Q: What is this all about?
This is a webcomic! It’s graphic novel style, meaning it’s meant to be read in large chunks, but you can subject yourself to the agony of reading it a couple pages a week!
Q: Do you have a twitter/tumble machine? Just who the hell draws this thing anyway?
A mysterious comics goblin named Abbadon draws this mess. My twitter is @orbitaldropkick, my tumblr is orbitaldropkick.tumblr.com. If you’re feeling dangerous, you can e-mail me at ksbdabbadon@gmail.com
Q: A webcomic, eh? When does it update?
Tuesday and Friday evenings (and occasionally weekends). Sometimes it will be up quite late on those days.
Q: Who’s this YISUN guy that keeps getting talked about?
Someone has not read their Psalms and Spasms recently!
Q: What’s this about suggestions?
KSBD will periodically take suggestions, mostly on characters to stick in the background. You can also stick fanart, character ideas, concepts, and literature in the ‘Submit’ section up above. You need tumblr for this. If you want to suggest directly, the best way to do it is through the comments section below the comic! A huge chunk of minor characters have been named and inspired by reader comments so far.
Q: Can I buy this book in a more traditional format?
You absolutely can. You can get your hands on a print copy of the first and second books from Image comics in your local comics shop or anywhere else you can get comics. It looks fantastic in print and if you don’t like reading stuff online I highly recommend it.
I absolutely love this comic. It inspires me in such a way as I hardly ever feel. I would first of all like to thank you for making it. I would also like you to know that if you were to make merchandise, or put u a kickstarter or something, I would probably put money into that, and I think I am not alone in this.
I think I would actually buy an 82 White Chain plushie.
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I have just found this comic and desperately want prints of all these complicated beautiful Kill Six Billion Demons things so that I can put them on my walls. I will pay cash money dollars for this
Are there any future plans to get the series printed in the same (larger) size? Right now you can get large books 1-2, a small book 3, and a small book 4 on the way. I’d love to get a similar sized collection
OK, thank有verymuch
This is a test. I am *trying* to create an account. Serious business. Very serious business.
Also trying to make an account.
Is book six the final book? Sorry if that’s already been established I’m a new reader I started literally 2 days ago I’m on book 5 🥰
I’m absolutely blown away. This is the best, weirdest comic I’ve read in forever. I dig it the most!
Psalms and Spasms? I don’t even know what that is.
Is there further supplementary reading than is available in the Liturgy and Daemoniac?
So glad to find more of your awesome artwork! Expect fanarts galore *u*
I think something that’s very inspiring and evocative about the comic so far is how playfully vague and mysterious it can be about many of its concepts and its world. As a creator who is very eager to divulge and explain all the meticulous thought and ideas I pour into my work, I can say from experience that it’s not always a good idea. Some things are best left to the imagination and while it’s tempting to explain everything sometimes, i think it’s very important to maintain a degree of mystery and leave some of the world and its nuance to the imagination of the readers!
Not to say that wasn’t already your plan, just some feedback! I really love the way the text is peppered with references to obscure beings or concepts, like Red Magics and Multiple Earths. These all sound so cool and while I’d love for every neat detail mentioned to be explored, I think it would be better if many of them were left for us to wonder about. The omniverse is large, after all.
By the way, the way you include snippets of worldbuilding text from time to time and attribute quotes to historical figures and characters reminds me very much of Clive Barker’s Abarat. Your art and design inclinations as well, hehe, are you perhaps a fan? <:
If not, I would recommend it highly, it seems to be right up your alley.
I would count Abarat among my influences for this comic! It unironically owns!
I really like that comic! The world-building is amazing and I feel like I am reading a well-illustrated scripture of ecstatic cult, with all the references that might or might not be relevant or explained at all.
Was this at all inspired by the lessons of Vivec? It reminds me a lot of the Sermons, especially the most recent “Reach heaven through violence” bit. Really love the comic, keep it up! I’ll be reading along the whole way.
Indeed it was! I will maybe make an influences page some day so people can check out all the sweet stuff that inspired this comic.
Please do and please keep up the good work 🙂
Also your drawings remind a lot of Moebius (especially the big panoramas with hundreds of characters and stuff going on). I hope that’s a big compliment for you 😛
I love the visual style, but the Liturgy and the Lessons of Vivec influence has me hooked. I recognized the Vehk quote right away. Great work all around, I’m very inspired by the cosmology and culture you’re crafting here.
You’ll be very glad to hear there is more liturgy coming, as well as a ‘wiki’ where the daemoniac currently is. I’ve been meaning to revamp the site a bit for months now too but I’m actually the worst at doing things that are not comic.
Please tell me there are books of this comic so that I may buy all of them. @-@
I’m just curious, are you going to continue the MSPA version of this anywhere or at least archive it in some place on this site? I was reading it and I quite liked it, and though this comic is looking great so far it feels a bit weird to be starting from the beginning again (plus, I liked the main character as a FUN AND PEPPY sorority girl who DEFINITELY DOES NOT LIKE BOOKS AND NERD STUFF AND IN NO WAY HAS READ THE ENTIRE COLLECTED WORKS OF H.P. LOVECRAFT 10 tIMES, and I hope that’s carried over to this…)
It’s going to get carried over for sure, it’ll just be more fleshed out. Mr. Nietzsche might make an appearance again as well.
Hello, I am a speculative fiction writer interested in sharing your work on my well established website. I think the writing is beautifully strange and the artwork appropriately representative of the baroque style. My wife and I consider your work evocative of Mobius; a favorable comparison. Please consider chatting with me via email so we can discuss this in further detail. If you decide you are not interested, that is okay as well. I would still hope to see you continue your art and story as your time and lifestyle permit. It is FANTASTIC WORK!
I absolutely adore the rich world-building, vivid art-style and the mythology in the comic. Please let me know if you are ever interested in licensing this for a tabletop RPG.
Ditto! This world, art, and mystery has my brain spinning with inspiration. Do keep it!
I’m not sure if this is the right place to put this, but out of curiosity I have to ask.
Will we end up seeing more of the setting outside of the awesomeness that is Throne? 82 said that there’s an Earth in approximately half of the Universes, it would be really neat to see some of them and how weirdly they might be distanced from our own. Or even see some stuff of the Universes that don’t have an Earth.
I have just discovered your comic and I find it amazing. Please let me know if you have plans to take it to press or is it already available in print. Finally are you doing your pages digitally or working on standard size comic or manga paper?
I definitely plan to take it to print somehow, stay posted as to what form that will take. I will definitely at the least be recoloring all the earlier pages and doing a lot of cleanup all over. I work all digitally, I used to do all my inking traditionally but it stymied my creative process pretty hard. Thanks for the good vibes!
I’d just like to say, this is probably the best webcomic I’ve yet encountered anywhere. If you wouldn’t mind, what software are you using to put this together?
I haven’t been this awed and inspired by a story and its art since I was a child
I will gladly purchase any and all publications relating to ‘Kill Six Billion Demons’, and look forward to both a collection of the strips and a book of concept art and sketches
Oh Mr. Abbadon, how may a loyal fan support you in this endeavor? Forgive me if you’ve posted such info before, but KSBD is so addictive that I would suffer physical distress were you to be unable to continue due to financial woes. Your world building, character development, and story telling are the finest I’ve seen in webcomics, and I follow more than 100. And the art is brilliant as well. Please consider going Patreon or something, because I want to read this tale until you are done telling it, not until you get so busy with your day job that you have to retire it. Thanks. Oh, and Ciocie forever!
I’d like there to be a physical version of this sometime in the next year so keep your eyes peeled! You will probably be able to hold it and snuggle it at night like some kind of creeper!
Abaddon, if you need help with finding a publisher (in English and in translation) and navigating the book world, I’m a literary agent who specializes in comics. Would love to help out since I’m totally obsessed with this comic. My email is charlie [at] inkwellmanagement [dot] com
Dear Abbadon,
we’d love to produce the comic in Italy too.
Please feel free to contact me anytime at my email address, we’ll attend also Gama Show and GenCon later in 2015.
Thanks, wonderful work!
Just wanted to say I’ve never seen anything like this comic, it’s more of a godamn (master)art-piece.
Please make some sort of kickstarter, pantheon, publishing or merchandise.
Also I’m going to make a real painting based around your motifs, with credit to you of course!
Seasonal greetings from Sweden.
Please make a Patreon account so I can THROW MONEY AT YOU!
I’d also be willing to support you in Patreon
Man this is fantastic, beyond fenomenal, I want mooooooooooorrrreeeee, did u read by any chance Berserk, the manga? I think it will be on your taste because I know is on mine, and now yours is too 😀
Hi there. I just started reading this web comic today. So far Im liking it.
I was wondering, have you ever seen the Hell artwork by Wayne Douglas Barlowe? The reason i ask is that certain scenes put me in mind of his depictions of hell. If interested look him up on the web or check out the hardback “Brushfire: Illuminations from the Inferno”.
Now, pardon me while i get back to reading this most excellent web comic.
You should make large art prints of some of the comic strips and sign it. Then sell it, because I would like to buy 1.
The mythology is very well done. It feels authentic, like an ancient creation story.