Kill Six Billion Demons will resume updating with a double update this Saturday, April 12, and Tuesday, April 15. After that, to make things more confusing, it’ll start updating on Wednesdays. Which it was anyway. Praise YISUN!
Kill Six Billion Demons will resume updating with a double update this Saturday, April 12, and Tuesday, April 15. After that, to make things more confusing, it’ll start updating on Wednesdays. Which it was anyway. Praise YISUN!
Someone is crossing the Pacific Ocean to see me this week, so regular KSBD will update Tuesday, March 19 (perhaps sooner, but no promises), and there’ll be another short weeklong hiatus before we return to our regular (somewhat) schedule.
KSBD will resume updating next Tuesday, March 11. Sorry to leave you hanging, I need to accumulate a little more of a backlog so I can actually update on time and I’ll be fairly busy in a couple of weeks, […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The comic will update sometime tomorrow (Wednesday), thanks for the feedback on the update schedule! Looks like we’ll stick with ‘weekly’ for now. However, I’m going to try and get an issue based archive up (been meaning to do this […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
KSBD will update Thursday this week. Sorry for the inconsistency! Big things brewing plotwise. I want to run it out there – I’ll run a proper poll of some kind – would anyone be interested in possibly reading KSBD in […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Heads up, I have a formspring over here: http://new.spring.me/user/YSVOYA/ Feel free to ask questions about the comic, lore, etc and I will try and answer as best as I can!
Greetings Demiurges. Thanks to everyone who put something in for the contest! We have received close to 30 entries, several of which were drawn! If you didn’t see something on the tumblr, it doesn’t mean we have not read or […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Big thanks to those who picked up on the comic this weekend. I got retweeted by the fantastic Brandon Graham (http://royalboiler.tumblr.com) and Mr. James Hayes Barber (whoever you are!) so thanks a ton! Comic will continue updating in color and […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…