You know, that unsettling veiny throbbing superpowers thing Incubus has going on really seems like one of those techniques that takes a year off your life for every thirty seconds or so you utilize it. I wonder who he suckered into giving him those years.
When you think about it, its kind of like hes a heart. Before he started stealing destinies and the blood of heroes he was frail and white. Very similar to a heart emptied of blood.
16 Light Splashes Across The Dirty Streets Of Heaven
I am actually intrigued for how the thing about Incubus & Maya is going to resolve bc so far they both have shown redeemeable characteristics (for the setting)
I confess, I have no idea what is going on with Incubus anymore. He seemed standard evil nefarious conspirator. But now, I can’t really divine his intentions.
I think his intentions, weird as it sounds, are good. At least, not malicious. Incubus’ major malfunction is that he trusted and believed in his teacher. Considering that doing so led him from ‘starving orphan’ to ‘demiurge’ he has some decent empirical evidence that he was right. Unfortunately that teacher instilled values that more or less guarantee constant conflict.
Rather Maya is right about her intentions or just deluding herself, Meti screwed both of them up something fierce.
It is hard to tell if he is doing this out of kindness or out of a sense of “you are the backup plan and we are all fucked if you die”
I assume the reason why none of the demiurges went after Allison directly was because stealing her power would start this war between all the demiurges. Because it has actually started, taking Allison’s power isn’t as much of a threat, at least until Jagganoth dies.
Right now, I am pretty sure Jagganoth can’t be killed. The best hope for the demiurges would probably be to get Allison to run away, to find a way to escape the battle, find Allison, murder and or rob her, and then use the power to beat up big J.
The problem with that plan is, none of the six will be able to agree who gets the key. Of course, Metatron and the angels want it to be Zaid. I think Incubus may have a clue regarding Allison’s true status–that’s why he wants to save her, she’s his ace in the hole that no one suspects yet.
Ilyria Hlaalu, Traveling Furniture Salesperson and Daedra Slayer
It’s also true that Incubus knows about Zoss and his connection to Allison now, which is information none of the other Demiurges (except Jadis who knows literally everything) OR the Angels have. Meaning, he now has concrete proof that Allison IS the heir, chosen personally by Zoss.
Yes, and Mammon and Jadis wouldn’t seem very interested either. And Solomon said he was very interesting in talking to Allison, but at the time I still felt he was a bad guy and might try to take the key. I don’t think so now.
Incubus – much like Jagganoth – *was* operating on the principle that “Creation is fucked, we need to burn it all down and start over”. After meeting Alison and hearing what Zoss had to say to her…maybe he’s rethinking his position on how to unfuck things.
This is the way- the solution is not to continue the cycle of death and rebirth. It’s master, the Conquering King, might have taught Incubus something too…
42 Fragments the Universe Beyond All Reintegration
Well he used to represent lust for power, without responsibility, and without care for any living person. Perhaps he’s finally growing up? If he goes all Disney on us, I shall hurl.
Alternatively, I offer this conspiracy theory I found down the back of my mental sofa. Incubus is using Jagganoth to remove five of his competitors. He would then arm Allison as his torpedo of choice for getting rid of Metatron. With big M gone, Jagganoth would be lost and without purpose, and would disappear, either metaphysically or just collapsing into himself and ceasing to be a player. Incubus would then take the master key and be the last demiurge standing. Cue triumphal music, showers of shit-coloured confetti and dimming lights all over the wheel.
Maybe he has the right ideas and beliefs, but he’s absolutely not the person you want to act on them. His heart might be in the right place but he’s still a monster who shouldn’t be given the chance to do whatever it is he’s planning.
A strange sudden change from red to disconcerting white eyes, compounding the most fearful case of b-dmps one has seen in kalpa. Can a kind physician administer our Incubus some calcium blockers or ace inhibitors or the ilk, and get that blood pressure down before he does himself a mischief.
I’d be a bit more alarmed for Incubus in the last panel, but I strongly suspect his destiny is not to perish by that sword – more likely Maya’s. But even that is uncertain.
The one with the flying swords? I think it’s been narrowed down either SWORD or MIND. He and the lady encased in glass haven’t gotten splash pages yet.
I am constantly fascinated by the different twists and turns of Incubus’ character and plot threads.
So far, I actually kind of like him, though it’s true he’s awful.
i think the refrain of this book so far is simply: oh shit
Incubus may wish to partake of his own advice. Or at least sidestep with nonchalance at the fast approaching last moment.
at least incubus has enough of his shit together to actually try delaying Jaggy
This is why you should never skip leg day.
You know, that unsettling veiny throbbing superpowers thing Incubus has going on really seems like one of those techniques that takes a year off your life for every thirty seconds or so you utilize it. I wonder who he suckered into giving him those years.
Lots of people.
Daydreamer is observant.
Why do you think hes constantly tempting people with deals? Yoy need a steady supply of sacrifices for how much blood alchemy he uses.
“Oceans of blood”
“Buckets of gore, Oceans of blood,”
“Flow evermore, Sanguinerious flood!” ♬
When you think about it, its kind of like hes a heart. Before he started stealing destinies and the blood of heroes he was frail and white. Very similar to a heart emptied of blood.
That’s some choice combat music
Awesome anime, awesome music, awesome reference.
Za Pirōzu a fine choice indeed.
Haha, Youtube’s choice to cue next: “Come Down”
How does one find this link if one is using an iPad?
I am actually intrigued for how the thing about Incubus & Maya is going to resolve bc so far they both have shown redeemeable characteristics (for the setting)
I confess, I have no idea what is going on with Incubus anymore. He seemed standard evil nefarious conspirator. But now, I can’t really divine his intentions.
I think his intentions, weird as it sounds, are good. At least, not malicious. Incubus’ major malfunction is that he trusted and believed in his teacher. Considering that doing so led him from ‘starving orphan’ to ‘demiurge’ he has some decent empirical evidence that he was right. Unfortunately that teacher instilled values that more or less guarantee constant conflict.
Rather Maya is right about her intentions or just deluding herself, Meti screwed both of them up something fierce.
It is hard to tell if he is doing this out of kindness or out of a sense of “you are the backup plan and we are all fucked if you die”
I assume the reason why none of the demiurges went after Allison directly was because stealing her power would start this war between all the demiurges. Because it has actually started, taking Allison’s power isn’t as much of a threat, at least until Jagganoth dies.
Right now, I am pretty sure Jagganoth can’t be killed. The best hope for the demiurges would probably be to get Allison to run away, to find a way to escape the battle, find Allison, murder and or rob her, and then use the power to beat up big J.
The problem with that plan is, none of the six will be able to agree who gets the key. Of course, Metatron and the angels want it to be Zaid. I think Incubus may have a clue regarding Allison’s true status–that’s why he wants to save her, she’s his ace in the hole that no one suspects yet.
It’s also true that Incubus knows about Zoss and his connection to Allison now, which is information none of the other Demiurges (except Jadis who knows literally everything) OR the Angels have. Meaning, he now has concrete proof that Allison IS the heir, chosen personally by Zoss.
But Incubus already was convinced of that; he told Jagganoth as much during their tête-a-tête.
Well we know that Mottom hasn’t gone after her because she very much does not want the Master Key.
Yes, and Mammon and Jadis wouldn’t seem very interested either. And Solomon said he was very interesting in talking to Allison, but at the time I still felt he was a bad guy and might try to take the key. I don’t think so now.
Incubus – much like Jagganoth – *was* operating on the principle that “Creation is fucked, we need to burn it all down and start over”. After meeting Alison and hearing what Zoss had to say to her…maybe he’s rethinking his position on how to unfuck things.
This is the way- the solution is not to continue the cycle of death and rebirth. It’s master, the Conquering King, might have taught Incubus something too…
Well he used to represent lust for power, without responsibility, and without care for any living person. Perhaps he’s finally growing up? If he goes all Disney on us, I shall hurl.
Alternatively, I offer this conspiracy theory I found down the back of my mental sofa. Incubus is using Jagganoth to remove five of his competitors. He would then arm Allison as his torpedo of choice for getting rid of Metatron. With big M gone, Jagganoth would be lost and without purpose, and would disappear, either metaphysically or just collapsing into himself and ceasing to be a player. Incubus would then take the master key and be the last demiurge standing. Cue triumphal music, showers of shit-coloured confetti and dimming lights all over the wheel.
Maybe he has the right ideas and beliefs, but he’s absolutely not the person you want to act on them. His heart might be in the right place but he’s still a monster who shouldn’t be given the chance to do whatever it is he’s planning.
A good advice is gift one should not ignore
Incubus wants the mouse to live, so he will strike his peer down with all his might. As always, he’s the more attentive student.
How do people click on the video link? It just disappears as soon as I move my mosue
Right-click and select View Image Info. On the screen that comes up you’ll see Associated Text, which you can then copy and paste into your URL bar.
To quote scripture – what a glorious idiot you were.
Thank you!
I am a little lost as to how to do that on an android phone using Chrome, perhaps you could elaborate…?
I right clicked and View Image Info is not an option that appears.
Man I really hope nobody starts dying just yet
I’m terrified by the white eyes on Incubus in the last panel, as if his batteries had run out or something.
A strange sudden change from red to disconcerting white eyes, compounding the most fearful case of b-dmps one has seen in kalpa. Can a kind physician administer our Incubus some calcium blockers or ace inhibitors or the ilk, and get that blood pressure down before he does himself a mischief.
I interpreted it as something akin to a flashing cat’s eyes in the darkness, not his eyes actually changing color
Perfect fight music. Loved Fooly Cooly and the Pillows!
All the girls in the fifth panel look so…idk graceful? Like, really composed for nearly becoming shish-kebabs
I mean, she was trying.
Failing; but at the very least, trying.
Yes, everyone’s signing up for the Cio Programme in Really Sage and Useless Advice.
I’d be a bit more alarmed for Incubus in the last panel, but I strongly suspect his destiny is not to perish by that sword – more likely Maya’s. But even that is uncertain.
Indeed, I would remind people of just a few pages ago when Abaddon laughed at those who thought Solomon was about to eat it
If magic, glowing sword strikes Head of John, what happens?
One or the other must surely give way. Sorry John, my money is on the sword.
waaaaaaay out of your league lol
What word does the big red dude carry?
The one with the flying swords? I think it’s been narrowed down either SWORD or MIND. He and the lady encased in glass haven’t gotten splash pages yet.
I think I know what’s going to be in that youtube video, but how do I check it out? I can’t exactly copy-paste floating alt text.
As I found out today, if you click inspect on the image you can edit the alt text attribute, copy then paste.
Awesome! Thanks a lot for the tip.
(I was expecting the typical “Run” song bit. This is way better)
This is the first time the story actually feels like xianxia. FLYING SWORD LIGHTS.
I am constantly fascinated by the different twists and turns of Incubus’ character and plot threads.
So far, I actually kind of like him, though it’s true he’s awful.
I must say, I don’t like Incubus but some of the things he does endears him to me.
It seems that Jagganoth might have spent some time studying Kreia’s combat techniques. A truly dangerous fellow.
Run where?
Pretty sure she can’t get off Rayuba for obvious reason, and I doubt that she’d be safe anywhere on Rayuba.
To the gate. But she’ll need to be a good swimmer as it’s off shore and all the boats are smashed or sunk.
The now-frozen-water?
Im pretty sure Maya is coming in …if anyone is taking out incubus it’s gonna be her.