Chapter: 4
“The temple of the Eye Revealed, in its vastness, is an extremely dogmatic. Through countless interpretations of the etchings and mutterings of their corpse-goddess, they rule, as they say, from divine decree. I, for one, wouldn’t take my orders from a glorified slate, no matter how holy.”
-Payapop Pritram
cultivator zaid is so cool
Honestly, I kinda like the way he is going.
That is to say, he let his older self die.
It’s the 2020s, and the girl will save the guy, because that’s in the script of everything these days. (The boss-man can prove me wrong.)
You stupid room-temperature IQ moron. Yeah, it’s the 2020s, not 2015 like you seem to be stuck in.
First off, she already saved him a couple times, so get mad and stay mad.
First and a half, she has the key to the universe and he doesn’t. Bitch and moan about it.
Second, *he just did the rescuing two pages ago.* She didn’t just snap out of this on her own.
cute of you to think things were any different in 2015.
Are you okay there, Squidward?
Get a fucking grip dude.
“You stupid room-temperature IQ moron.”
Oh listen to you squeal, you gamma poof. Do it some more.
“First and a half, she has the key to the universe and he doesn’t.”
Because of course she does, and of course he doesn’t.
Die mad, I guess.
Projected the man who just wrote an angry tirade.
Wrong person, fool.
”, said Foamy, who will die mad.
The fucking knee jerk responses to low quality B8 here are astounding. Yall making yourselves look just as dumb as him.
Your point? Why bother making a comment if you will only outline that which is already known. For example: Addlepate the bold claims he is bold for stating the obvious. See? I didn’t add anything by making such a statement did I? Behold, an established plot element! Woe be to the easily offended.
Imagine getting so mad about a fictional woman in a comic that you not only spew vile homophobia but think that copying made up words from a club of sad little men defined by their inability to get a woman to look at them with anything but the most profound disgust is a sick burn and not the saddest moment of telling on yourself.
I’m a little confused. You’re upset because… the protagonist of this story is a woman?
And… you seem to think “female protagonists that does things” is a recent development?? What sorts of stories have you been reading if you think “woman is competent” is a new development in fiction?
clearly, the testorone poisoning has fossilized the crystalized sugar you call a central nervous system. A pity, you almost used to have a third-rate brain. Now it’s just poison toatstools all the way down.
Cope, seethe, ratio, L, etc etc etc etc etc
Your insults are weak and will not survive the winter. You are unworthy of the Exalted reference in your name.
Your opinion has been filed with the Bureau of Humanity. Expect me to care in four to six hundred years.
Oh and the strongest Solar and Terrestrial exalts were women. Be mad.
You’re kidding right? She’s done nothing *but* save his ass from day one. Treasure fortress of Yre? Rayuba? Zaid is the designated dude in distress in this story and has been for the whole strip since the Thorn Knights kidnapped his ass.
It is true Zaid has been the damsel in distress for most of the story, but to be fair to Zaid he did just save Allison from the delusions she was stuck in. He is doing pretty good for being a mere human in a realm of gods, demons, angels and monsters
Got a problem, simpleton ? Does the strong woman make you mad ? Are you fuming behind your computer as she, shockingly, saves a man like she’s been doing for the entire comic ?
Have you been reading this comic from the beginning – where the main protagonists have been a woman, a female presenting angel and a feminine demon and yet only just reached this conclusion now?
yep-thats what i find so bizarre. like, oh really, you just fucking noticed that about this comic?? like, you read nearly 5 arcs and you just fucking noticed her saving him? like, after the dragon-vult, the tornmant with power-which included the heroine quite Literally kicking rainbows out of people-and you just fucking noticed this comic is “woke”? like, how are you this blind??
Okay. People, slow down or speed up somewhere else, this comment thread is downright UNCOUTH right now.
What in the hell happened in here since the last time I looked? 😭 good lord
Trolls be getting bites.
I see
And so does Allison
Not in stereo though
*Oh Yeah!* *Clapping*
Pretty Colors
Probably want to get that checked out.
So! Just you 57 punks against Zaid! Master of KARATE! KUNG FU! JU-JUTSU! And all other shit you ain’t *never* heard of! AHHAHHAHAAHHA!!!!!
That’s Kah-rah-tee. I know because I’ve studied the blade.
Not in Keenan Ivory Williams 1989 masterpiece it wasn’t ;p
Some say Ka-Raté is descended from Ki-Rata, the most powerful martial art ever concieved.
Ki-Rata? Not enough to reach the apex.
I understood that reference!
Allison: “Me. I’m first”
Did that guy just split the blue sword in two ? and then it reformed ?
No just knocked it point first into the ground
Nah he just have two swords attached on his back, you can see it clearly on the second frame.
I believe the rider’s sword in panel 5 was deflected and thrust into the ground. Imagine, perhaps, a “boi-yoy-yoing” sound effect.
bad touch incoming
You have been banned from the Mickey Mouse club for inappropriate behaviour!
This is one of the funniest exchanges I have ever seen on the modern Web, but I can’t think of any way to compliment you without making it less funny.
boi 1-19 moment
traumatic flashback
“No number of guards can Gatekeep one who holds the Keys to the Gate. Gaslighting may work, but only against one who is not sufficiently Girlbossed” was something my mentor once said. Quite apt here.
Lately I find myself flipping back to the first page just to visually compare how far these two have come.
boy, zaid sure is lucky these guys are using sticks instead of swords
Honestly they ought to be using ranged spells. If there isn’t any danger of hitting something holy in the background, let them loose.
…may i ask, if we are all ready in this subject, how the duck dous this magic system work?
in a literal sense: you lie to god until your will becomes real
Well no, that’s more along the lines of divine casting, not something everybody can do. There is a well established magic system that.
…excuse me, kind kittey-of-5-thusand-years-before-grimdark, but it appers it your massege ends abraptley.
Nah, lying with enough persuasiveness and willpower is the magic system. There are three types, Red (transforming things), White (dividing things?), and Black (creation from nothing), and it seems that most lower level mages (called Vatra) appear to draw on pacts with devils for the power to accomplish such a feat. Regardless, there is no systemic approach to magic and as far as I am aware, there isn’t anything like spells or predicated rituals to its use.
Nah he’d be fine. He is a Hero of Swords, and they aren’t.
Has Allison’s power been illustrated like this often/ever before?
Transparent power under which the flesh may be seen vs the same solid hues as the demiurges.
Well she finally ignited the double halo of the Key of King of All Kings so I imagine something dramatic is about to happen.
Zaid got moves.
Too bad Allison has more.
32 Red Right Hand Crushes the Iniquitous is intrigued by the final panel. It is relevant to one’s interests. Now, let the crushing of iniquity commence!
pointy hats know royalty. pointy hats say to Alison, ‘Um, we good. He yours? Oh. double good us then.’
Payapop Pritram is right to be skeptical, however, people do even crazier things in the name of religion and belief all the time.
When you have two good eyes and cover one of them in combat, you’ve got to be an absolute badass or a complete fool.
Now taking bets on which one Zaid is.
My bet is: Yes.
Do not underestimate a fool. Especially in a multiverse where god is a liar and ignorance is a virtue.
I wonder what that makes Alison? Giving up an eye, an arm AND a leg!
We have already established that Allison makes the worst possible decision every time.
Cute, he thinks they will take turns beating the shit out of him, instead of just ganging up at the same time to beat the shit out of him
The rules of this universe are different. Earth tech doesn’t work, but in exchange group of opponents repel each other like electrons, meaning only 1 or 2 at most can approach you during a fight while the rest stands in a circle around you.
“In any martial arts fight, there is only a finite amount of ninjutsu available to each side in a given encounter. As a result, one ninja is a deadly threat, but an army of them are cannon fodder.”
ah, a watcher of the queen and king of infnite sarcasem! it is truley a joy to see one such as you, oh dear sir or kitty.
Personally, I think he’s just being badass. He knows he’s in trouble. But, since it’s probably Maya who’s been training him, he knows he’s got a chance to win this. Of course, Alison’s arrival makes it all a bit moot…
Callback to Jagganoth stealing her thunder!
You cannot escape the Red Miles.
Reach heaven through Strife.
[S] Ride the Lightning
Gee, Zaid, maybe you could see ahead of you better if you wore a mask with TWO EYE HOLES IN IT
Indeed, we only see Zaid’s one eye.
We have no idea what Zaid might be seeing with the other one.
Masks can show, as well as conceal.
He has a pretty picture of some horsies on the back to keep himself motivated.
Indeed. If the mask controls the swords, perhaps the vision of the other eye sees with the swords.
God, one of my favorite things about KSBD is that all too often in media, only the main character (and maybe the antagonist) are allowed to have a journey.
In KSBD, nobody’s standing still. Nobody’s willing to lie down and become static unless they’re a Demiurge and top of the heap. EVERYBODY tries to be more than they are.
Interesting architecture. The pillars here appear to have irregularly arranged gaps.
Now, we don’t bear the Shape. But if someone did, and knew when this place was constructed that somebody would one day unleash some significant Cutting Arts here, and was worried about structural integrity, they might not put stones where the cutting was going to take place.
Or it could just be really cool Villain Aesthetic. Which we respect even MORE than prophetic masonry.
she bout to go goblin mode