King of Swords 7-62
Chapter: 7
“Energy in my heart is of chemical foam
A street of taxies, worn tires, blood and flesh
Behold all that is liberty is a parody of utopia
A shining boulevard of buyers and giga-movies
Minor Depression is a joke, La Vie en Rose is on sale
They say you should know you are happier than you realize”
how exactly were these words distributed, anyway
I believe it might have something to do with their personalities and situation.
uncle Mammon’s is Tower, because he used to be locked in one.
Salami Dave’s is diamond because he is shiny and polished, since he seems less insane.
Miss Nadia’s is Glory, because of her vanity.
Incubus’s is Flame, because he wants to watch the world burn.
and finally, Gog-Agog’s is Beast, because she/he/it is a collection of tiny beasts
Incubus is Flame because his flame burs away other peoples’ souls. The king of the pit’s flame is a curse that uses the tinder of others’ very essences.
Diamonds are also very hard.
One might say Unbreakable.
Is that motherfucking jojo reference?
Is it wrong that I want a spinoff about magical girl(?) Gog-Agog now?
Yes. Very wrong, and keenly disturbing.
I need it.
Gods dammit! I thought I left Reddit open on another tab!
Also: Are you walking towards MOI?
I wouldn’t. It’s far easier to shatter than cut a diamond.
And yet, still quite brittle…
That’s more or less my understanding too. The power that makes them the demiurges is a harmonious vibration, a “voice of God”, and the seven are the strongest not only because they’ve consumed a larger part of this power than anyone else but because they’re good at expressing it. They’ve found the words they “bear” by leaning into their own various temperaments until they became nothing but that one noun and allow it to define their entire timeless existence; purposely reducing themselves to broad archetypes.
All just to consolidate their power, of course.
By comparison, Alison is cheating by having the master key to God’s whole vocabulary shoved in her head. It gives her a lot of options, but it’s also going to make her slower. She doesn’t have that one thing she expresses with every particle of her being through which the power can be projected with the clarity and shamelessness of a two year old’s tantrum. In short she’s a human.
Come to think of it that’s probably a good word for her to bear when she’s ready.
Consider also: Bob Woodward’s book “Fear”.
The master key holds the true name of god, and thus AL-YIS-UN is the bearer of the word “I”.
By the above logic, as bearer of the word “I”, Allison’s power grows the more strongly she embodies herself, as opposed to what others expect of her.
The words weren’t distributed. For the authors part, he assigned it thematically, of course, but in universe, it’s likely the pieces they ended up with. The syllables/words of the Voice/Name of God are largely esoteric. It’s no simple language, much like the names of the angels themselves, and only translated into Universal Metaconstant by close approximation, but in the language of gods it is more complex, and can be translated to even longer.
This is why YISUN is said to have many other names, 999,000/777,777, but only one True Name. By extension, these words, are pieces of the true names in their smallest form, for we all know to true name is “I”. However, understanding them is a different story.
To understand them would be to attune to a part of the voice of God, attune to the power of Royalty. But normal people and demiurges, save for Zoss, have not attained Royalty through these means. This is where the Magus Gates/Keys come in. They are attuned to the Voice of God, letting the demiurges access a fraction of the power of Royalty (albeit likely only synthetically), and understanding their corresponding syllables.
See the wiki entry on Royalty. It’s there.
Glory is the pageantry, marvel in the luxury and power of Mottom, the resplendent queen in the gilded cage she made for herself.
Tower is the unassailable pinnacle from which Mammon placed himself. His wealth he collected and placed within, secure and safe for a seeming eternity. But to build a tower so impregnable to assault means that you will surely starve to death within it.
Behold, Incubus and his Flame of ambition. Watch as he bestows it, see the marvellous way it causes one to shine! Observe how it quickly burns away all of worth, yet leaves them hungry for more.
Like diamond is David’s will, the desire for vengeance that carried him through his training, that had him destroy his adopted order, his vengeful God, and all but 6 contenders. Like diamond he gleams, example and iron wall to rebellion. Diamond is hard, but brittle.
See how each barer takes the implicit and obvious lesson of their word. Recognize that they have failed to learn the secret lesson that fills the negative space of the first.
The beast, Gog-agog. Where does its meaning lie? We have yet to find out the depths of gog-agogs soul. Is it a jester, or is it’s simple capriciousness the only thing that has spared us from it?
Pretty sure it’s part of the 7-deadly sins motif.
Flame as representative of burning ambition (and lust for power)
Diamond both for pride AND as a good metaphor for Solomon’s rigid and static world.
Beast as in the green-eyed beast of envy.
Tower as the representation of greed. Both a monument to wealth and a means of securing it.
Glory is a bit more ephemeral, but it is a sharp observation to identify glory as something that must continually be fed. Gluttony might not seem glorious, but glory certainly tends to create a gluttony for more.
ah shit, yours is better than mine.
“Gluttony” is not so much an insatiable hunger for food as an insatiable hunger, period. In this manner, Glory is defined by hunger: the constant feeding, from fruit and human death, which fed her immortality; the hunger for Conquest; the Hunger for loot which drives her armies and mercenaries; the Hunger for her approval through which she controls, and is controlled by, her Court; the Hunger for conspicuous consumption within her Court which consumes her worlds and leaves them barren; the capitalist and colonialist Hunger of the Guilds, her relationship with which maintains her power and position outside of her worlds; her Hunger for life, safety, and control that keeps her living.
The secret name of God is I.
What one grasps of the Word grants one power. Not Royalty, perhaps. But close enough to see it, and covet it.
Consider the Tower; high, invincible, and indistinguishable from the tomb.
Consider Glory, beautiful and fleeting.
Consider Diamond; shining prisoner of its own perfection.
Consider Flame; bright, ravenous, and mindless.
Consider now the Prelate of BEAST, and meditate on the seven-part name of God.
The secret name of God is I.
What one grasps of the Word grants one knowledge. Not Royalty, perhaps.
But close enough to see it, and fear it
Consider the Tower, aloof, desolate,change and stagnation wrapped in one.
Consider Glory, bright, terrifying, and savage.
Consider Diamond, power and cruelty follow in its wake.
Consider Flame, inevitable, endless, and patient
Consider now the Prelate of BEAST, and leave the seven-part
name of God to fools and other desperate folk.
I am unsure, but I think we can all safely agree that strange beings distributing words of God is no basis for a system of government.
And it only took most of us humans only 6,000 years to figure out the separation of church and state. Well, those of us humans that are (more) civilized anyway.
Supreme executive power derives from a mandate of the masses. Worms in Gog-a-gog’s case.
AL-YIS-UN dispenses the violence inherent in the system repressing the mass of the worms.
YS ATUN VRAMA PRESH, are the seven syllables of royalty. Each demiurge has mastered one of them, and they’re the source of the demiurge’s power.
aw yeah baby, it’s clown time
We’re reaching maximum levels of HONK
No, that is only attainable through the Honkmother.
And gods help us if Gog has it
What makes you think she ISN’T the honkmother?
well shit that would be disastrous
Glory to the Honkmother !
Honk-HHOoOnk-Hoooinkh-Hunkhhhe !
*throws banana peel , runs away honking*
Awwwww Puddin’!!!!!!! ya make a girl laff!
Beware the Great Beast and her Court of Worms.
awww yiiissss ma guuurrrll
see try ta get rid of one beast clown goddess then tell me she does not deserve the fun
Stop bullying Scourge of Worlds, The Great Devourer.
It was her prettiest face so far, and it only took 1 panel before it got caved in…
But she fixed it just as fast! I think we’ll see it for a few panels more…
I think one should expect to be punched after appearing in explosion of worms, flesh and (if I see correctly) some fingernails. It’s not in good taste to leave such mess on someone’s balcony.
It was just a prank , bro.
only valid demiurge
Clown’s always valid.
Clown abuse , clown abuse , clo-o-own abu-u-use !!
*franticly honking*
“You find us funny, Messire Marquis, do you not? A source of amusement. Is that not so? With our pretty clothes, and our convoluted circumlocutions—“
Mr. Vandemar murmured, “I haven’t got a circumlo . . . “
“—and our little sillinesses of manner and behavior. And perhaps we are funny.”
Mr. Croup raised one finger then, and waggled it at de Carabas. “But you must never imagine,” he continued, “that just because something is funny, Messire Marquis, it is not also dangerous.”
-Neverwhere, by Neil Gaiman
Yup, that’s it right there. We’ve SEEN Gog-Agog get blasted by Mommon at the Council of Demiurges, and it was fine, although understandably upset at the loss of its mask-face.
As others have thought, how much humanity and predictability can a mass of worms HAVE? Is Gog-Agog aping humanity, trying to understand it and, of course, failing?
WE don’t KNOW. And that, I think, it what makes this jester-Demiurge dangerous and compelling. It hides behind a mask, but what lies beneath?
Well, this face seems to be hollow!
not everyone who suddenly shows up and yells at you needs their face punched in
Maybe it’s revenge for sticking an eye in Allison’s back?
I wonder if that will happen this time?
Oh but that is where you are mistaken.
Punching in the faces of those who show up unexpctedly yelling is a great way of avoiding dying by the hand of incompetent assassins
Well, she also made a huge mess of their porch.
Corollary: Some people that unexpectedly show up and yell at you DO need to have their face punched in.
Or shoot them.
Gog Agog is wearing quite a bit of red today. It makes one wonder if she has been speaking with a certain Red God.
Only demiurge with a magical girl transformation
For now….
She just exploded that guys body as an intro… I’d hardly call that magical. Also, she didn’t say the name of her transformation beforehand.
Exploding a dude’s body is very magical.
I’d watch this anime.
There any chance we could get just Gog Agog in that wonderful pose with simple background and no speech bubble. I’d love that as my phone background.
Punched In The Face, OK… Lots Of Bloodshed On This Page
I see that training with Incubus has taught Allison to punch people who describe themselves as her “pal”.
Or maybe that’s just all her interactions with the people around her.
Simply marvoluse! What an entrance! Sound and fury signifying everything. A Mask under a mask. Maybe she is masks all the way down. One pretending to be Many a la divine suicide.
The Beast of royalty is always looked down upon until it is too late. This is both by nature and intentional: “She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb In the shape of an “L” on her forehead” The lyrics don’t lie, only YISUN does.
Gog Agog promises to be a veritable font of amusement for my mask shaded eyes. Let the craziness continue!
Heh. I was thinking the same thing. Maybe she got the “loser” key? Hrmm… probably not. But still funny.
Maybe don’t antagonize the monster god clown until the situation warrants it?
Yeah…never give an insane God a _small_ injury.
Especially since this was one of the few demiurges who *likes* Al-YS-UN!
If you want people to give you a fair shake, don’t be a monster clown full of worms.
I’ve learned that one the hard way.
I am beginning to wonder how many of the Demiurges are secretly rooting for Allison at this point… About half know exactly where she is and now it seems two of them are directly helping her.
All of them know they will be obliterated, either by Allison or Zaid.
Currying favor might mean obliteration isn’t as harsh as it could be, or is possibly delayed.
Poor Gog Agog,
She wants to greet the new kid on the block, and previously was thinking Allison is cool – until Allison busts her in the chops.
Maybe it was the exploding body, rain of blood and shower of viscera that made Ali think it was a prelude to an attack.
Then again, just because you can do SUPER-PUNCH, AND KAMEHAMEHA attacks doesn’t mean you NEED to bust them out every time.
Nyave says, “Um, yeah. You just obliterated the pizza delivery person… AND the pizza, the door, the NEIGHBORS, AND THE NEXT BLOCK OF THE CITY !” ALLISON: “Whoops !”
Yeah, it’s a bad idea until you learn to at least spare the pizza.
Why does everyone hate on Gog-agog so much.
She’s just trying to be nice is all
Have you ever seen worms ‘just trying to be nice’?
Fear the disco rice whatever skin it wears.
I’m lobbying with the painters guild to legally have a group of worm’s defined as “disco rice”
come kill my competitors at 45887 & 5/7 burbury street, north district of throne. or just come to support the cause, with your meatshieldbody
lets make this happen folks.
stop being mean to her!!
Once your head gets blown up an punched enough times you might begin to wonder if it is not everyone else that has the problem.
Am i out of touch ? No. Its other people who are wrong.
the glue that holds the concordance of demiurges together
If you should meet God on the road, fuckin sucker punch the bitch.
Allison casts FIST
It’s not very effective.
Her arm is a wand and she only knows one spell (Punch)
A punch is always a good response against a clown.
This could only end in tears.
Oh, yes, delicious choice for accompanying music. Susumu Hirasawa is great in general, but this one in particular is delectably appropriate.