnt exist in anime. Muscle rarely does either but fat definetely doesnt. Get a better insult next time
A) Rando is completely correct about fat protecting muscle and I shouldn’t have left that out.
B) Why yes, I do watch anime on occasion. But you know where I got this information from? Practicing MMA (mixed martial arts). I know that Allison’s body is what a healthy fighter’s body looks like, because it’s what *my* body looks like. (What half the men and women I practice with look like actually).
Fun fact though: I used to have defined abs back when I did parkour. Bit of a tapered waist too. When I transitioned to MMA though, my core thickened, got some extra fat, and my abs became more slab-like and vanished. But guess what? My core is *way* stronger now than it ever was when I did parkour. Because this is what power looks like.
So maybe *you* should stop getting your concept of power and beauty from anime, and listen to those who actually have some experience with this stuff.
Gotta at least have your interest piqued by how quickly everyone is smacking down the Allison is Fat allegations lol
However I don’t think anyone would argue that AL-YISUN doesn’t need to go up a short size. Girl. That wedgie.
You might not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
Also, google Roy “Big Country” Nelson.
Thick thighs take lives.
Nope. Take your shit elsewhere, it won’t be tolerated here.
that was supposed to be in reply to Beelz
Amen. Triangle-choke the gods and take their thrones.
Worth it.
If you look at the physique of martial arts who value speed over power, they often have the abs like swimmers. For males, the narrow waist, wide shoulders, and strong rooted legs and thighs seems to be a hallmark of a bare hand fighter. Gives those guys heavy swords and you will see more bulk, for power lies in strength. To be quick AND powerful, a little bit of energy reserves stored as fat over lean muscle is desirable. Hence, Allison is PERFECT!
What is the purpose of the goggles?
To hide her Key of Kings
Must get bright at times with at least 2 suns and no night…
Accessories are royal
Queen Mottom would be most put out by yet another nonsense ensemble. That somehow makes it even better.
That was also my first thought when I saw this, but then I realized it was carefully placed to hide her Key so that nobody asks any awkward questions.
Although, one would think a plain old hat would do a much better job of hiding it (less chance of slipping down on her forehead). So maybe some vanity is involved here after all.
Given the thin eyeslits, I assume it’s a stand-in for sunglasses, when tinted glass isn’t available. The Inuit used such goggles, to cut down on the glare from the snow.
Moving from a land of perpetual dusk to a world with two suns is my guess
Are you the milkman?
My Milk is Delicious! Its filled with what the World Needs, what the World Deserves.
…. /k/alcium? Is that you?
Special delivery, today.
the true answer is to signify alison’s status as protagonist
it looks cool as shit
“The spectacliquary! It doeth nothing!”
The goggles are clearly to keep the knives out of her eyes. (Which knives? See that last fight featuring KILLBOSS….)
Fight starts, it gets hard and Cio appears. The Cio that appears is made of worms, Allison doesn’t know that, hugs and kisses her. The End.
or…is it?
You know, Allison ate the peach. Allison invited Incubus into her head. I wouldn’t be surprised if she somehow ends up eating the worm, eventually. Become one with the gods and absorb their thrones.
Joinn uss ! Jooin uss !
.. He he , just kidding , I’m not the changeling clown ! Or am I ? Or am I not ?
*throws banana peel , runs away*
Turns out she can just.
Is it just me or has White Chain gotten much shorter here?
Also, this party looks much more wholesome than the group that attacked Yre, though I doubt the end results will be any less bloody.
Looks like an anime – the protagonist and retinue off to fight the big, bad. When things go bad later, I expect Cio to swoop in at the last moment and save the day.
Cio already did that, on the top of the mast of a ship no less! Something new is coming our way I think. Something grand.
Cio’s not the only one that cried, it seems.
That or Allison’s got pink eye.
And a broken nose?
She can tho….and she did.
A rather suspicious shade of green young Nyave is wearing…
I wonder if she is trying to ‘blend in’ as an university student or something? Does look a little out of place with the drabber clothes the others are wearing.
And she is the only one smiling…
And her smile is suspiciously similar to Gog-Agog’s other victims…
Now _that_ is a sign.
I don’t want to believe this, but in the end, even sweet Nyave must make the journey to my cup.
To be spared the demiurge tree’s butchers’ blades, only to be eaten from the inside by demiurge maggots, though.
She wasn’t going to be wearing green until the last comment section made toying with the idea of infestation too delicious for the great liar to resist.
Thus the perceivers co-create reality.
Her every outfit post-timeskip has been green so far. Cutaway splash of the god’s skull, during and after the card game, and now this.
Now that you say this, they all do look green now. An act of a master of The Art. Or was it that way to begin with. Can anyone tell the difference?
They were always green.
Maybe she just has a favorite color?
And nicely finished with a red tie.
Well i’m wondering if no one else is.
She looks like a Girl Scout!
I note that the crew is sporting the additive primary colors: Princess is Big Red, White Chain’s armor and accents are blue, Nyeve in her green… while Al-YS-UN combines them all into white.
Devil can and Devil will
Devil stays at home to chill
Devil fears the whims of fate
Devil will still probably show up late
One cannot show up late if one does not show up. Does this imply that Cio will break the whole of the law?
Party leader wears a sneer
Nyave’s not all that she appears
Angel’s ready to deride
Devil makes no attempt to hide
Nyave looks like she is going on a field trip. I love it
It’s really cute. I’m hoping that’s legitimate excitement and not Gog-Agog in her.
Why , but the only really legitimate excitement , joy and fulfillment comes from Gog-Agog(tm) ! Don’t settle for second grade nature provided endorphins , choose best , choose Gog-Agog ! Eat the worm , become happiest you can be ! Join the fun , join Gog-Agog ! It’s so fun you won’t be able to regret ! Anything. Ever.
*several joyful honks*
I’m wondering if the mouse over texts are stored somewhere after the image changes to be a link to the next page? At least I can’t read them on my tablet.
They’re the title/alt text of the image, they’re still there in the HTML. They show up fine on desktop, so it’s probably just mobile browsers being bad at mouseover.
Thank you kind sir. I will then commence reading with my slightly larger internet’o’vision, if I miss a page.
I’m getting a distinct Sgt. Peppers vibe from this.
Either Sergeant Pepper, or Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures.
You say that like there is a difference.
Bizarre Dentures? Sounds painful.
I am all about this squad!
(…though, feeling the absence of Cio ;_; )
Yat dat dada dada dat dat dada! Yat dat dada dada dat dat dada! Yat dadadada! Yat dadadada! Yat dat dada dada dat dada dada!
Cio is really missing out. Not on the adventure, but the chance to hang out at a vacation spot on the opposite side of the city.
Blue demons are the worst! New Red Hotness!
Don’t eat that bad date, mr sumatran rat-monkey!
The jotaro esque shoulder-pads are a nice touch
Aw, she’s been crying. =(
Birds in snow guide missiles in
Children blinding wolf-soul men
Cut the boy and reach heaven
Ahh, Rhyming Wax Head, it warms my heart to see you. Truly, the spell that animates you is strong indeed.
I don’t see a problem here, Cio just needs to come here to try to save Allison at some point on a white dragonlike or demonlike creature (I suppose horses are out of question) and just ask Ally for her hand in marriage while her ex would be watching, or make Ally do the asking when Cio would be coming to save her.
Many pages from now but well I can dream right?
Worse scenario Cio never shows up even when Allison gets in very death like situation, that would be sad, I hope love is bigger than that even for a blue devil person, maybe she will enter the fight as a mysterious stranger wearing some armor etc.?
Also damn this page looks cool as hell. Or heaven.
“but she could, and she did”
“Nevertheless, she persisted.” – a certain politician, not intending what he did.
>you can’t just –
Oh , shush! I was also told “you can’t just lube floors near security and report to secofficers there illegal ice-skating club on station” , “you can’t just run around throwing cream pie in people’s faces screaming ‘taste the fun!’ ” , “you can’t just steal NO2 canister and drag it around releasing laughing gas in corridors!”
But yet here I am ! Set on fire and thrown out of airlock. Well. Maybe its not that inspiring example..
(Its important to obtain fire extinguisher beforehand , for putting out fires _and_ steering in space.Oxygen supply won’t hurt either. Or just be a ling .)
Releasing NO₂ in an enclosed environment does result in hilarity, but mostly for those a substantial distance away given that it isn’t the same thing as NO at all, and it is only the latter that is commonly described as laughing gas.
Ah , it sits in the armory and makes people laugh ,but evil security holds on to it like dragon on treasures and denies people fun, that all I know. As for chemistry formulas – clown is clown and not a chemist. Excquise my lack of chemistry education.
Also I heard that clowns that do have chemistry education not even allowed to arrive on station , for some unfathomable and unexplainable mysterious reason.
Nitrous oxide, aka Laughing Gas, is N2O.
NO is nitric oxide, and is created in the body for use as a vasodilator.
NO2 is nitrogen dioxide, and is a reddish-brownish gas which is a major air pollutant, as well as being used in the manufacture of nitric acid and fertilizers.
Well, as if Cio’s ridicuolous tastes weren’t enough, now Nyave’s outfit is simply disgusting~ Damn ><
Queen Mottom is that you?
Most definitely not – for I’m Grandpa, not Grandma.