I do hope that Preem Nyave has not been infected by the disease of the seven, what with the green particles of will floating around her head. The fact that they’re green rather than white may suggest interference by the bearer of the word Beast. However an eye motif is a more common way of getting across such things; this may be too obvious though, perhaps a more subtle approach was taken with the strange coloration of the energy (given the pink tint to to Al-Yisun’s will when controled by the bearer of the word Flame).
Only time will tell. But if it comes to pass that Preem Nyave has fallen to the worm I will weep white hot tears for the Nyave/White Chain shippers.
But if you do manage to convince city road department to sign contract with your firm on making and repairing gold paving on the roads (perhaps with some , mm , gifts , yes , to city officials) then city will have to pay you constantly for repairs. It will be like a gold mine !
Go green ! Go full Gog-Agog ! All the best Gog-Agog experts agree : Gog-Agog is good for environment , healthy and most importantly Gog-Agog. And don’t forget the benefits of Gog-Agogs Gog-Agog! Gog-Agog Gog-Agog Gog-Agog , all you need is Gog-Agog !
*honks and laughs*
I really thank you for the valuable info on this great subject and look forward to more great posts. Thanks a lot for enjoying this beauty article with me. I am appreciating it very much! Looking forward to another great article. Good luck to the author! All the best!
Interesting topic for a blog. I have been searching the Internet for fun and came upon your website. Fabulous post. Thanks a ton for sharing your knowledge! It is great to see that some people still put in an effort into managing their websites. I’ll be sure to check back again real soon.
“No object breaks easier in the hands of mortals, than that of a heart.”
We see that onions share the prolific nature of carrots among the ranks of interworldly vegetation.
Foolishness Allison, foolishness
A Devil May Cry
Also Nyave awakening to Justice
I don’t know if this was intentional but it’s what I saw
*sprays tears by yet another clown contraption in 2 meter long streams*
Oh , I am so sad too !
*clown circus-grade crying intensifies*
Such terrible foolishness and such terrible wisdom. She is only half right about the Seven – They are both more and less than People now.
I do hope that Preem Nyave has not been infected by the disease of the seven, what with the green particles of will floating around her head. The fact that they’re green rather than white may suggest interference by the bearer of the word Beast. However an eye motif is a more common way of getting across such things; this may be too obvious though, perhaps a more subtle approach was taken with the strange coloration of the energy (given the pink tint to to Al-Yisun’s will when controled by the bearer of the word Flame).
Only time will tell. But if it comes to pass that Preem Nyave has fallen to the worm I will weep white hot tears for the Nyave/White Chain shippers.
Nyave is clearly the local word for Naivete. Sister has a lot to learn, and Allison is going to foot the bill.
Gold is very soft, and would make an extremely poor paving material. Only the foolish would want to cover their streets with it.
But if you do manage to convince city road department to sign contract with your firm on making and repairing gold paving on the roads (perhaps with some , mm , gifts , yes , to city officials) then city will have to pay you constantly for repairs. It will be like a gold mine !
> Gog Agog is people?
Yes! *honking intensifies*
Just like Soylent Green
Go green ! Go full Gog-Agog ! All the best Gog-Agog experts agree : Gog-Agog is good for environment , healthy and most importantly Gog-Agog. And don’t forget the benefits of Gog-Agogs Gog-Agog! Gog-Agog Gog-Agog Gog-Agog , all you need is Gog-Agog !
*honks and laughs*
Aw! Cio’s cuttin’ onions!
Making demons cry and angels smile.
Allison really is breaking all the rules, isn’t she?
Better to start a journey with tears is better than end it in tears. Time to sharpen the blade, lest it gets dull
Cio, you’re gonna lose a finger doing that.
President David Alexander: “I know who you ARE !”
Supreme New World Order Leader, Stone Alexander: “You Only THINK you do.”
– from Meggido, the Omega Code 2,
( Michael York has such FUN being so BAD in this film ! )
since when are white chain’s extra eyes… red? i thought they were blue??
That’s certainly a lot of contact lenses to put on in the morning.
I really thank you for the valuable info on this great subject and look forward to more great posts. Thanks a lot for enjoying this beauty article with me. I am appreciating it very much! Looking forward to another great article. Good luck to the author! All the best!
It is imperative that we read blog posts very carefully. I am already done it and find that this post is really amazing.
It is imperative that we read blog posts very carefully. I am already done it and find that this post is really amazing.
Interesting topic for a blog. I have been searching the Internet for fun and came upon your website. Fabulous post. Thanks a ton for sharing your knowledge! It is great to see that some people still put in an effort into managing their websites. I’ll be sure to check back again real soon.
Every child knows what is right. But what does it take to decide to “do” it?
I only now notice Princess etc etc Esquire wearing the leopard print top that says “BOSS”.
I appreciate it deeply.