King of Swords 7-62
Chapter: 7
“Energy in my heart is of chemical foam
A street of taxies, worn tires, blood and flesh
Behold all that is liberty is a parody of utopia
A shining boulevard of buyers and giga-movies
Minor Depression is a joke, La Vie en Rose is on sale
They say you should know you are happier than you realize”
Paprika is my favorite movie of all time.
If it turns out that this is what makes the Queen of Worms a permanent party member I’ll eat my smartphone.
What glorious music. What a glorious jester. Oh, oh, what fun they will have!
Frankly, that seems a rather tame response to an exploding clown.
Surprised there aren’t any terrified bystanders screaming and running about.
Given that Gog Agog and her crew supposedly dominate the entertainment sector of Throne and Gog Agog herself is a mega rockstar or something (or so says Abbadon), most Throne residents are likely familiar with her shapeshifting abilities.
Still, look at Allison’s face, she looks surprised and confused there, if anything, it being a tame reaction shows restraint, she was probably expecting a minion rather than Gog Agog herself.
“her shapeshifting abilities.”
Maybe that wasn’t shapeshifting…? The piles of meat on the ground imply that there was a body other than hers. For example, she was delivered to the door by one of her drooling followers, who had been inhabited / infected by her. Her follower introduced her, and then she took form — detonating him into red gravy in the process.
Like a cross between a magical girl and a really bad tapeworm.
Hopefully he thought it was a great honor to be her palanquin.
I mean, she is made of worms/maggots? Things that are famous for eating rotting flesh? I think maybe this vehicle was dead before hand, but he’s definitely dead now.
Oh , that would be such fun way to die ! And definitely great honor to serve Honkmother , yes.
So we’re going with Paprika’s Parade, then? Good.
She bears the word Beast! I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT!
So did I :3 Though I must admit, I haven’t expected the revelation that soon and figured it would take at least a week (a month?) or two. Glad I’ve been mistaken on this accord.
Paprika’s Parade is perfect for this, and I love Allison’s a-line dress in these past couple pages.
That has got to be extremely gross to witness.
Also, Gog Agogs face/head getting blasted is a running gag at this point, though I can’t blame Allison for freaking out on this one.
Common knowledge is “Aim for the head” , as in zombie movies and such. Jokes on them , it does not work with Gog-Agog ! Ha !
Oh, goodness. If she’s not getting her head P e r i s h e d away, she’s getting her face potholed… poor Goggy. :’o
Good choice on song. I’ve never seen paprika but now I’m going to have to. It does really fit the comic.
It’d be so hype if Allison scored her first kill and key claim on Gog-Agog right now due to her training having made her more skillful and dangerous than the Seven thought. And it would be a nice change from the lack of any progress on that front.
Ha! To kill Gog-Agog she would need to burn 111,111 universes, and even then I think It could probably recover.
I don’t think this is going to lead to a fight between Allison and Agog. After all, the bearer of Beast has had her head smushed regularly and never reacted with violence. I’m guessing she’s going to end up on Allison’s side, at least for a while.
Her hat looks like a sideways slug
She’s a damage sponge? that’s far more concerning than her being dangerous
I believe it’s why the others tolerate her. She simply cannot be killed by and practical(even for a God) means.
Why is this terrifying parasite so adorable?
It is the mask of course!
She did get smashed in the mouth!
Well, this makes sense!
Hahaha! Blat!
So, the author of my favorite webcomic posts my favorite song? I won’t deny it: i am delighted
Oh and for those who do not get it, the reason Gog-Agog is the most powerful of all the demiurges is that “it” has infested literally a seventh of the entire cosmos. Every single servant is part of “it”, and “it” is part of all of them.
When you put salt into the water, the salt does not go away, it becomes part of the water. What happens when you add water to infinate salt? Gog-Agog doesn’t know but that won’t stop “it” from trying.
YES! Punch that unthinkable awfulness in her faceless face! For Mammon! Up the Moneybags, Down with the Usurper!
Your god is a butcher.
It is the nature of Gods to be butchers, or to have butchers amongst their followers. Belief comes from the knife, the pyre and the noose; terror, misery and ecstasy are its coin.
That may be true. But mine alone is the Butcher who carves the flesh of the universe so that all may have sustenance. The might of inter-universal capitalism is embodied in Lord Mammon – those who resist Him and the tide of history that rises at His back, are merely the fat of the universe to be trimmed away by His knife, or otherwise left for flavor.
The situation surely looks clowny…
But a punchline? Too soon?
This is good. *honks approvingly*
Duncan biscuits on the moon
Son of dreams is no buffoon
But he crafts war and silence too
They just killed a guy to make an entrance! How have they not run out of people to kill?
The great devourer has arrived, carried in a festively decorated pal-anquin.