King of Swords 1-9
Chapter: 1
Imperishable and immortal, the secret fire of God called YISUN is like a perfect, gleaming jewel, with no flaws. YISUN has, had, and will have no equal – yet every moment of their existence, YISUN yearned for one.
-Psalms (Amkrator Vesh translation, circa 500 SC)
If your beard were half as magnificent, you could do this too.
But beware, any more than that is dangerous to the face upon which it sits. Only a true master can possess a true beard.
AL-YIS-UN doesn’t have a beard. She’s much smaller and much physically weaker, but also vastly much quicker and more powerful. She is not to be messed with.
At this rate, Zaid will be her beard.
I see what you did there. Nice work.
Objection: AL-YIS-UN does have a beard. You can see him right there last page.
G-d, beard puns. P E R F E C T.
One Beard to rule them all! One Beard to find them! One Beard to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them!
It’s not the beard on the outside, it’s the beard on the inside.
He doesn’t even need two hands. Strength is the least of Solomon David’s strengths.
Oh, that’s blatantly a Superman lift; meaning telekinesis is implied. Given we’ve seen other keyholders use telekinesis freely, he’s probably only touching the block for show.
Truly. One lifting with only hands must mind the center of gravity, which Solomon David does not
Given that he doesn’t seem to bother to put his hand where it would need to be in order to balance the rock, I would agree. It’s either that or really insanely grippy Spider-Man hands.
I think he lifts the stone that way, because he willed it to be that way.
Coming to you on a celestial road
Good loving, I got a temple load
And when you get it, you got something
Don’t worry, ’cause I’m coming
🎤 He’s a Sol-man! 🎺
He’s Sol-man! 🎷🎸🕶 🕶
🎤 He’s a Sol-man! 🎺
He’s Sol-man! 🎷🎸🕶 🕶
I don’t know why, but for some reason I knew his word was going to be Diamond. He just seems like a Vajra/Adamant Spear kind of guy.
Solomon David, bearer of the word Diamond.
Diamond Dave.
We are almost in 2021, and no one made a David Lee Roth joke yet…
appearently diamond makes you unable to physically age….OR probably be hurt physically without a ton of effort.
Diamond is unbreakable…
Diamond is HARD, enduring, structured, can withstand enormous pressure and is transparent in it’s purest form.
Yet it is brittle – a sharp blow at just the right point can cleave a diamond BUT be off ever so slightly and you get nothing but dust.
Diamond can endure heat, fire and yet it too can burn. Everything can burn.
Turn the tool at the right angle, and even the diamond will shatter along its inclination. Any flaw makes this easier.
And diamond will cut diamond. Have a sword sharper than diamond, and it will cut itself as well.
An edge of infinity, let us perhaps say.
Intra has friends. (hint hint)
SOLOMON DAVID’s weakness is that he takes from his people want and greed. Without those want growth is impossible. SOLOMON DAVID will not grow, and his people will not grow beneath him.
They are forever….
Thermodynamically untrue. Graphene is the lowest-energy form for complex carbons, which means over the aeons, those fancy rocks on the ring will decay into pencil lead.
That is only true if entropy is more powerful than advertising.
But are they a girl’s best friend?
Inconclusive evidence given the utter lack of girls around Solomon David. I would also suggest, he would make one annoying friend.
Him who mountain crush him no
Him who sun him stop him no
Him who hammer him break him no
Him who fire him fear him no
Him who raise him head above him heart
Him diamond
-The Late Terry Pratchet
I have not thought of that one in a long time. It really fits him too, doesn´t it?
GNU Terry Pratchett
Diamonds are amongst the hardest substances in the multiverse.
The element of carbon, the backbone of mortal life, crystallized and distilled into form nigh imperishable.
Yet, diamonds are still quite brittle.
I don’t know, there is something to say about diamond hard things… *giggle*
Carbon is born in the heart of a star
it fuels their fury, catalyzes
But as the star sickens and dies
it explodes, spreads the carbon far and wide
thus the carbon finds a friendly place
to coalesce, for molecules to embrace
it becomes complex, it breathes, it moves
from a simple star
it now becomes more than the sum of its parts
but life implies death, alas
as matter decays it turns to peat
the earth enfolds it
later it forms oil, coal, gas,
perhaps fuels the furnace of yet more life
And as the earth digests it
under unimaginable pressure
it eventually turns
into a crystal, something precious
For kings to wear upon their brows
A dream for thieves
scattered under the earth like autumn leaves
However the fact remains
that despite this cryptic transformation
Diamonds also burn.
The apparent contradiction of diamond’s surpassing hardness and surprising fragility misses a fundamental underlying truth: diamond is stable under extremes of pressure. Take a diamond to the pressures where mortals can live and it is no longer stable – with the input of just a little energy it will shatter to pieces or burn to soot. Where mortals can live, soot is the stable and resting state of the substance of life.
Something something JoJo reference.
Hmm. That guy kneeling to the right… Blond hair, black on the edges, a beard that doesn’t match… Is that Incubus being sneaky?
Bearer of the word SWOL
This is the best comment
do you have a complete alphabet for that script? (the one in purple directly above the red Solomon David)
That’s the Black Speech that devils speak. While we don’t have a full alphabet, Abbadon seems to.
That’s SUYUMUM DAIFID when transliterated (poorly)
Was updated today.
These are sturdy as hell sandals.
We’re men among men and manly men.
Yes, manly men are we.
We’re men among manly men among manly,
Manly men are we.
Hello favorite page. (What’s that… a 24 pack?)
I was half expecting his armpits to have beards of their own, but alas they are bare.
y’know, i’d’ve thought jadis would be the god of frozen form
Ah, but Jadis received her Word before she became the Witch in Glass
When Solomon first bore his, he was already untouchable.
I bet that Jadis’s word is Blade, for one need one hell of the sacred power of cutting to conceive the shape of the universe and thus learn the truth of all things.
Diamond and purple…
Is that a Prince tribute ?
Now I’m the king of the swingers, the jungle V.I.P
I reached the top and had to stop
And that’s what bothering me
I want to be a man, man-cub, and stroll right into town
And be just like those other men
I’m tired of monkeying around
Now don’t try to kid me, man-cub, I’ll make a deal with you
What I desire is man’s red fire to make my dreams come true
So give me the secret, man-cub, clue me what to do
Give me the power of man’s red flower so I can be like you
King Louie–Quoted without permission at great personal risk
This is hot.
I would worship this one
The wisest homo-scholars said this comic couldn’t get any gayer. But they could never have forseen bara-daddy David flexing for naked bara slaves.
Ah yes, the Diamond. Strong, solid, hard, inscrutable… but find a single flaw and it becomes dust…
! Hark, For King Solomon Is Here !
! Unbreakable, Unforgeable, Unending !
Could YISUN construct a stone so massive, even a total beefcake couldn’t use it as a dumbbell?