Chapter: 1
“The dread masters of this world meet under two circumstances: to discuss the terms of our enslavement, or absolute apocalypse. There is no good of their coming together. Much like a man will tell a storm is coming by the color of the sky, if you should see their meeting, you had best head for high ground.”
– Musko Reeve
if they only speak or gather to bemoan their lot or fight, then is it any wonder these gods are dissatisfied with themselves and each other?
We might at long last get to see what Gog-Agog is capable of in a struggle (if anything aside from comic relief).
The Worms are quite useless in a direct fight as they realize such things are meaningless posing. It is quite possible that once they get over the distraction that is each other they will find they have nothing left to rule. They would then rage for years and years deprived of food and rest untill they atleast collapse, then the Worms will take them too, one by one.
Word of god is that the Worms are the strongest, including Jabernath.
Or she absolutely would be if she weren’t terribly insane.
As many minds as she’s eaten, she should be like a god. As an army, unstoppable. As a spy, unstoppable. As a fighter… probably not bad.
A substantial fraction of Gog-Agog’s worm-eating parasite-minions were just reduced to ash by an atomic hellfire explosion, and she does not appear at all pleased. Vaporized herself, she reconstituted from worms that were underground (dormant for years?), indicating that, while her worm reserves are vast, the numbers may be finite, and are only increased via parasitism. And, if her power is a function of worm-count, she is now weaker.
A fraction? A few hundred out of worlds of worms have died.
Jabbernoth has done little more than split one of her hairs!
Do you think anyone can kill worms faster than she can acquire calories and crude protein? The worms can eat plain food (we see her eat stuff) and can teleport. She started as an non-sentient bug colony.
She’s unkillable.
We don’t even know what her word does!
Jabbernoth is an immortal with an atomic sword. If there’s one thing he has, it’s plenty of time to barbecue a whole planet if that’s what it takes. “She started as an non-sentient bug colony.” …sounds like kill enough, and she’ll be non-sentient again.
Gog-Agog is going to have to steal that weapon.
Big Red would have to barbecue at the very least approximately fifteen octillion planets, Throne, and The Road of Kings, not to mention any other places that Gog-Agog might be able to survive. And do it all before Gog-Agog could recolonize anywhere he’d already been. Not to mention that over time new locations become habitable. You can not kill Gog-Agog just be killing worms.
His whole goal is to end existence. I’m pretty sure he intends to mostly achieve this by litterally obliterating every world, reducing each dimension beyond every gate into an empty void , one at a time.
Who’s to say his intent is to go one-by-one? I’m in the “Gog’s stronger than she appears” camp, for the record, but I rather suspect has the substantial power to un-make Creation faster than one world at a time. It seems more likely to me that he simply came to remove the Demiurges first so he could do this unchallenged. Also he likes fighting.
“Big Red would have to barbecue at the very least approximately fifteen octillion planets” — And he’s just the guy to do it.
Worms = finite
Immortal = infinite time
If they grow faster than he can kill them, then their real threat is entropy, not the silly red man.
At that scale though, just throw him into a black hole and call it a day.
Worms are happiest during the feast following the fight. Battlefields and blood-soaked mud are banquets for them, after all.
Not sure that still applies where all bodies have been vaporized by a nuclear explosion.
Our annelid-based friend appears to subscribe to the ‘primitive metazoan’ school of surviving conflict. That is, being so incredibly numerous and versatile as to be functionally immortal against everything short of total planetary annihilation.
With that being said, one does not become a demiurge by merely playing defense.
Anyone who consumes a worm becomes Gog Agog as was established so I assume as a parasite they have amassed a good collection of bodies to handle any situation that their worms cannot deal with individually
Biggest question imo is where does the key go when they get separated? Is there a queen worm they swarm to?
If I were to wager a guess, I’d be a man to presume that since gog-agog is the idea of an unlikable worm parasite… Perhaps the key doesn’t exist in any one place, and merely is assigned to the entity known conceptually as gog-agog. Since the worm is all seeing and all present, it is possible that wherever it wishes to make it’s consciousness present is where the key will be, since that is what key teleports do anyway, put you where you want to be.
If that green… Candle… Melting onto her forehead is representative of the key-akey of gog-agog perhaps it exists outside of space and time and melts into reality in the same mind bending way the worm does?
It is difficult for me to tell what is artistic embellishment and intended feature of the magic system.
I mean, most of the magic in this world is made up of martial arts so I’m pretty sure bruce lee or ip man could beat everyone here thematically.
Bottom left panel shows the ‘candle’ has extended into a true key.
I don’t think Gog-Agog’s power is martial arts based. It seems more like demons, but with no need for a physical mask. Changing their nature to be something that fundametally cannot be killed permanently? That seems like it would drive you insane if you weren’t already.
Power cannot abide power.
Power abides; it is the corrupt who cannot abide power.
Else, would they ever wield their power?
Nay, they need not bring its might to bear in violence against those who lack it, when the mere threat of it will do.
Ponder this: when the corrupt wield their power against you, it is only because you have power they cannot abide.
Power abides.
The Dude abides.
The Dude = Power.
“Oh dear!”
“I say, Jagganoth, you certainly have grown! Why, I remember when you were only *this* high…”
Red guy is here to notify them of his retirement.
More likely he’ll inform them of their retirement.
Forceful retierment.
Hrmm… I got re-tired once. Wasn’t that bad.
Mammon might even go as far as calling Jagganoth a rapscallion. Be very afraid!
All the warriors
Huh, so those purple circles on the previous page were basically Solomon David’s radio waves.
I heard the third living creature say, “Come!”
Where’s incubus?
That’s a fine question now isn’t it?
I am in fact pondering that same question. I see two ways he may show up.
First is jumping in to stab somebody in the back.
Second is crawling in as a half-dead charred husk because Jagganoth did him in first.
Incubus is there, as Allison is.
Perhaps he is… incubating.
You’re fired.
Hatchin dastardly schemes no doubt.
Perilously close to a reunion with a spiteful old woman who’s been contemplating death.
A woman conspicuously absent from the cover.
Mammon’s looking much healthier!
She wishes she was Jadis
I’m fairly certain Mammon is the dragon, while the old lady who might wish to be infinitely preserved is Mottom.
Well, I guess this is where the push comes to shove. It’ll be curious to see how they approach this. Who’s going to stand, who’s going to run, who might shift allegiance…
Also, I’m curious if this is Gog’s way of “teleporting”, are these meant to be leftovers from their shattered forms and whatever was in the audience… or is the world itself just infested.
All the world is food for worms.
Good questions !
From what we’ve seen, I’d wager that all the demiurges can do jumps using their Key of Kings just as we saw Jadis do, and as Mottom and Mammon have now done. Jagganoth found a way to weaponize his transports to devastating effect. “IT’S WHAT I DO !”
Since Gog-Agog had what, six or seven of her selves ( and probably more ) around – yes, I believe we’re witnessing how she can reconstitute from her shattered remnants. “Let me pull myself together…!”
The very idea of seeing a truly infested world….Eeugh ! But then we don’t really know what that might be like. Would some be “Seas of Agog !?” Or might she like to have regular worlds with regular folks in them – along with lots of herself and her “joined folk” ? I think she’d get bored without other people to watch and be amused by.
Can Gog-Agog teleport? Can the individual worms teleport? Could we see an Ant Man moment?
This Gog does not seem to be teleporting, and she was already there anyway. It appears she did not deflect Jagganoth’s blast, and her worms disaggregated and were buried. Her humanoid composite form not invulnerable – as at the table when zapped by Mottom – but the worms themselves have survived and can excavate themselves and come together again.
One loves Gog’s sardonic dialogue, and the little tinkle of her bells.
One wonders how she *does* make little jingling bells out of worms. That probably took a *long* time to get right.
A light kindled in the sky, a blaze of yellow fire behind dark barriers.
Pippin… saw that it was the moon rising above the eastern shadows, now almost at the full. So the night was not yet old and for hours the dark journey would go on.
He stirred and spoke.
‘Where are we, Gandalf ?’ he asked.
‘In the realm of Gondor,’ the wizard answered.
‘The land of Anórien is still passing by.’….
‘What is that ?’ cried Pippin suddenly, clutching at Gandalf’s cloak.
‘Look ! Fire, red fire !
Are there dragons in this land ?
Look, there is another !’
For answer Gandalf cried aloud to his horse.
‘On, Shadowfax ! We must hasten. Time is short.
See ! The beacons of Gondor are alight, calling for aid.
War is kindled.
See, there is the fire on Amon Dîn, and flame on Eilenach; and there they go speeding west: Nardol, Erelas, Min-Rimmon, Calenhad, and the Halifirien on the borders of Rohan.’
~ The Lord of the Rings, The Return of the King. ~ J.R.R. Tolkien
I forgot that Gondor actually lit the beacons in the books and that Pippin didn’t have to mission improbably his way up to the beacon prye. DAMN YOU PETER JACKSON!
This ground is not the rock I…. thought it to be!
It’s been a long time since such a clash has happened. The end of an Era indeed.
I do hope that this regime change goes well.
Team Deathmatch!
I think this is more of a King of the Hill situation, with Jagganoth about to extend his hill by about 5 demiurge corpses
Well, Mottom said that in his present form Jaggy can only be defeated by all the others together, so here they are. Except Incubus, but they don’t know (yet) that he’s in cahoots with the big red guy. But his treason effectively means they can no longer defeat Jaggy. (Unless perhaps Maya shows up and tkaes back her Key? Where IS she, anyway? Not among the charred skeletons I presume.)
Is Gog-a-gog related to Captain Jack Harkness?
Aw man, somebody woke up grandpa dragon? But it was time for his afternoon nappy!
(Nice to see him out and about!)
Mottom holding onto that, “I told ya so,” energy to the grave.
When faced with probable crushing defeat, it’s good to take however many small victories you can get.
And now the full blossom comes, after long maturation, and it reeks of death and corpses.
YS Bey grant us much needed bonemeal.
Oh dear. *leaves*
5 vs 1? Seems fair.
I’ve seen 5:1 attacks fail in boardgames where an exchange took out everything and attacks at 1:5 or worse succeed with “attacker eliminated” results.
Mottom suggested even five and a half against Jagganoth would be a TPK.
Now’s high time to place your bets. Five demiurges against the red god? Seems like it’s anyone’s game!
I hope Alison rides Mammon.
That would be boss! I was thinking it would cool if Mammon did something really unexpected, because we are not expecting much. Being Allison’s steed would qualify.
Allison climbing up Mammon’s neck so she can talk to Jagganoth face to face.
Leave your smut fanfic out of this, sir.
Here we are at the beginning of the end. The long-watched pot has begun to simmer and full boil cannot be far away.
Uh oh this is getting intense
“Oh dear”
Same, bro
Frankly I am much more happy that Grandpa Dragon is here. I will be so sad when something happens to him…poor dear does not seem very combat ready.
Nice to see Mammon still being wonderfully understated even in relation to the end of all things.